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Entries in this blog

Fare Thee Well, Blog

As BZPower's Anniversary Week is drawing to a close, I'd like to say thank you to those of you who have read my few pitiful blog entries. Since BZPower's advertising policy has changed, and since I'm looking to start an off-site blog anyway, I'll probably link to the blog on BZPower once it has been created.   In the immortal words of Tigger, "TTFN -- ta-ta for now!"   (P.S. Is it just me, or is it funny to see the amount of BZPower members saying, "Welp, can't link to my other sites here!"?)



Social Media Links Because Why Not?

All the young'uns are doing it. I'm getting hip with the times.   A couple of the links below are for the electronic musical group Forward, which two friends and I formed. If you're into an electronic progressive neoclassical sort of hybrid, do check it out. My YouTube channel Forward's YouTube channel Forward's Facebook page Maybe more links are forthcoming. I'm looking into establishing a blog and / or writing some stories to sell, and Forward might (key word: might) get a Twitter account.



Album Released With Friends!

Probably over a year ago now, I was talking about releasing a solo instrumental album. While that plan hasn't yet come to fruition, a couple friends and I have completed a group album that I would like to share with you all.   We've named our group Forward. The album is called Interminatis (pronounced "in-ter-min-ah-tee"), which is Latin for "endless". It's a concept album; we have a companion booklet included with the download that should help clarify the plot a bit.   The album is six dollars,




Last night, I watched Serenity, the film sequel to the unjustly aborted TV series Firefly.   It was painful. It was intense. It was amazing. If you watched and enjoyed Firefly, I highly recommend Serenity. Just be prepared to have your heart nearly break.   One last note for those who have already watched the film:      



Initiative and Motivation

First and foremost, happy anniversary, BZPower. May you survive to see many more influxes of wannabe bloggers exploiting Premier perks.   * * *   I'm writing this entry to talk about something I'm sure a lot of writers struggle with -- namely, finding the initiative and motivation to write. (Incidentally, authoring this entry is part of my attempt to find both.)   For over a year now, a plan to write a novel has been fermenting in my mind. I told myself at the beginning of this year that I would



T-Minus Six Days

Ramblings of a Writer has had a good run, but it's almost time to put it to rest again. The premier membership voucher I won in a contest expires on January 28. I wish I had done more with this blog, probably with premier membership altogether, but at least I got some use out of it.   Thanks to all who have read this blog and commented; maybe I'll return in the future.



Top Ten Favorite Albums of 2012

I listened to so many good albums in 2012, I couldn’t stand pruning my list to only the top ten. Thus, below are listed my top ten favorite albums of 2012 and ten honorable mentions, making the list an even twenty albums in total.   A disclaimer: I made few attempts at being objective in my rankings. I chose my favorite albums on the basis of how much I enjoy them, not how technically proficient their musicians are or how unique they sound. Feel free to leave feedback on my choices, but I won’t



A New Year

I'm four hours and nineteen minutes early (my internet shuts off for the night before midnight), but accept my early sentiments for a happy and safe New Year's celebration and new year!



AWOL for Christmas

For the duration of tomorrow, I will be offline. I don't want to sully my Christmas experience by spending half the day on the internet; no, I intend to fully experience the holiday: watching a film or two, sitting by the fireplace, listening to Christmas music, and spending time with my pres- er, family.   A merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good haul- er, night!



Album Recommendations!

In my quest for my favorite ten albums of 2012, I have encountered a roadblock: I haven't heard many albums from 2012. That's why I'm turning to you, readers of my blog, for suggestions.   I do have several requirements for any albums that will be entered into my list of personal favorites of 2012: No EPs. My list of favorite 2012 albums is just that: a list of full albums. No explicit albums. As much as I enjoy listening to a Kanye West song now and again, I'd rather not list albums with a bun



RPG Contest 26

If you're interested in deciding the next fan-made Bionicle RPGs to be run, do vote. My entry, Loophole, is in this poll. If you have the time, read through the entries; if mine isn't one of your favorites in that poll, I won't mind, but I will nevertheless appreciate any support and / or feedback directed my way.



Re:Off Topic Culture

It's about time we got an off-topic creative forum. Thank you, staff!   I'll report my old COT short story topics for moving pronto. If I can finish a story I planned to write for Christmas, I'll post that by Christmas Eve.



True Doomsday Prediction

Take the date December 21, 2012. Now translate it into American shorthand dating format: 12/21/12. If each number stands for a letter, 12 equals L and 21 equals U.   Thus, "12/21/12" can be translated to "LUL", which, as everyone here knows, is a purposeful misspelling of "LOL".   We're all being trolled.



2012 Album Ranking?

I've been considering scouring the (admittedly small) list of 2012 albums I've heard and sorting them into a top ten list, perhaps with a few honorable mentions. While I think it would be a nice display of my musical tastes, I haven't actually listened to many 2012 albums, so the list would be rather incomplete.   Would anyone be interested in me compiling such a list? I will include the list of 2012 albums I've heard so you understand why some albums are excluded.



My Name Is Inigo Montoya

I finally watched The Princess Bride the night of this past Thursday. Even though it was primarily a romance film, and I'm predisposed to cringe a bit at excessive displays of romance on screen (don't shoot!), its humor, plot, and characters were quite enjoyable. Wesley and Inigo Montoya were my definite favorites.



Unearthed, by E.S. Posthumus

'Tis a great neo-classical / new age album. I really want to buy it (and Carnavas by Silversun Pickups), but I've already bought enough new music with my birthday money to make my mom worried about my "obsession with music".



NaNoWriMo Results

Word Count: 809 Chapters: 1/4-ish Pages: 1 1/2   I'll continue writing throughout winter -- this project wasn't meant to be NaNoWriMo-exclusive -- but I don't think my progress will be noteworthy.



So This Is December

And what have we done? Another month over, and a new one just begun.   Iffy parodies aside, today marks the day Christmas music can be played without me judging you (unless the Christmas music is bad, dance-pop, or both, but that's another story entirely).



Guitar Lessons Over

I can now play "Jingle Bells".   In all seriousness, I plan to learn two Coldplay songs, "Yellow" and "Strawberry Swing", on guitar. "Yellow" is mainly chords, which will not be problematic (unless barre chords rear their ugly heads); "Strawberry Swing" is more focused on melody, which I prioritize above chords in learning songs on guitar because melodies are generally more complex and allow me to practice moving my fingers from string to string.   I also have a sheet of various Christmas songs



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