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Dollhouse, why do you do this to me?

Recently, I've acquired the habit of shrieking things like "No! STAHP! STAHP THE DYING THING!" and "OTP FEEEEEEEELS!" at the TV.   On a completely unrelated note, Vance has been sitting further and further away from me with every new episode. Maybe I need to shower more or something.     Turakii

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Why women's shampoo scares me

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgIQe23OLzo     Disclaimer: Turakii is in no way supporting the idea that shampoo can be gender-specific and wholeheartedly supports every man's right to use shampoo of every color and scent.

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

The Magic of 21 (or lack thereof)

When you reach the age of 21, something magical happens.   It's not the first time something magical has happened. Apparently, on your 18th birthday, your chances of exercising pyromania suddenly plummeted, so you were finally allowed to purchase lighters. You also must have lost the ability to grasp simple probability, so you were allowed to purchase lottery tickets too. And being alive 18 years also gave you the right to make valid political decisions! It was a magical time of fire, useless pa

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Hey, woah, I exist

And WOAH WHERE DID ALL THESE BUTTONS COME FROM!?   So I was at Brickfair and realized, "Woah, BZP still exists, and so do I, so maybe our existences should coincide more often."   Anyways, I have a story! *Ahem.* Once upon a time there was a member named Turakii who got married to a member named Toa Lhikan Hordika and moved to Santiago, Chile (in South America!) (speaking of which, Chileans get very offended if you call yourself an "American" because they technically are too, so you have to basi

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

My Little Pony

It's not... that... horrible...   *Runs away covering face.*   *Is pushed back to blog by certain someones who will remain unnamed.*   *Ahem.* Soooo...   Okay, the art and characters are adorable. Fine, since the characters can actually sing, the songs are bearable. Sure, it's downright funny at times. Alright, although it has lessons at the end, they're not sugar-wafer-sprinkle-covered-lessons dripping with chocolate syrup and shoved down your throat by a giggling protagonist.   How

The Life Of Desmond

Desmond struggled as they dragged him to the chopping block, but to no avail. They pinned and trussed him firmly. As the axe rose above his head, glinting in the sunlight, his thoughts flew back to all that brought him here.   He was born in a small cabin in Connecticut, surrounded by trees and wildlife. His parents were poor, but their love for him had --THUNK!     Turakii

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

My Interests List

Apparently, my Bionicle alter-ago decided that he'd had enough of my profile selfishly being all about me and wrote out his own backstory in the interests section.   On the bright side, I can now actually locate the bottom of my profile. I thought it was just a legend. =O   Turakii

Days Of The Week

Guys, did you know that, on Friday, yesterday was Thursday!?   And tomorrow is Saturday!?   And Sunday comes afterwards!? Sunday! Of all things!?   ME NEITHER! =O But thanks to Rebecca Black, I'll never forget again!   I so excited!     Turakii

I Have Plastic In My Eyes

So, after ten years of glasses, I finally decided to try that other option that doesn't involve shooting lasers in my eyes.   Open eye, insert plastic, see clearly without glasses. Sounds simple.   But there's something that never really registers up until that very moment...   Your eye doesn't want plastic in it.   Never mind that you'll be able to see yourself in a mirror from farther than five inches! You're attempting to not only touch your finger to your eye, but insert a foreign object

Doctor Who Christmas Special

I saw it before now, honest. Flying fish are awesome.   But anyways, something's been bugging me ever since I saw it... why could Kazran Sardick come in contact with his younger self?   The Doctor Who topic offers the explanation that, since he was changing and becoming nicer, he technically wasn't the same person anymore. The question is, if that applies, how far does the "different person" part extend?   For example, in the Father's Day episode, couldn't baby Rose count as a different pers

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Hot Topic Ten

It really says something about the activeness of BZP when a topic manages to reach the hot topic list with only ten posts...   I think it also says something about BZP when said topic is surmising whether Tahu would enjoy Red Hots. =P   And before you ask, no, Pohatu doesn't eat rock candy and Gali isn't a huge fan of seltzer water.   Turakii

