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Yes, upon much introspection and re-viewing of the show My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic, I have come to the realization that I am a brony.


I first watched the pilot episode with the intention of simply seeing what all the fuss was about. I didn't plan to particularly like it or dislike it; in fact, I was planning to write a blog post afterwards saying that "It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't terrible, so if you like it that's fine, and if you dislike it that's fine, and we should all just get along."


However, my plans were overturned once the show was over. I opened up a new entry and prepared to type my lukewarm review of the cartoon, but I couldn't get over the oddest feeling that, well, it really wasn't that bad of a show. In fact, it was pretty good. The animation was superb, and the music was enjoyable. The characters were instantly unique and likeable, and weren't just the stereotypical girls' cartoon characters that are so often seen on television. Even after the first episode, I found myself liking these ponies. Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and the rest should have just been some fun characters that you could watch and then forget, but instead, I found them endearing.


It was, as I said, the oddest feeling.


So, instead of writing the planned lukewarm review, I find myself with only one thing to say:


I am a brony.




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