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Kolhii IRL

Has anyone tried to make a Kolhii league irl? I may not be fit but I'd love to be part of such a sport.   I'd do it myself but I'm Australian and there aren't enough Bionicle fans down here.



Bionicle G3? Did I miss something?

First of all, I apologise for my long absence. I have found my irl calling and spent a lot of time pursuing it. Furthermore, I have been focusing more on Pokémon VGC.   Second, I've started hearing a lot about Bionicle G3 today. Is that really a thing, even if just a rumour? If so, please do tell!   In other news I do have a rough idea for a Gen 1 soft reboot set on Spherus Magna, which I could post somewhere at a later date.



Why did I never notice this before?

I've heard people try and compare Bionicle with Transformers. Thinking about that, I just realised that Bionicle's baterra are literally "Transformers, robots in disguise"! IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO FIGURE THAT OUT!!!



Why the Bring Back Bionicle Club failed

I'm sure a lot of older BZP members expected me to come back and crack it when Bionicle was announced to end AGAIN. I feel that now is as good a time as ever to let rip about what I really feel about the end result.   When Bionicle came back last year as a hard reboot, I actually felt the Bring Back Bionicle Club FAILED in its mission. I don't know about the rest of you, but I was campaigning for a continuation/soft reboot, and opposed a hard reboot. A successful campaign in my eyes would've mea




I know this is none of my business, but I'm curious.   I follow fishers64 on Twitter, and have been loosely following events from his side. But what actually happened that caused his fight with authorities and what looks like a full ban from BZPower?   You know you've been out of the loop for too long when...



Hau wearing a Hau

http://machop-fan.deviantart.com/art/Hau-wearing-a-Hau-612762681?ga_submit_new=10%253A1464875753   Sorry, but as a Pokémon and Bionicle fan, I couldn't not do this after learning of the rival's name in Pokémon Sun and Moon.



My theories on Ash Ketchum

An age-old debate exists as to exactly how old Ash Ketchum of the Pokémon Anime is. I've been watching the first 11 and a half seasons of the Anime that I have on DVD, and observing events of the rest of the Anime from afar. This is what I found: The Pokémon Anime airs once a week, and has ever since it began. During the early stages, time was mentioned as having gone at the same rate as it does in real life. For example, in the episode The School Of Hard Knocks (episode 9, aired May 27 1997, n



No. Pokémon is not ending, but changing.

I take back my entry about Pokémon ending. Actually it's going mobile! Pokémon GO takes the main series games we're familiar with onto the smart phone. Will it replace console games? I don't know. But it'll be interesting to see how the franchise will transform from here. In Pokémon GO, you search for Pokémon in the REAL world, not just in a game. This will encourage engagement in the local environment and community, which can only be good for the next generation(s) of children.




I just got a phonecall from an Indian person apparently from the Department of Public Prosecution saying I defrauded the government of over $5k between 2008 and 2013, during which time I studied at high school for 1 year and TAFE for 5 years, and never had a job, and since said time I've had a police check for a job application and that was cleared. He said that unless I agreed to some compromise, I would be arrested by police half an hour later, and then jailed for 5 years. That was over half a



Is Pokémon about to end?

Nintendo's doing a 'business announcement' about Pokémon in 2 and a quarter hours (3pm Japan time, 4pm Australian time). The last time something like this happened, LEGO got rid of Bionicle. Could the same thing happen to Pokémon? It might explain the lack of a main series game announcement prior to this year's World Championships.



