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Will Make Coffee for Food



As was related in my previous entry, I am now an employee of an adorable little coffee shop. I have worked four shifts so far, and learned a little more with each shift.


My first shift, as you know, I started out washing dishes. My second shift saw me working the till and learning how to pull a shot of espresso.


My third and fourth shifts were interesting.


Saturday was my third day. I learned how to steam milk (which turned out to be way easier than I had thought it would be), and then began to make some simple drinks. Make some espresso, steam some milk, and suddenly you've got a latte! It's amazing! And it's only a short step from making lattes to making mochas, cappuccinos, and macchiatos.


I also learned how to make iced drinks (it was a big day). It's basically the same as making a hot drink, except you add ice and use cold milk instead of steamed milk. I made myself the best iced caramel macchiato I've ever had, which wasn't hard to do, because the majority of my coffee experience has seen me at Starbucks.


Yeah, I don't really care for Starbucks. But that's a story for another day!


Yesterday was my fourth shift, and it was so busy I didn't make a single coffee! We pretty much had a constant flow of customers, so I stayed on the till while my coworker (who just so happens to be a friend of mine) made the hot drinks. I poured ice for the cold drinks and made smoothies (which are delicious), and sold sandwiches, bottled drinks, and soup. My four hours went by like a rocket, and seemed as though I'd hardly started when my shift was over and I could go.


Now for a word about some of our customers.


I've gotten to know some of our regulars, and one of them is named Bill*. Bill comes in every morning and buys a medium coffee to go. He chats a bit, then leaves. Sounds pretty normal right?


Well, Bill actually comes back to the cafe every few hours to buy a refill. I'd estimate he comes in four or five times a day. My supervisor (who just so happens to be one of the coolest people I know) isn't really sure if she's supposed to sell refills to people who have left the building, but she sells them to him anyway. Bill has been frequenting the place for years, and he knows exactly how much everything costs. He pays for everything he buys with exact change, right down to the last penny. When he buys a coffee, he sets down two dollars and twenty-four cents on the counter. Every time he comes in for a refill, he places seventy-three cents down on the counter. He's amazing.


There are plenty of other customers with just as much personality as him, but they'll have to wait for another day. That's all for now folks.



*not his real name.


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