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Two Weeks Vegetarian!



Yeah, so tomorrow will mark two weeks of me eating no meat. :)


It's been interesting so far. I've found I've been watching what I eat, simply because I need to make sure I can eat it, and the byproduct of that is that I'm eating healthier things. I've been eating way more vegetables, and I've been getting my protein from soy, eggs, and beans instead of meat.


It hasn't been a drastic change, to be honest. Before going pescetarian, I already ate more beans than meat, but that doesn't man it hasn't been difficult. I've turned down some pretty delish stuff (oh bacon why), and even gone hungry once or twice. I'm proud of myself: it hasn't been easy, and it's cool to know that I have the willpower to cut something out of my diet and stick with it.


I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon, either. :P I'll keep blogging too, but I'm switching to weekly updates (the downtime threw me for a loop anyway).


Thanks for your support, guys!


(and maybe sometime soon we'll start edging closer to vegan. who knows?)



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One question: Why?



A good question, one with several answers. Here they are, in no particular order:


1) A vegetarian diet is generally considered to be healthier than am omnivorous diet. This, of course, depends on on exactly what you are eating -candy may not contain meat, but that doesn't make it healthy. :P You still need to get all your nutrients. On the whole, however, replacing meat with plants has been shown to be a smart choice health-wise.


2) A vegetarian diet is more ecologically friendly. Animals take an enormous amount of food and water to raise. An easy way to visualize it is to place a dime on a typical kitchen table. The dime represents a cow; the table represents the approximate amount of land it will take to grow the food needed to feed the cow to adulthood.


3) Regardless of whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, there is animal cruelty in the world. A simply Google search will pull up hundreds of articles on how animals are mistreated throughout the course of their live, up to and including the slaughter. I, personally, do not agree with this.


Please not that I do not condemn anyone for eating meat. You are all free to make your own choices, as I am free to make mine. :)


i'm totes proud of you, eyru. congrats on your half-month milestone and whatev. <3




Thanks Ty you rock. <3

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On the subject of animal cruelty, which is crueller? Eating animals, or eating their food?



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