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The Legend






Ivaha vahai,

Mata Nui ini-wahi uvoya;

Nohi-artakhai akoa,

Matoran roya, karaya.

In the time before time,

The Great Spirit descended from the heavens,

Carrying us, the ones called the Matoran,

To this island paradise...


Oa kaitura, maitura;

Mata Nui i-Haua-Ngavongu,

Kaita, Maita, Vaita,

Oai takaya.

We were separate and without purpose,

So the Great Spirit illuminated us

With the Three Virtues:

Unity, Duty, and Destiny...


Oa i-Hau kouya;

Ihahla, oa Mata Nui

Inohi-reahi rokha;

Nga i’Amana rohi.

We embraced these gifts,

And in gratitude,

We named our island home Mata Nui,

After the Great Spirit himself...


Oa-hahli rhourakha:

Mata Nui-ro, nga Makuta,

Suva vorakha, akai guurakha.

Makuta ikouka Mata Nui zya.

But our happiness was not to last.

Mata Nui's brother, the Makuta,

Was jealous of these honors and betrayed him.

Makuta cast a spell over Mata Nui, who fell into a deep slumber...


Makutaka nohi maya,

Itaua bo-wahi jutlamoya,

Avotaka kokha,

Hau-raga ceuraya.

Makuta's power dominated the land,

As fields withered away,

Sunlight grew cold,

And ancient values were forgotten...


This was originally

posted via tumblr over the space of a few weeks, and now that it's complete, I thought I'd share it here. It's a rough translation of the Legend of Mata Nui, and if you've been following along with the last three posts, you may recognize a few things. I'm considering posting a full gloss once I find the time. Currently, a continuation is in progress: The Prophecy (of the Toa), the first few passages of which have already found their way online.


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