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Mass Effect 2 Wallpaper




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that game has provided me with many great screenshots

as you can see, I chose to make the Omega 4 relay my wallpaper





I beat ME2 with my ME1 save. The Reaper was pretty cool, and I liked the classic style of the boss fight: HIT WEAK POINT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE.


I started another playthrough as a female Infiltrator (my "main" playthrough is a male Soldier) and am so far pretty disappointed. The powers are pretty meh, SMG is bad, the starting sniper rifle is atrocious, and the powerful pistol has a low ammo count. Things will hopefully get better once I get a better rifle; unfortunately there's no upgrade for max pistol ammo. Basically right now I'm using the SMG most of the time because of the low ammo of the other two, which makes me less like an "infiltrator." I should be sniping people from afar, using my pistol only when necessary, not running-and-gunning with an SMG.


While on the topic of weapons, is it just me or is the shotgun useless? In my soldier playthrough, I was tiring of my usual assault rifle/sniper rifle combo, so I decided to give the pistol and shotgun some love. Point-blank shotgun blast, disruptor ammo, 5 shotgun damage upgrades, and it only damaged a LOKI mech's health by about half. IT SHOULD HAVE WENT FLYING THROUGH THE AIR. It's really disappointing, because the shotgun in ME1 really packed a punch.



(wow this entry ended up being longer than I planned)


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I don't klnow what difficulty you're playing on, but for me, the Mantis has always been a one-hit-kill on most weaker enemies. And I'm in love with fireball. With Infiltrator, I recommend you get the Widow on the Collector Ship. Of course, that's my recommendation for Soldiers, too. =P


As for the shotgun, the only good one, I've found, is the Eviscerator, which is DLC from Cerberus Network. Vanguard's still pretty bloody fun, though.

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Adept is funnest class IMO. SMGs get higher damage outputs and heavy pistols have more spare ammo as one. Plus you get fancy pants biotic powers.
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@Xae: Mantis has fine damage, it's the "bolt-action" aspect I don't like. And the Widow is too, so I'll probably stick with the Viper once I get it. On my Soldier playthrough, I went with the Revenant LMG.


@E: I might do a playthrough as a biotic after this one.


@Static: Soldiers do get powers, they're just not as fancy. Plus, with Advanced Training, you can get any power your teammates have.

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Adept is funnest class IMO. SMGs get higher damage outputs and heavy pistols have more spare ammo as one. Plus you get fancy pants biotic powers.

We'll have to disagree here. I absolutely love Vanguard when it comes to biotics. You runSHEPARD CHARGE around the battlefield like a complete fool, murdering mercs/geth/LOKI mechs with your shotgun.


It's hilarious.


ALSO: Haz, I find the bolt-action aspect isn't that annoying, myself. To the extent that, when using the Viper, half the time I unscope after every shot.

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Yeah, I was playing earlier today and I got used to the bolt-action-ness. Also, according to the wiki, the semi-auto is a lot weaker than the Viper and Widow, so I'll probably stick to the Widow once I get it.
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Haz, all you need to know is, with the Visor and several upgrades, the Widow instakills Harbinger.


Plus, it's hilarious. It's an 86 pound sniper rifle.

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