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Wa Contest #1: Team #2 Discussion Entry



Team #2, KNI, Daedalus, and myself, we have a contest to win. We don't have much to go on, which is good. My plan is that we should enlist in each one, though I'm not sure who should write the SS, if anyone. Any ideas?


Oh, yeah, one last thing: doods, if we write for either, could people please use Arcanio and Virgil? I'd like to use them, as they have almost no backstory or anything, as well as SHEER AWESOMENESS :3


If no one knows what I'm talking about, here's my Arcanio/Virgil sample:


Arcanio's steps seemed to split the earth itself.


A giant of a man, Arcanio literally shook the earth with each step his comically small legs took. That is, comically small compared to the hulking mass of muscle and sinew that was his torso. Covered in armor fashioned of a silver metal, he appeared to be a monstrosity even more so when one examined his right arm. Unlike Arcanio's left arm, it was covered in a mishapen mass of metal that made it three times thicker than the other arm. Claws came out of its stumpy ending instead of fingers, lethal stilettos ready to stab. Half of his face, as well, was covered by the same gunmetal blob. Dangling lose at his belt was a war hammer, and a serious-looking one at that. Covered in glowing red and white runes, the hammer had a huge axe blade on one side, whereas the other had the traditional metal head. To top it off, literally, the top of the hammer had a huge spike mounted upon it. His face was covered by a helmet shaped like a wolf's head, which was appropiate considering his company. Next to the giant, a gray wolf plodded along faithfully, its blue eyes showing a stoic determination like its master's. Virgil was the pet's name, but Arcanio did not consider Virgil a "pet"; rather, to him, the canine was his partner.


The two travelled on through a canyon, its walls a rusty red. Once, long ago, a stream had babbled there. Now, the only sounds were the shaking of the earth under Arcanio's feet andt he cawing of crows. He saw a throng of them overhead now, descending. It was all prefectly normal-


-Except for the fact that crows didn't live in the desert.


Suddenly, one of them dive-bombed Virgil, biting the wolf in the ear. Howling, Virgil twisted this way and that, trying to shake the bird off, but more were coming, and soon, the wolf was covered in crows, snapping and clawing at him.


And then Arcanio descended upon them like a thunderbolt, literally. He had been preparing all this time, storing his magic, and now he unleashed it, lightning sparking off his right arm and hitting the crows. They scattered, shocked, then re-formed, and turned to attack Arcanio himself.


At first, their pecks were just a nuisance as he shocked them off, but gradually, he realized two things: his electric attacks weren't affecting them any more, and his armor was being penetrated by their beaks. Slowly, ever so slowly, he was losing.


Now, he decided, was time to fight. Grasping his war hammer's hilt, he threw it, spinning, into the crowd of crows. They screamed, trying to get away from it, only to die smashed by one head, impaled by the spike, or cut in half by the blade. Flying around, the hammer cut another swath through his foes before Arcanios caught it. That dealt with most of his enemies.


However, the few left were still pecking and clawing at him, and he was, by this time, covered in stabs and slashes made by the crow's natural weapons. Arcanios tried to punch them off, but to no avail. The crows seemed to have a near-magnetic grip on his armor, not to mention a near-metal constituition of their feathers. Closing his eyes, Arcanios prepared to die-


-And then heard a howling battle cry. Reopening his lids, the titan saw Virgil, descending upon the crows once more. Smiling, Arcanios used his last bit of magic to turn Virgil's fur into metal temporarily, and the iron wolf literally wolfed down his enemies as they fultiley tried to pierce the wolf's armor, gulping them down like chicken.


Finally, the battle was over, the canyon floor covered with the corpses of the birds. Sitting back and relaxing in the shade of the canyon, Arcanios and Virgil licked their wounds, then, tired from the combat, went to sleep.


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Well, in the SS contest, it's 3+, so we can have both Arcanio and Virgil ;)


However, you're right about Epics. Hm...I guess we can kick Virgil out of that.

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*Incoming Transmission*


Good question. I only have three stories currently on BZP, and the main character in two of those died. I suppose they could still be used, but... :shrugs:


*End Transmission*

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:tohu: Well, I think we should use characters that work well together, so A & V would be a good choice. I usually write bionicle characters, so that crosses out mine. Oh wait! *Goes to SS forum, writes story, and comes back* We could use Crase... :tohu:
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Yeah, I read your stories, and I think that's our biggest problem. Well, let's see the choices we could make without using any necromancy ( :P ):


Hawk Six

Virgil (Sample)

Arcanio (Sample)

Lyaet (EPM)

Rau (EPM)

Deus (EPM)

Sir Geoffrey (Ignition)

Arytai (BD)



Jersu (LoJ: ToS)

Dermus (LoJ: ToS)



Kevin (TBaDO)


Those are the only chars I can remember right now that we could use. I'm probably missing a few, so don't hesitate to add more. Just in case you were wondering, the acronyms next to their names stand for the work they were included in.

