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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

Entries in this blog

Emmet and Wyldstyle Mechs

So here are some MOCs I'm working on. These are WIPs at the moment, for the most part. Theoretically, they might go in a display at a movie theater that Port Lug might put up, but I don't know if they'll make it to that, so instead maybe I'll aim for Bricks Cascade.   The Wyldstyle mech is supposed to be based on her outfit color, but instead of dark purple and dark azure, I went old school Nui Jaga and utilized purple and medium blue, mixed in over a solid black design. A majority of it is t



Spinning Rocka Head

Gosh, I've been here for 11 years now. It's kinda sad to see BZP nowadays, where the only discussions in the forums seem to be arguments... granted, it was like that 11 years ago, there were just more people doing it. But it's not quite as big a community as before. But there are still lots of cool people here, and conventions are always super fun, and where else will I blog about random things?   Anyway, been reeeeeeeally busy at work. They've officially nicknamed me Jego, cause I like Le



20 Questions Round 2 Part 2

EDIT: Bumped cause you guys haven't figured it out yet!!   Let's play 20 Questions! I think you should know the basic rules; I'm thinking of something Bionicle related, and you ask questions to help narrow it down! Here are some of the more detailed rules:   1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.   2: There can only be ONE question per post, and no double posting.   3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add



Trash Chomper Alternative History

FYI The 20 questions game is still going in the previous entry! You guys haven't figured it out yet.   So today I picked up the Trash Chomper Lego Movie set, because I wanted too. It is a real joy to play with; good models both ways, and the chomping function is probably my favorite out of all the 2-in-1 sets. (Although I think I still prefer the figs and pastel colors in the ice cream truck set, so I'll get that one next.) But this one has plenty of nice green elements. And it will be a



20 Questions Round 2 Part 1

I did this a while back and it was a lot of fun, and I want to do something more in my blog besides lame rantings of things. So let's do this!!   Let's play 20 Questions! I think you should know the basic rules; I'm thinking of something Bionicle related, and you ask questions to help narrow it down! (Heck, might be slightly easier this time since we can know everything there is to know about the Bionicle universe.) Here are some of the more detailed rules:   1: The questions can only be yes



Looking Back At My Year in 2013

Internship work, no work, interviews, then work work! Tried for three Lego events but only made it to one. Got a fair number of sets but always want more. In about as bad a shape as I have been for the last couple of years, but at least I'm finished recovering from my surgery and it seems to have worked, so yay yay there. Planning for the year ahead, thinking "Why do I have to save my money for responsible stuff when I really want to spend it on Lego." And then realize I haven't built much



Giddy Giddy Giddy

I am probably more excited about these than I should be... but oh well.     These were found at a Fred Meyers, who again released collectible minifigures in December when they're supposed to be out in January. (Granted, it's late December this time round.) They seriously must've gone out today. There were some picked through boxes, but there were also a bunch of unopened boxes in the back. Now, I could've just bought a full box and then sell the extras online... but I'm not that mean and do



Spoiler: Smaug Eats Everybody

Wow, Hobbit II AKA Desolation of Smaug was amazing. Like, really good. Sure, it wasn't exactly like the book... but it was better.   One thing I can say that's spoiler free was that the IMAX 3D showing was good and almost worth the money. (Almost... it was very pricy!) Since they filmed at a higher rate than normal, the movements were supposed to be more "natural" but last year I found them rather jerky and bothersome, and at points in detracted from the movie in general. But maybe that's just m



Location Settings

Hey look I'm going back to referencing an arch of stories that I've never posted online and probably never will but I'll talk about them anyway.   So, my story is set in a city. A very specific city. It has a fairly developed down town, with plenty of skyscrapers and major businesses. It also has a well-developed port area, with lots of warehouses and shipping yards on a bay. Plus it hosts a major university, and about an hour’s drive away are fields for farming.   The problem is that I have nev



Skunk vs Fox

I got my Chima Speedorz sets from my black Friday purchase. So I thought about a little comparison review of the two of them. No pictures tho; the sets weren't THAT worth it.   So there's Skinnet the Skunk and Furty the Fox. They each come with a speedorz cart, an obstacle, and some cards.   DESIGN: Furty has some sort of swamp field goal that he's got to jump, while Skinnet needs to hit the target over a wolf head. The swamp bit is very, very basic, but the wolf head is an excellent design and



Recent Lego Purchases

Yay Black Friday! Shop.Lego.com actually has some okay deals, especially with free shipping on any purchase. I'm too cheap to get the exclusive sets and all, but I'm all for grabbing a couple of the smaller stuff at 50% off. So I grabbed the Magic Tricks Friends set, Fox Speedorz set, and Skunk Speedorz set. Yayz, should be in the mail soon.   Also, I've hinted at it, but I'll just come right out and say that I did indeed pick up some 2014 Ninjago sets. Fred Meyers appeared to have released



