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Third Part Of Powers That Be

Decided to flip the order of the serials, so just finished part 3 of PTB (yes, you actually don't have to wait six weeks for the next chapter -- I know you're shocked ) In this episode:   * We meet the "Who Am I?" winner * We answer the age-old question, "What happens when Nynrah Ghosts have too much time on their hands?" * We go inside the red star for the first time, and while we don't come out knowing just what the heck is going on there yet, it sure SOUNDS disturbing * We get the retur



Yesterday Quest

Just to update you on the new serial -- the first chapter is done, and Bink will be posting it as soon as he can (he is traveling for work, so it may be later this week). This chapter features three new Toa -- Psionics, Lightning, and Iron -- and a new villain.



Name List

Just so everyone knows, I have the approved name list now and will be releasing the name of the stasis Toa (which people have been asking for) by end of the day on Monday.



Gn #8

Got my copy of Papercutz GN #8 in the mail today. I must say, the art is gorgeous, especially on the first story -- really captures that creepy, claustrophobic feel I was going for. At first, I thought they might have overdone the snowstorm, as it makes things kind of hard to see at times .. then I realized that worked, because it IS hard to see in a snowstorm and that is part of what makes the baterra's sudden appearances and disappearances so effective.   Overall, a great job by Christian Zan



Sizzle And Steak Follow-up

Thought this was an interesting to my earlier blog entry regarding the inevitable revelation of plot secrets and what it does to the sense of "mystery and wonder" -- it's from a NY Times review of a new TV show:   "... “The Prisoner,” shown on CBS from 1968 to 1969, is one of the most legendary television thrillers, partly because it wrapped after one 17-episode season. Most recently “Lost” on ABC kept core fans going for an improbable six seasons, but it also shed most of its intrigue long bef



Bionicle "who Am I?" Winners

In response to about a zillion PMs:   GRAND PRIZE Elizabeth Schroeder   FIRST PRIZES Alexander King Zachary Benson Robert Ryser, Jr. David Ozawa



Sizzle And Steak

I was looking through a topic on 2001-2003 vs. later years, and Lewathetoa made an excellent point about the appeal of the early years being the spectacle of advanced beings on a primitive island, and how much of that was lost in 2004 when we got to Metru Nui. I felt it worth reprinting my response to him here, as it is a very interesting topic from a literary point of view:   "What made 2001 work was the incongruity of advanced technological beings living on a tropical island with no tech at a



Legends Of Mata Nui

A number of people have asked recently about the old Legends of Mata Nui computer game from 2001 that never got released, so I thought I would share what info I have on this here:   * The game, as most of you know, was cancelled before release due to its not being up to our quality standards and so not fitting into our marketing plan.   * I know at least one BIONICLE fan spoke to our Legal dept. about getting a copy of the game. My understanding is that Legal's position is that we are not rele



New Name List

My list of proposed new names for BIONICLE 2010-2011 is now written up.   Those of you who had, with my agreement, sent me lists of names you wanted checked on for your projects, please resend so I can add to mine.   Thanks, Greg



Can't Say This Enough ...

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but ... this morning I got a very intelligent PM from a premier member asking some questions regarding the look of the Agori and the Glatorian. I sat down, spent five minutes or so giving him his answers, sent it off ... and he is not contactable by Messenger.   PLEASE do not send me PMs if your account is not set up to receive replies. It wastes my time and yours.    



Play Well ... And Play Nice.

One time, some while ago, there was a project in the works at one of my jobs that I was unhappy about. I just knew that creatively it was all wrong, it was going to miss our audience, and it was just in general a bad idea. And I made that pretty clear to the people around me (as I am wont to do). Then one day I got some very good advice from someone I respected -- she said, "If you're worried that it is going to be all wrong, volunteer to work on it ... and make it right." (I did, by the way, an



See You In A Week Or So

I am going to be offline for a week for work reasons, so won't be able to answer questions. I will get to them as soon as I can when I get back.



Sorry To Repeat Myself ...

