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Make Your New Year's Resolution



to join the BZPRPG Season 2011. Because if you don't, I'll make my shore turtles hug you to death :P Savvy?


Seriously, even if you're a newb to RPGs, they're redoing everything, so the convoluted storyline will be gone, and the new environment will be newb-friendly. Everyone will be starting over.


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IC:Using his light-enhanced agility, he made a grab for the knife. However, it made a deep cut in his armor, and cut into the organic tissue. In a fit of rage, he stuck out his sword in front of Jolek's path. Because of his momentum, Jolek was headed right for it...


OOC: I guess I'm virtually fighting with one hand behind my back for now...


IC:Reaching as far as he could above Jolek, he used a shot of power to shoot the blade out of his hand and spinning wildy as I-forgot-her-confusingly-long-name. He didn't mean to actually do anything, just keep the being at bay.

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IC:Using his light-enhanced agility, he made a grab for the knife. However, it made a deep cut in his armor, and cut into the organic tissue. In a fit of rage, he stuck out his sword in front of Jolek's path. Because of his momentum, Jolek was headed right for it...


OOC: I guess I'm virtually fighting with one hand behind my back for now...


IC:Reaching as far as he could above Jolek, he used a shot of power to shoot the blade out of his hand and spinning wildy as I-forgot-her-confusingly-long-name. He didn't mean to actually do anything, just keep the being at bay.


IC: Using his control over magnetism, Jolek recalled his throwing knife. Now that he saw how agile The toa was, he had a feeling that the knife would only serve to wear them both down equally. Even though there was a good chance he would hold out longer thanks to his training and experience, Jolek wanted to keep as many advantages as possible.


'Okay, maybe I can-Karz!' he thought, noticing the fact that he was speeding straight into the blade. He had to jump it. He crouched slightly to build up power, and then leapt. He was sure he would clear the sword, but not so much that Kinika would be so kind as to hold it in place. In light of that, almost near the apex of his arc, Jolek corkscrewed, the torque adding a good foot in height. Thankfully, he was out of reach, and landed on the balls of his feet, rolling with the impact, as usual. Making sure he faced the Toa of Light, He continued circling the Toa, this time a little more slowly, discreetly.

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IC: Aexias shrugged off her cloak, baring her shoulders, then cautiously probed the spinning defenses of Kinika, thrusting quickly with her sword, then drawing back, only to thrust in another area. But he was spinning too fast to get a good lock on.


Mentally, she smiled. Then she continued to probe, again cautiously poking in at different parts of the defense of her opponent.


OOC: Aexias' not dumb, she just likes to create that impression :P

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IC:Without lowering his defenses, Kinika shot a wall of light at the new comer.

"You have no power, scum. Skakdi can only use elemental powers in conjunction. I don't see no friend of your species here, you sub-zero freak!"


OOC: Did you smile mentally because you can't stop smiling physically? XD

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IC: Aexias simply smiled-


-Then the wall of light hit her-


-Or hit where she had been-


-Because she stepped out of the wall, grinning from ear to ear.


"I call zis," she said, "My 'zub-zero vreak' zpecial."


And then her eyes shot twin beams of energy at Kinika's head, and a small sword was headed towards his chest, driving downwards.


OOC: Intangibility powers=cool. I still wouldn't pick them over illusions, but still, cool.

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IC:Kinika, spell-bound, hardly saw the sword coming. He released a miniscule energy storm in the direction of the Skakdi. Instead of hitting the Skakdi, it hit it's intended target-the sword.

"I will end you, coward!" he broke out of it by dragging himself out of her main field of vision. Taking Jolek's knife he chucked it, power charged.

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IC:Kinika, spell-bound, hardly saw the sword coming. He released a miniscule energy storm in the direction of the Skakdi. Instead of hitting the Skakdi, it hit it's intended target-the sword.

"I will end you, coward!" he broke out of it by dragging himself out of her main field of vision. Taking Jolek's knife he chucked it, power charged.

OOC: Um, no.


IC: "No sell, twinkle-boy." Jolek said, magnetically catching the knife out of the air, and sheathing it in one smooth motion. This kid needed to be taken down a notch, that attitude and disrespect would get him killed in a real battle. If was taking this seriously, so would Jolek. Charging his Elemental powers, Jolek Gave the Toa of Light's torso a negative charge. His arms, positive. As a result of the laws of Magnetism, Kinika's arms were bound to his sides.


"Kid, you really need to learn to respect your peers, even if you don't like it. You're part of a team, and that'll get you nowhere"


Activating his Pakari, Jolek sprinted towards the toa of Light, running at Top speed, completely focused on removing the threat. Normally, this state only came about in life-or-death combat, but the toa of Light had struck a nerve, In fact, it reminded him of one thing he detested, loathed, seethed in anger at the mere mention of: The Kin. As he recalled their atrocities, he redoubled his speed, crossing the field so fast, you'd almost think he had a Kakama. As he neared the toa of Light, he drew his fist back, poured all of his strength, rage, and Spirit into the punch he threw, headed straight for Kinika's face.



