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My Next Project



I think that a good sign for anyone working on anything that's intended to be funny is when you can look at your own work and laugh. This was the case with BIONICLE Under 2 Minutes and it is is the case with the project I started today.


Why am I making this entry? To tease you and to maybe make some sort of virtual monument to force myself to stop procrastinating on this.


Here are a few vague tidbits of information:

  • It will be funny.
  • It will be made in Flash.
  • It's not a PSA.
  • It's not another X in Y minutes.
  • It has nothing to do with BIONICLE.
Let the speculation/frustrated groaning commence!


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Is it... Hero Factory related? =P But not a PSA? Hmm... This'll be interesting. Can't wait to see what it is. =)


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Well it might be a flop at first, but I'm sure before long it'd be considered a cult classic! DVD sales would skyrocket! Michael Bay, James Cameron, and Steven Spielberg would fight to the death for the rights to do a big-budget remake!
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Does it have anything to do with Formula 1? (Odds are about 5000:1 right? :P)

Alas, no.


Am I in it though? :D

Alas, no.

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Does it have anything to do with Formula 1? (Odds are about 5000:1 right? :P)

Alas, no.


Am I in it though? :D

Alas, no.


Can you tell us when you're planning on releasing this at least? B)

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Does it have anything to do with Formula 1? (Odds are about 5000:1 right? :P)

Alas, no.


Am I in it though? :D

Alas, no.


Can you tell us when you're planning on releasing this at least? B)

Hey, posting this blog entry is more commitment than I want to give to anything right now. You'll know when I know.


Is it called 1002 things to do with plungers?

So close and yet so far... actually, not close at all.

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My Little Pony.


It's My Little Pony, right?


It'd better be, or you're in big trouble, mister.


«Takuma Nuva»

I'm in trouble.

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Does it have anything to do with Formula 1? (Odds are about 5000:1 right? :P)

Alas, no.


Am I in it though? :D

Alas, no.


Can you tell us when you're planning on releasing this at least? B)


Hey, posting this blog entry is more commitment than I want to give to anything right now. You'll know when I know.


Ok cool, I comlpletely understand.... *looks at unfinished game*




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It's a platypi poaching project.





Platypi poaching project? Preposterous perception, pal!

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