Je Suis Charlie

This is Charlie, a Machop who lives in a Glittering Cave on Mont Blanc, in France. He came down to Paris to pay his respects to the human journalists and cartoonists who were murdered by terrorists this week. He may be a Fighting-type, but he knows better than to murder for no good reason, making him more mature than any terrorist. He is also smart enough to know that the pen is mightier than the sword (or in this case gun).   A friendly local salesperson gave him a necklace with the peace symbo



Digimon Adventure coming back

As I have stated multiple times before, I used to be a fan of Digimon back in the days of Digimon Adventure, but lost interest because they ended it and then gave the series a hard reboot, just like they did with Bionicle.   Well I just heard news that, in honour of its 15th anniversary next year, Digimon Adventure is coming back!   I know little about this new Digimon Adventure, but it appears it will be based around the original 8 Digidestined (including Kari), and be set 3 years after the ev



"That's a Joke" meme

Someone made a meme with a pic of Metus from TLR with the caption "That's a joke", but I can't find it anymore. Does someone here have it?



GREEN Machop?

I've heard rumours, and even seen a low-quality pic, of shiny Machop having changed from brown to green in ORAS. Has anyone else found a shiny Machop in ORAS and can prove if this true with higher-quality pics?




Has anyone else heard of this term? It gets thrown around quite a bit on the Bring Back Bionicle Club.



Could we see more Gen 1 elements in Gen 2 Bionicle?

As a pure genwunner who is against this idea of a 100% reboot, obviously I yearn for more Gen 1 elements in Gen 2 Bionicle. But what's to say it won't happen?   LEGO stated in their meeting in BZPower's video that they wanted to dumb down the names so younger fans can more easily understand, meaning species like Matoran, Skakdi, Vortixx and Skrall are no more. But there are a few elements of Gen 1 that can still work despite this:   Dark Hunters   The ultimate example of Gen 1 elements that can



Bionicle 2015: My Verdict

Having seen what little I can from NYCC (being unable to go because I'm Australian and being limited in what I can see because I was at TAFE all day today), I have formed more of an opinion and verdict of Bionicle 2015. Obviously there's a lot I still don't know, but this is what I can make of Bionicle 2015 thus far:   Toa Gali, Onua (or Onya according to the website), Lewa, Tahu, Pohatu and Kopaka have been confirmed to still be Toa. However, Lewa seems to have control over both air AND plant l



What next?

"The hunter is nothing without the hunted."   With the campaign to bring back Bionicle just about over, one would think that an addict like me would be all but lost in what do do with my life other than just buying Bionicle sets like anyone else.   Actually, my campaign will continue, albeit much quieter. My aim now will be to keep Bionicle back until at least mid-2016, which would see Bionicle back for a year and a half, bridging the gap between its initial ending in 2010 and the end of its 10t




On Tuesday the 24th of November 2009, LEGO made the announcement that they would be ending Bionicle in the middle of 2010. Immediately, campaigns and petitions began to bring Bionicle back.   On Saturday the 19th of March 2011, two BZPower members, Makuta_of_Oz and PAPER SPEAKERS WAT, got together to form a fan group and campaign dedicated to bringing back Bionicle, and as such the Bring Back Bionicle Club was born.   On Thursday the 7th of July 2011, the Bring Back Bionicle Club gained its own



Looking back at my sig...

...I realise that even if Bionicle does come back, I'll still have a sig.   Obviously most of my sig is made up of Bring Back Bionicle propaganda, but there is also that baterra pitch for LEGO Ideas which I can keep after LEGO's announcement.   Speaking of said announcement, when is the New York Comic Con? Rumour has it they'll make the announcement AND reveal the sets at that event.



I'm just gonna sit back...

...and watch every Bionicle fansite on the Internet, including my own, go into meltdown.   I've gained a keen interest in watching other people's natural reactions to events of all sorts, which I think stemmed from my interest in Teridax. But now I'm watching everyone's excitement over Bionicle returning.   BTW, although I know Bionicle's coming back thanks to other anonymous sources, I still await an official announcement from LEGO before I declare my Bring Back Bionicle campaign won.



Website issues

For some weird reason, I can no longer access the Bring Back Bionicle website even though I was able to only 5 days ago. As a result, I will not be able to update it with the latest news story until further notice.   However, I have been able to update the blog on the deviantArt branch with the same news story, so you may have a look there if you wish to read it.



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