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New Single!

Queen of Noise



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BZPower has always been really supportive of me over the years, as I've slowly learned how to effectively record music. My simple cover songs in the BZPowercast gave me my first real audience, Maddison (Nukaya) gave me my first radio airplay, and my outings as part of Taped Headphones with Becca (Hahli Husky) gave my my first legitimate musical collaboration.


My early output was rudimentary and - let's face it - pretty awful. But you guys believed in me right from the get-go and gave a huge support. You kept supporting me as I learned more, got better, started writing my own songs, and started playing real shows in my fearsome college band, the Predacons.


The Predacons split up after we all graduated, but BZPower still was there, still encouraging me, still happy to hear new songs every month. And BZPower's still been a huge part of my life as I've moved onto focusing on my own original output, formed my new band, Nervous Pudding, and gotten very serious about songwriting and performance, seeking out professional studios for mastering work after recording and mixing the songs myself.


That's why I want to make BZPower the first place where I personally announce this, my debut single as frontman of Nervous Pudding. The song is called "Words, Words, Words" and was written and recorded entirely by yours truly. This is a really big deal for me - and I wanted to share it with you guys first.


You can listen to the song and download it here. "Words, Words, Words" will be followed by a harder-edged second single called "The Problem" later this month, and by a full album of original music this summer. The album will be titled Oh, Tonight and I want to look into making a coupon code for BZPower members that will give you guys as discount on the LP.


You guys mean the world to me. Thank you so much for all the support over the years!!


PS: It should be noted that Nervous Pudding also features BZPower members Windrider and Calles! They are not featured on this track, but will be heard on the album (and live!)


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I could say 'I could say it's amazing, but that'd just be words, words, words.' but that'd be a stupid wordplay, so I'mma just say

It's amazing

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That's a pretty cool song musically. It sounds like a throwback to classic rock, and the musicianship is good. I do think, though, there are a few points where the vocals sound a little off. Maybe it's shifting from the lower notes to the higher notes? It's just my opinion, though, and the ending "WOO-OOH-HOO" is great. :P

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Dude. I just started listening to this. And your voice is so cool. Definitely looking forward to the next song!


Haha, and now it shall be stuck in my head all day, I bet. =P

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