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Please Help Turakii!

Takuma Nuva


Takuma Nuva: Y U NO WATCH

Avohkah Tamer: Eeeeeeveryone's suggesting you at least give it a try

Takuma Nuva: Do I need to, like, make a blog entry asking for people to recommend it?

Turakii: Yes

Turakii: You do

Turakii: And they need to give a reason

In case it's not obvious, Avohkah Tamer, Laughin'Man, and myself have been unable to convince one miss Turakii #1 Lavasurfer to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.


You have your assignments people! Get to work and SPREAD THE WORD! The more people the better!




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"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is the only television show I watch, currently.


Let me put that into perspective here. I generally hate television. I find most programmes to be vapid, boring, and asinine. So me liking a television show, and managing to overcome the anathema of watching tv is a big thing. It has to be something special for me to legitimately enjoy it.


FiM is something special. One of the greatest criticisms I've always had of cartoons ostensibly 'aimed at girls' (and I've seen many; I grew up with a sister) is how they have an attitude that 'oh, we can just be half-hearted with it and not really make any good, distinct characters and plots - we'll just throw pink and princesses and stuff on it and they'll eat it up.' I find this so infuriatingly insulting to the female sex. There's only about three identifiable character archetypes in the original My Little Pony, and they're all one-dimensional. This goes for pretty much all 'girl cartoons.'


With FiM, they did something different. They decided to make it a legitimately good show with good plots and good characters first and foremost - enjoyable because of its content, not because 'look, pink ponies.' The main characters are all distinct personalities, their dialogue is great, and the stories are entertaining. There's also a lot of fun background stuff and subtle things that add colour to the series - and a lot of things for the enjoyment of adults (i.e., parents watching with their children, ostensibly, but hey I'm an adult who watches it!), too. I'm not a little girl at all, but dang if I don't adore these fun characters and their escapades.


I also like the thematic subtexts of the episodes, which are never so strong as to be heavy-handed. But there are a lot of nice lessons in there for kids, dealing with more pertinent issues than the usual 'be nice to everyone!!' kinds of lessons most cartoons impart. Instead, FiM teaches lessons like the importance of individuality, or when a too-stubborn work ethic can go awry. One episode even very subtly but poignantly tackles the discomfort of puberty and is encouraging to kids on the cusp of that very difficult time! I also like that it's not afraid to show both the good and the bad sides of its characters - making them more like real people, showing how good people can make mistakes, and that doesn't mean they're no longer good people (instead stressing the importance of forgiveness!).


It's really good stuff. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes good things.

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...Wow. Smeag just convinced me to search up a clip of the show. :lol:


EDIT: I watched some of an episode, and... it actually wasn't half-bad. The only things some guys might not like about it is how it's about ponies. Actually, it's not as shallow as some people would expect shows for girls to be; it has okay stories, and it's not all 'friendship is everything', like the slogan might suggest.

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Watch it if you want to. Don't let other people decide and dictate if you view a show based on the popularity of it.



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Watch it if you want to. Don't let other people decide and dictate if you view a show based on the popularity of it.



Pretty much what I would have said as well.


And no, I do not see a need to watch the show either :P

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Watch it if you want to. Don't let other people decide and dictate if you view a show based on the popularity of it.



The show's popularity has nuthin' t'do with this.


She wanted reasons to why she should watch and that's exactly what we're giving her. Simply because a show is popular is most decidedly not a good reason. I can think of lots of popular shows that are complete rubbish.


Besides, we, her friends, are convinced she'd like it if she'd give it a try. We're not being dictators. We're just encouraging her to give it a chance. Ain't nothin' wrong with that, is there?


«Takuma Nuva»
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Do you need a reason?


Just watch an episode or two. Do it. You can't know if you'll like it or not from other people's perspectives, because other people's perspectives are always different.

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Do you need a reason?


Just watch an episode or two. Do it. You can't know if you'll like it or not from other people's perspectives, because other people's perspectives are always different.

Essentially what we've told her OVER 9000 times but she keeps demanding a reason.

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Watch it if you want to. Don't let other people decide and dictate if you view a show based on the popularity of it.



The show's popularity has nuthin' t'do with this.


She wanted reasons to why she should watch and that's exactly what we're giving her. Simply because a show is popular is most decidedly not a good reason. I can think of lots of popular shows that are complete rubbish.


Besides, we, her friends, are convinced she'd like it if she'd give it a try. We're not being dictators. We're just encouraging her to give it a chance. Ain't nothin' wrong with that, is there?


«Takuma Nuva»

However, it is popular within your group of friends, even if it is just the three or four of you. You also stated that you "have been unable to convince" her to watch it, but now your claiming you're "encouraging her to give it a chance". Encouraging someone to do something and convincing someone to do something are similar but rather different things.


Convince: 1. Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.