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I noticed. We could always do a crossover, but then again, I don't feel like it's the best thing. So, yeah, we should probly stick to non-Bionicle.

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:tohu: Exactly. Due to the fact that each of us has atleast one elegible char, we can choose one of each. I suggest a team of four:


Hatter Mangai:

A & V




Chrase (Again, just wrote a story :) )


Considering this, we should formulate, from study of the char, which one each member of us wants to write about.

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Okay, that looks good for as a basic plan for Epics, unless if anyone would like to object...?


Now, for SS, I think we should also do that, but who should write the story? I nominate myself XP

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*Incoming Transmission*


I'm here, I'm here!


Just read all the previous posts, and to KNI: That is a good idea, but a problem with that is difference in style. Generally, as writers, our styles are different. That's what makes us unique. Now, it would be fine in an epic; the difference in style won't be so incredibly noticeable since it would be broken up in chapters. I fear, however, that if we each write an equal portion of a short story, it will be a bit more noticeable. Of course, we do have quite a bit of time until the deadline, so we could try it out and see how it goes.


That's what I think, anyways.


*End Transmission*

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:tohu: You bring up a very good point Daedalus, however, maybe the change in style could work nicely. The way I see it, this contest is like, shall we say, a stew, if you will. Now, a bland stew isn't good, it isn't tasty. But, mixed the correct way, it can taste awesome. Let's make an SS stew. :tohu:
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:tohu: Now, one person writing the first five, next writing five, then the last doing five, that'd be choppy. Might I suggest:

Hatter Mangai paragragh 1

Daedalus paragragh 2

KNI paragragh 3

HM 4

Dalus 5



And so on in that order. First of all, we should elect a leader of sorts. Do you suggest someone Dalus? :tohu:

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*Incoming Transmission*


Well, it should probably be the person with the most writing experience, but I'm not sure. Who do you guys suggest?


*End Transmission*

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I guess me XP


I like your idea somewhat, KNI, and it'd be nice to try it out. However, one of the biggest problems I see is this-some paragraphs can be just a sentence long, if they're a simple part of the story. And if the person after that writes an incredibly epic paragraph, then it'll really stand out. In any case, though, I guess we'll give it a go.

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:tohu: I agree. Hatter, you're now our team leader. Congrats. Have a cookie. *Gives Mangai a cookie*


That, that could cause a potential problem. But hey, let's try. Write a starting paragragh, post it here, and Dalus will do the next one, then I'll do the third. Then we start over again. We'll have our prelimanary work, which we can add to, and take off of. What do you say the topic will be...invasion.


Listen guys, we're up against tough competition. Addy and Zar are teamed up with RM.


Anyways, let''s get writing! :tohu:

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*Incoming Transmission*


Wait, are we just going to make up a story as we go along, or are we going to plan a general idea for a story? I don't really mind either way, I'd just like to know.


*End Transmission*

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Well, here goes nothing...


Arcanio and Virgil stood back to back, two titans at the edge of the world, as the sun bled away its crimson light, its death spasms on the horizon. Bloodied, exhausted, they stood, ready for anything. And they were not alone.
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*Incoming Transmission*


I have a feeling this is going to get interesting...


"You have been fighting for your lives too long," said a smooth, calm voice. "You can relax, at least for the moment. You needn't fear me."

*End Transmission*

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:tohu: I think I'll throw in a twist...

Virgil growled, suspicious. Arcanios mentally scanned the surrounding area, remembering where he'd been, and what to do next. As much as he wanted to welcome the soothing voice, he hesitated. Virgil obviously didn't trust it. And Virgil was almost never wrong.
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"No, thanks," rumbled the iron collossus, his huge left arm moving absent-mindedly as it slowly came down, pointing towards the unconscious body of the human the two were protecting. "I'd like to," he continued, "But, as Virgil-," here he pointed to the wolf, "-here can testify, we have a person to protect. All other priorities come second," he boomed firmly. Then, pulling his hammer out of his belt, he rumbled once more, a trace of lethal mirth in his voice, "Unless you'd like to become our first priority...To take out?"


I believe the human could be just about anyone...


EDIT: Oh, shoot. Guys, if we want to continue this, we'll have to differentiate it from RPing. How on earth will we do that?


EDIT 2: Actually, here's one idea: we could switch chars, or possibly add more paragraphs, so each person can control the chars they wouldn't get to normally.

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*Incoming Transmission*


I hate to come across as dense, but could you perhaps elaborate a bit more on your second edit?


*End Transmission*

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