... But if you do something nice for someone, like send me one of their theories because they are too new a member to be able to PM, please make sure you can be contacted by the PM system or I can't respond to it. If your ability to receive PMs is shut off, there's not much point in sending me questions.



Ros 10

Reign of Shadows #10 is almost done -- sorry for the delay, but I think you will find it was worth the wait. In addition to the resolution of the whole fight in the chamber and the first appearance of Artakha, we get the return of the Toa Mahri and the startling answer to one of the most frequently asked questions of the last year or so!



Minor Matters

-- For those of you kind enough to ask, it is confirmed that I will NOT be at Comic-Con this year. I asked not to go because I have a family commitment around that time this year.   -- If you PM me a question, please make sure that your account is set up to receive PMs. I have had a number of people send me things that I then cannot answer because their settings are adjusted to not accept private messages.    



Relax ...

In the last week or so, I have all of a sudden gotten bombarded with people wanting to know colors for various elements, and others wanting to add new elements to the story. Relax, please -- I am not looking to open the floodgates and add a ton of new tribes/elements to the story. As for colors, I understand you need them for MOCing, but your best bet might be to do those things as polls so we get an idea of what the site as a whole thinks of various suggestions. I am not a set designer or a MOC



"for What It's Worth ..."

Recently, a BZPer posted a topic insisting I had been rude to him in my answer to his PM. He had asked a question for which I did not have what I felt was a good or complete answer, so I appended, "for what it's worth to you" to the end of the answer -- since I had no way of knowing if the little bit of info I was giving would answer his question. He somehow decided that meant I thought his question was worthless or stupid, which was not the case. (If I HAD thought that, I simply wouldn't have b



Bionicle #5 Treatment

Someone asked if I would post the original screen treatment for the planned 2010 movie (which, of course, is not getting made). Since this story will never get used for anything, I saw no reason not to share it. Please note, though, that this was a first draft -- it would almost certainly have been changed, maybe a lot, once it was run by TLC and Tinseltown Toons and Universal. But this was the original version.   A few things to emphasize before you read: 1) This is NOT official story, as it




As promised, if slightly delayed, here is in the info on Psionics as an MU element:   Colors: Blue and gold Gender: Female Prefix: Ce - (pronounced "say") Matoran Ability: Unable to be mind-controlled or read telepathically -- by studying them, Helryx learned how to shield the minds of the OOMN members from telepathy. Powers: A Toa of Psionics has the following powers: * Telepathy * Telekinesis * Ability to do a damage-dealing mind blast (mental dam



New And Notes

-- Good news to start with -- I have gotten permission to get a whole new list of approved names done for 2010 and 2011, which means we will be able to have some new named characters in the story!   -- Plague tribe's element is ... iron. Yes, I know, that doesn't match their armor color, but there is a reason for that, which will get revealed in an upcoming mini-serial on BIONICLEstory.com called Sahmad's Tale.   -- Look for more info on the Psionics power on Monday, same place.   Greg



Thanksgiving Weekend

I will be away from home for Thanksgiving weekend, and so not able to answer PMs. I will get to your questions next week when I am back.   Greg



Lego Kidsfest

Just an FYI --   I will be appearing at LEGO KidsFest at the CT Convention Center in Hartford, CT on Sunday, November 22nd from 12-4. Current plan is that I will be signing copies of the BIONICLE: TLR Movie Magazine, along with whatever else people want me to sign.   On Saturday, November 21, from 12-5, Daniel Lipkowitz will be appearing. Daniel is the author of The LEGO Book as well as the LEGO Star Wars comics you have seen in print and online and is BZPower's own Swiftone.   For more info



Fan Fiction

Along the lines of the last post, I got another interesting PM the other day. The poster was concerned that the revelation of details about various aspects of BIONICLE, through my answers, was messing up his fan fiction in progress (which he was trying to keep as close to canon as possible).   Not going to debate the nature of fan fiction here, or get into the fact that a lot of the questions being asked are by other fan fiction writers who want the info for their stories ... but rather discuss



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