2. Persuade (someone) to do something


Encourage: 1. Give support, confidence, or hope to (someone): "encouraging results"; "I feel encouraged".

2. Give support and advice to (someone) to do or continue something: "pupils are encouraged to be creative"


I never said you were or are being a dictator, so please do not elude to that.



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Somebody takes things a little too seriously..
Luckily, it's not Nukuya.


My two cents? Watch what you want to watch. Even if it's that weird cupcake show.


Or go outside and see stuff. that's cool too.

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Somebody takes things a little too seriously..
Luckily, it's not Nukuya.

It's not us, either. We're just asking people to give reasons why one of our best friends should watch a show that we are recommending to her, because she asked for reasons. And some people are (apparently) misinterpreting it and acting like we're trying to force her to watch.


See, in our group of friends, we all joke around and have fun. And all we recommend things to each other, and 99% of the time we end up liking them. It's just how things work. We've best best friends for years, we've been doing this for years, it's harmless and it's worked out well so far. We don't try to force each other to watch or read things, we just suggest them and when they ask for reasons we give them. And if they refuse, well, what's the harm in just saying "Come on, give it a try"? We just want her to give it a chance, to see if she likes it. If she doesn't, that's perfectly fine.

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However, it is popular within your group of friends, even if it is just the three or four of you. You also stated that you "have been unable to convince" her to watch it, but now your claiming you're "encouraging her to give it a chance". Encouraging someone to do something and convincing someone to do something are similar but rather different things.


Convince: 1. Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.

2. Persuade (someone) to do something


Encourage: 1. Give support, confidence, or hope to (someone): "encouraging results"; "I feel encouraged".

2. Give support and advice to (someone) to do or continue something: "pupils are encouraged to be creative"

I don't geddit.


I said we were trying to convince and that we are now encouraging her. I didn't anywhere state that the two were the same thing, so I'm not sure why you're pulling out the dictionary on me.


To be frank, I could go on a schpeil about some of the things you just stated, but yeesh, I don't see any point in needlessly picking posts apart. :P


Somebody takes things a little too seriously..
Luckily, it's not Nukuya.

It's not us, either. We're just asking people to give reasons why one of our best friends should watch a show that we are recommending to her, because she asked for reasons. And some people are (apparently) misinterpreting it and acting like we're trying to force her to watch.


See, in our group of friends, we all joke around and have fun. And all we recommend things to each other, and 99% of the time we end up liking them. It's just how things work. We've best best friends for years, we've been doing this for years, it's harmless and it's worked out well so far. We don't try to force each other to watch or read things, we just suggest them and when they ask for reasons we give them. And if they refuse, well, what's the harm in just saying "Come on, give it a try"? We just want her to give it a chance, to see if she likes it. If she doesn't, that's perfectly fine.

THIS. Ever-so-much this. Particularly the parts I bolded.


What's my little pony? Aside from a few references here, I have no idea what it is.


Also, due solely to your blog's quote blocks, have a Zarapproval.



It's a cartoon show. It is typically overlooked by many because its target audience is obviously little girls, but it's really a great show (aside from the first couple episodes, IMO) for anyone to watch. Give it a shot, if you will.


Oh, and thanks for the 'pproval. B)


«Takuma Nuva»
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because it's target audience is obviously little girls

I was actually considering giving the show a try, but then you had to go and mix up the possessive and contractive forms of "its/it's." How can I possibly take your recommendations seriously now? :angry:



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because it's target audience is obviously little girls

I was actually considering giving the show a try, but then you had to go and mix up the possessive and contractive forms of "its/it's." How can I possibly take your recommendations seriously now? :angry:



Danggit. And I was actually just coming to edit that too. xP


I don't get it. I never had a problem with that before...


«Takuma Nuva»
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That typo is so appalling that even I, who watched the first seventeen episodes of the show, refuse to watch any further! For shame, Takuma, for shame!
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because it's target audience is obviously little girls

I was actually considering giving the show a try, but then you had to go and mix up the possessive and contractive forms of "its/it's." How can I possibly take your recommendations seriously now? :angry:



>taking a show about ponies seriously


There's your problem.

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What makes ponies so un-serious?


Would you kindly explain to me why someone can take a show about humans or aliens seriously but can't take a show about ponies seriously?

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I love how this commenting section went all SERIOUS BUSINESS when the show is just totally -not- serious business. Friendship is magic and fun! X3 As a fan, I feel it is somewhat counter-productive and misrepresenting to put on pressure or rush to violently defend it, so I will simply say this!


It's just made with that basic social interaction development formula for kids, but it's done in a very cute and non-overwhelming manner. I like to watch an episode or two when I'm bored or just need to veg. It's entertaining and makes me feel like a little girl when I watch it. And the ponies' personalities are fun. So I mean, watch it or don't, it's your choice. But I don't think you'd regret it or anything. You'd probably smile a time or two. The art, at least, is super adorable. <3

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