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IC: Aexias rolled her eyes and shot at her foe with some spellbinder vision-after all, it didn't hurt to take precautions. She readied her fencing stance, sideways as to make herself less of a target, elbow at hip, with hand and sword pointing horizontally towards Kinika, and her other hand on her hip facing away from the fight.


But then she heard something like footsteps and frowned.


Another one?


Turning, Aexias pivoted on her back foot so as not to lose her position, and faced the arena door. Whoever was coming, they obviously weren't trying to conceal themselves...

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IC:Smiling so coldly you would have thought he was a toa of ice, he simply integrated his mask power into his elemental energy. As soon as Jolk hit him, he was forced back by an energy field that had the strength of a Pakari.

"You don't like being hit, do you? Oh yeah, and anger gets you reckless, and that gets you dead. I have something to teach you. How to not be a sore loser."

Pounding the ground with Pakari-power, Kinika sent tremors through the ground.

He turned to Aexias.

"You actually combat with him? Talk about a temper."


OOC: Hehe, never heard of combative speech, huh, Rez? :P Hey, this could bring on a clash between Jolek and Kinika, because of Kinika's cocky nature, and Jolek's quick temper.

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IC:Smiling so coldly you would have thought he was a toa of ice, he simply integrated his mask power into his elemental energy. As soon as Jolk hit him, he was forced back by an energy field that had the strength of a Pakari.

"You don't like being hit, do you? Oh yeah, and anger gets you reckless, and that gets you dead. I have something to teach you. How to not be a sore loser."

Pounding the ground with Pakari-power, Kinika sent tremors through the ground.

He turned to Aexias.

"You actually combat with him? Talk about a temper."


OOC: Hehe, never heard of combative speech, huh, Rez? :P


OOC: Oh, I have, It's just that the whole Kin thing is still fresh in Jolek's mind, and he really, really hates them, for what they've done. They killed an entire race, for cark's sake. He normally keeps his cool, it's just that the remark Kinika made reminded him of the Kin's bigotry, leading to their hate crimes, leading to the Nogan Massacre. Also, integrating his mask power into his elemental energy. What?


IC: "Hmph." Jolek said, rolling with the blow and landing back on his feet. "Too arrogant to even listen, huh? Well, I'll just stop talking, then." The problem wasn't getting hit, no. He could deal with that.


'Sore loser? The karz was he talkin' about? he really does have a big head, if he thinks he's beating me.'


Taking advantage of Kinika's momentary distraction, Jolek sent his throwing knife speeding towards The Toa of Light, at the same time, strengthening the bonds on his arms and binding his legs together in the same manner. Essentially being tied up by magnetism, Kinika was in a bad stituation, only able to rely on his element.


Unstrapping his warhammer, Jolek slowly walked towards Kinika, Watching him with a steely gaze.

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OOC: Hmm, because I blew you back, it would've shattered concentration, and you know what that means. What's the Kin?


IC: "Do you you not think I can fight all night? Hmm, I think I know the reason for your ego. As a toa of light, I had a celebration upon becoming a toa. What did you get? A pat on the back? We have another name for Magnetism back in Karda Nui. Hehe, 'metal ripoffs'"

Kinika surged light bolts into the ground, making no ground safe.


OOC: Two birds with one stone, you know?

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OOC: Hmm, because I blew you back, it would've shattered concentration, and you know what that means. What's the Kin?


IC: "Do you you not think I can fight all night? Hmm, I think I know the reason for your ego. As a toa of light, I had a celebration upon becoming a toa. What did you get? A pat on the back? We have another name for Magnetism back in Karda Nui. Hehe, 'metal ripoffs'"

Kinika surged light bolts into the ground, making no ground safe.


OOC: Two birds with one stone, you know?

OOC: Um, what? He did everything in that post after he landed. And the Kin kind of caused a genocide by thinking only Toa and Matoran should live. Like a super-KKK, if you will. lolol @ "Jolek's Ego."


IC: "All the more proof of your inexperience, mate." Jolek said with a wolfish grin. He'd heard that one millions of times, and only the first 15 or so had annoyed him. Leaping up, utilizing his pakari to ease the jump, Jolek grabbed the wall, creating a foothold with which to be safe from the light. Now, he had to highten his focus, concentrate on a single point, Be absolutely ignorant of anything else.


There. Still miniscule, almost invisible even with his magnetic sense finely honed, sharp as a razor, was an atom of Uranium in the ground,the largest naturally occurring element. Of course, Jolek didn't care what it was, just that he could see it.


Concentrating, giving more focus to it than anything else had ever done, He saw a clump of positive and a hase of negative. "Can a Toa of Iron do this?" Allowing himself a grin, he switched their charges.


A massive explosion ripped throught the soil, nearly bringing down half of the colisseum in it's power. There were some things a Toa of magnetism should not learn. One of them was anti-matter.


OOC: I'll reiterate. Jolek created Anti-matter. I'm not sure that's the most realistic thing ever, but CARK HAVE I WANTED TO WRITE THAT FOR SO LONG.

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But yeah, all that kin stuff wil be gone for this year.


Reboot, remember?


So Jolek, since I'll be keeping him pretty much the same, wouldn't flare up at that. Just be all like "Meh. Overconfident Toa is Overconfident."