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

At This Rate, My Dragon Will Never Get Trained

So I recently acquired this dragon which needs a lot of work. It's not exactly house trained, and is constantly eating my goldfish and cats instead of the nice Dragon Kibbles I bought for it.   In my desperation, I've resorted to unlikely places for solutions to my dilemma. When I reached the BZP blogs, I thought I'd finally hit the jackpot. Entry after entry with tutorials on the very problem I'm having! At last, my goldfish are saved!   Except every single one of those entries have to do wi

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

To Those With Braces (again)

I have a warning for you... because no one ever bothered to warn me.   One day, your braces will be removed, and will instead be replaced with a metal/plastic contraption designed to keep your teeth looking beautiful and straight and to show everyone you still haven't escaped the orthodontist's clutches.   When you get a retainer, it's exciting. You have removable metal in your mouth! You can take it out for pictures! You can impress your friends by flipping it with your tongue when your orth

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

To Those Cursed With Braces

Don't give up hope.   It's worth it, I tell you! The pain and deprivation are worth it! All those Snickers, Milky Ways, Tootsie Rolls, Skittles, and Peanut M&Ms you're forced to give away are redeemed in the end!   ...   Actually, I'm lying. You never do quite get over their loss.   But at least your teeth look good. =D   Turakii

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


How does one escape the addiction!? HOW!?   Even all my Bionicle drawings always end up with a Pikachu in them... ;.;     Turakii

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

A Poemy Thing

Long, long ago, in a happy little town There was a happy street with a happy little house And in that house's lawn there was a bunch of ground And above all that ground was some sky and clouds   But these clouds were unusual; they loved to dance and sing And nibble people's rooftops and steal shoelace strings And change the rhyming pattern for poor members' rhymes So the writer had to work harder to think up the next line   So the writer grabbed a skillet and left the happy house Shook

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Why You Shouldn't Change Your Avatar/banner Theme

Because you might think you have to report some uppity little whippersnapper for stealing your art and having the audacity to repost it, complete with the same topic title and your exact text.   ...   And then you'll realize the poster was in fact still you, just with a different avatar.   ...   And you will feel very, very stupid.     Turakii

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Kingdom Bound 2010

That's where I was. Instead of here.   The positive: Seeing Skillet, Tobymac, and Superchic[K] live   The negative: Having no access to BZP for four days just as I was getting caught up from the last time I couldn't get on the computer ;.;   Darnit, Real Life! Stop interfering with my computer access! >=O Nobody needs you anyways!     Turakii

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


So a little while ago I blogged about my collection of paper Pokemonz...   Now my party is complete.       Turakii

Free Blogs!

Since it's BZP's anniversary and everyone gets a free week of Premiership, that means we each get to have a blog of our very own for a whole week! =D This is so exciting! You'll be hearing from me lots, guys, 'cause I can't let it go to waste! And then there are these shiny, shiny images under the avatars! They're so pretty! And polls! I need to make a poll right away! I need to make ten! But most importantly...     FREE BLOGS ALL AROUND!     :onfire:     :happydance: :happydance:    

Pokemon Beating The Snot Out Of Each Other

So what do those trainers do during the battle, anyways? Just stare blankly as their beloved pets they've put so much care into raising beat each other to a pulp? Or do they actually enjoy watching?   I had to take a picture of this because it didn't fit on my scanner bed, so the quality isn't as good as I'd like... D=   Turakii

It's Story Time, Kids!

Once upon a time, some lunatic wanted to find a way to both torture kids with the promise of a gratifying end result, and to get tons of money from the kids' parents (or insurance companies) simultaneously.   Having ruled out kidnapping and holding for ransom (due to the police apparently frowning upon it), he brainstormed and pondered for days until, finally, it occurred to him, "Hey... lots of kids have crooked teeth!"   And very soon afterward, he became the first orthodontist.     Turak

Before You Close A Dupe Topic

Make sure you look at a calendar first to double-check that there isn't a month between April and June. That other topic just might not be as alive as you thought.   *Sigh of relief.*   Thank goodness for mothers who read over your shoulder...     Turakii
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