Thoughts on Future Lego in 2014

So I just posted about my buying habits on this year’s sets, and now I’ll look to the sets coming out for 2014. At least in the winter, anyway. I’ll focus on the ones that are public on BrickSet, just so that way I don’t accidentally discuss any unreleased sets. (But I’m pretty sure most of them have been revealed by now.)   Again, I’ll start off with the theme I’m most excited for: Ninjago. It’s rebooted with robots and new vehicles and everything. And a fair amount of purple elements, alt



Thoughts on Lego in 2013

Well, the year's not quite over yet, but honestly, 2013 Lego sets are finished. There's lots of new stuff to be excited about, and although some of it is coming out in December, it's still technically 2014 stuff. (Or I will consider it to be, anyways.) So, in that case, I wanted to shares some of my thoughts on the year 2013.   2013 wasn't quite as big of a year for me as I might have wanted. Part of it's because I was only employed for like 3 months, and most of my money at the time went into r



Story Finished

So, yeah, at 50,281 words, I finished my story for NaNo. Like, legitly finished too. I was actually getting worried as I was writing the final scenes, wondering it it would make it over the cut, and it just barely did. I expect when I got back to re-edit and trim the fat, it'll drop below the mark. That's what happened to the one I wrote last time. Although this time I don't have as many scenes that would be as unnecessary. Plus, I would estimate that a good third of it is fighting scenes. I wen



Best Scene From Korra?

This one:     Okay, maybe not the best, but most sig-worthy. Epic finale and stuff. Glad they let Bolin stop being a stuck up movie(er) star and actually start being cool again!  



New Job

FIIIIIIIIIIIINALLY got employment. And it's as a data guy person thing.   It's also a weekend shift, making it suddenly way more difficult to attend conventions or most future LUG meetings. On the other hand, MONEY, EXPERIENCE, and NOT-BEING-A-BUM all kinda outweight that.  



Brick Badge Sayings

Gosh, convention season is just around the corner! And by that I mean still 4 months away. Bricks Cascade just opened registration for the Portland area convention, but also brings up some news concerning brick badges.   I don't know about BrickFair and all those other places, but this year Seattle's BrickCon officially went to paper badges. They have some legitimate reasons for doing so, so I can't really blame em for doing so. And, on the plus side, they still provided us with custom engra




So story writing for NaNo got interrupted by a scientific study.   See, I have this potential scene where the enemy is using electricity, and the protagonist is waaaaay out gunned. So (SPOILER) he decides to douse the baddie with water and use electrolysis (powered by the baddie's electricity) to split the H2O into H and O. Then he'd use a spark to make the gas explode around the antagonist, thus winning in an unconventional way and showing that he paid attention in chemistry class (which is act



Genre Masher

I'm a little behind on my story. Part of it comes from preparing for job interviews. Another part comes from just not being in the mood to write. (Which I guess is something NaNo is supposed to fight, but whatev.)   But one thing I had to consider when cataloguing the story was what its genre was. And its hard for me to pin it down to one thing. Here's why. It has definite science fiction elements to it, primarily involving the protagonist and his team. There's also a lot of scientific exp



I Guess The Bigger Question Is

Is there even an audience that still reads my blog at all?   Like no replies lately. Or maybe it's just that my content's been boring. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? CAT PICTURES? I MAY HAVE SOME OF THOSE ACTUALLY.   But I'll post a short list of borning updates anyway. Nano: Have 12,000 words written. But I'm progressing so far in the plot that I'm afraid I might finish before I hit the goal. Like, my other related stories have only gotten to 30K-40K, and I'm not going to add in excess just for the



Series 11 Collectible Minifigures Reviews

So I posted a short review of some of these figs a month ago, but that entry has been lost. So instead of trying to find and repost it, I'm just going to rewrite it, and include the rest of the series, since I just finished my collection. (Won't be as comprehensive as a front page review, but whatev.) I'll order em basically in the order I picked them up.       Gingerbread Man   Such a cool idea. Good frosting printings on arms, legs, and torso, and the "Dunk Me" cup is great. The head is the m



Of The Lego Marvel Game

WHY ARE THEY MAKING IT SO HARD TO GET??   Well, okay, that's a slight exaggeration, but still.   After reading about the game for months, I'm really eager to get it. But if I did get it, I would need the PC version, since I have no gaming consoles. (Heck, I can't even play it on my laptop; I'd have to use my parent's desktop.) If I could have, I probably would've preordered it and got the Iron Patriot fig... but that promotion didn't apply to the PC version. But I figured that was just the gamin



MOCs From the Last Few Weeks

Kay Kay, MOC time. I have a couple of new WIPs to post up, and they're all related to Space, really.   First one is the modular SHIP. Backstory, since the original post got lost in the data purge of 2013: I want to make small, colorful ships that can be connected to each other to make a longer SHIP. So without further ado...     Each one is ten studs long, has three holes in the front and three axles in the back so they all fit together. (It's a snug fit for these three ships when putting t



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