But about that anti matter thing...


That's going in an epic, if I ever write one. Along with Obsidius creating a veritable hurricane of Obsidian thanks to a volcano being right next to an arctic region in a world where climates can be wierd like

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EDIT: OOC: "...And a happy New Year! Now...


Bring us some figgy pudding, now bring us some figgy pudding, and bring it right here!"




IC: Meanwhile, Aexias, seeing the light bolts rush towards her, leapt up and onto the wall. Sticking her small sword into it, she waited for the attack to pass, then headed back towards the arena entrance.

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Hay, if you haven't noticed, I haven't been around, and I won't be around today either, cuz I gotta go up to my cousins in NYC or sumthin, so KNI, you're on your own for the time being.

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Yeah, that's likely what krayz had to change. Maybe the mask too?




I liked it when he could teleport...




Anyways, I've suggested it before, but what would guys say to a round of mock combat, so you can sort of get a feel for it?


Clarification. When I mentioned that I needed to modify him, I was operating under the assumption that titans are not allowed at all. Because of this, I was going to have to change his species to a really bulky toa of gravity with a kualsi and everything else would be the same, aside from his history of course. If titans are allowed, then I would have it so everything is the same except he is not quite as strong.


Anyway, any chance I could have Krayzikk join this group?


And also, completely unrelated to all above things, all the characters in these comments are made of win.


Finally, Happy New Year!

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OOC: Ok, so Hatter retreated? One down, one to go.


IC:Kinika, seeing one enemy retreat, prepared to attack Jolek.

"Your friend bailed. But you see, she's the smart one. But I have decided this training battle has gotten out of hand."

Then, patting his ally on the back...

"Never call me kid, again."

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OOC: Ok, so Hatter retreated? One down, one to go.


Aexias disagrees with you :P


@Krayz: Thanks! I love this char ^_^ And, uh, sure, I guess. Only prob: we're going to probly have something like 8 dudes, at this rate.


IC: The words were cold, fierce.


"I never retreet."


Turning, Kinika saw Aexias standing in her fencing pose, small sword aimed at him, a few bios away.


"I am meerly waiting. But az eet zeemz that your partnur ees not cuming for a vhile, I zhall fight yoo."


She stalked towards him gracefully, keeping the sword aimed at Kinika.

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Yeah, that's likely what krayz had to change. Maybe the mask too?




I liked it when he could teleport...




Anyways, I've suggested it before, but what would guys say to a round of mock combat, so you can sort of get a feel for it?


Clarification. When I mentioned that I needed to modify him, I was operating under the assumption that titans are not allowed at all. Because of this, I was going to have to change his species to a really bulky toa of gravity with a kualsi and everything else would be the same, aside from his history of course. If titans are allowed, then I would have it so everything is the same except he is not quite as strong.


Anyway, any chance I could have Krayzikk join this group?


And also, completely unrelated to all above things, all the characters in these comments are made of win.


Finally, Happy New Year!

Cool. You're in, but it looks like we may have to cut off joinage at this time, or do it over the first month or two.


OOC: Ok, so Hatter retreated? One down, one to go.


IC:Kinika, seeing one enemy retreat, prepared to attack Jolek.

"Your friend bailed. But you see, she's the smart one. But I have decided this training battle has gotten out of hand."

Then, patting his ally on the back...

"Never call me kid, again."


IC: "Bailed? I wouldn't be so sure, kiddo. Although, I'll give it to ya, you're right. She is a smart one. If you would be so observant as to look directly behind you, you'd see why." Jolek said, grinning as he glanced at the Skakdi, who had managed to get right behind Kinika, in a completely sideways stance, so as to be able to respond to attacks from both. At least, that's what it appeared to be.

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Cool, and I can join later as it would be fun to have him start out confident and get knocked down off his high-horse before joining. This is shapeing up to be a great year for the BZPRPG.

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IC:"Remind me to find that Vortixx, Jolek."

Shooting a wall of light at Jolek, he made it spin wildly.

"If I'll be fighting alongside you, I need to know what you can do."

Taking all the light from around Jolek, minus the spinning wall, he started walking towards him, longsword in hand.

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IC: As the light faded around him, Jolek quickly shut his eyes, so he could better concentrate on hearing. Good thing too, because the intense vortex of light was still blinding even behind his eyelids. He raised an arm to further shield himself, simultaneous sending a magnetic pulse in all directions in an attepmt to keep the Toa at bay.


"Correction. You'll be fighting alongside me, yes. Except... It won't be me. I'm from an entirely different dimension, another universe, if you will. One that's story is drawing to a close. All be hanging around the Fortress, sure. But the new story, just waiting to begin? That'll be a different me. An alternate version, or something. We'll be both the same and not. Who knows? Maybe I'll drop in, give some advice when he needs it. But for the time being? Me, and my story? We're done. And besides, you'd forget this anyway. So,"


Crouching, he activated his Pakari and leapt a good 25 feet into the air, above the vortex and the field of shadow. Landing deftly, he opened his eyes, a new fire alight in them. "-Show me. Show me if you can make sure you both stay alive, if you all stay alive. Think you can do it? Show me!"

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