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Graduation, Celebration

Watashi Wa


So here I am: sitting on my bed, actively avoiding lying on my back, sides or stomach because of how tender and burnt I am. I just returned home from a very short, yet exceedingly fun trip to Destin, Florida. This trip was, essentially, a graduation present to myself. I met and had some good hangs with pretty rad people. Beach volleyball was super fun and wore me out.


Last Saturday, May 12th, 2012, I graduated from Auburn University at Montgomery with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Systems Development. The ceremony itself was short and to-the-point since my school is relatively small, especially compared to main campus in Auburn. Afterwards, I headed back to my sister's house to enjoy a lovely meal with half of my family and my best friend.


I am extremely happy to say that I've graduated from college, but the anticipation of starting this brand new part of my life is both exhilarating and terrifying. I'm excited to start working and put my degree to use so I can make my way towards my goals and dreams. On the other hand, I'm at a point where I could be leaving everything I know behind me. I'm not afraid of making mistakes or trying new things; I'm scared of leaving everything and everyone I've known for the greater part of 22 years. Granted, we have amazing technology now - Skype, AIM, social networking, and even Xbox Live - that makes connection across vast distances much easier. Still, not being able to take my nephew to the park on a sunny afternoon or make my twin nieces laugh deeply saddens me.


I say all of that because there's a growing chance that I may be moving to North Carolina, should this job opportunity I've acted upon continue to flesh out. I replied to a call-back email tonight. If they like my answers, I can expect an interview soon. One of my sisters lived in NC for about a year or so and she's only had positive things to say about the place. Needless to say, I thoroughly believe I would enjoy living in North Carolina, specifically Durham. I've never done a professional interview, so even thinking about that is making my stomach crawl. Hah.


But I don't want to get ahead of myself. I'm taking this process one step at a time. I'm still sending my resume to other places, in the event that the NC position falls through.


Ever since I finished classes, I've found myself dwelling on a few worst-case scenarios that my imagination conjures from the realm of impossibilities. Dread and panic fills me for a good 5 minutes as I ponder about all of the responsibilities that are going to be shifted to my shoulders. It's completely futile, though. I never let myself dwell on these negative situations for too long. Otherwise, I waste too much time and I wouldn't be able to make the best possible decisions towards accomplishing my goals and ambitions.


College treated me well. I made a couple of really good friends that I'd like to stay in contact with. I may have realized I wasn't in the most appropriate degree too far into completion. I aim to take care of that with Graduate school, as I've said on my blog before. All in all, I had a pretty solid experience.


I'm actually going to miss college.


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