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What I don't get about most of you...



...is most of you.


I find it very difficult to relate to at least 80% of you. I'm sure you're all still mostly nice people. I just use to relate to almost everyone, which is what made this site so cool. I'm sorry. Pessimist.


And I just don't get MLP. I don't even


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I also don't get MLP. It has neat artwork, but I was able to appreciate that in the first few minutes. I attempted to watch it because a friend wanted us to at Brickfair a few years back, but eh. Just not doing it for me. I mean, I also have plenty of reasons the Brony phenomenon really bothers me (like the cultural appropriation of males taking something designed for a minority, under-represented group (females) and making it about themselves and for themselves [when you're a boy, it's okay to like girl things if a lot of boys do it, but it's not cool for girls to like boy things in most cultural circles, so the MLP thing just strikes me as cultural appropriation]). Sorry, tangent.

Do you relate to me, though? I'm a 26 year old dude paying bills and working full-time, who lives with his girlfriend he met through a LEGO hobby at a convention, who builds MOCs, takes photos, goes to college online to continue his degree finances kept him from completing years back, who likes Star Wars, music (classic rock AND modern music), movies, etc. Man, adulthood is weird.

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I don't get MLP either, but that's mostly because my roommate first semester was into it in a weird way. Kinda put me off the fandom as a whole. Sorry guys.


But hey. I was living on a ship when I joined BZP; back then what made it so cool was "hey, look! Other people who like the same stuff I do!" Used to be my main social thing. Then I left the ship, facebook became a thing, and moved a bunch, and eventually actually made friends in real life. Became less dependent on the site. Less time to put in, less you get out I suppose.

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Yeah, not into MLP either, though to be honest I simply don't care about it. I watched an episode once and it wasn't horrible, though, just not my thing.


To clarify, I am not 'I', but 'we'. Gatanui is an account shared by two brothers, though on BZPower you'll mostly find me (on other places like Flickr my brother is more active). We are 19 and 18 years old and in our second semester (third in October) studying physics and math, respectively. I guess that makes us pretty boring. :P


-Gata signoff.png

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I live with a rabid fan of that show. (My sister).


Thing is, she's not a fan of the show by itself so much as all the strange fanfics and such out there...


It's been enough to put me off that forever.

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Egh, people can like what they like, even if it is to some weird and creepy degree. I appreciate it for a few reasons including its innocence and charm and liking it has resulted in me meeting a lot of fantastic people who I can now call very good friends. Of course the one thing I don't get is why this huge cult spawned around it. I can understand a fandom but I feel that once you start calling yourself "bronies" and adopting other weird terms for various habits then you've just crossed the line into scarily obsessed. I don't see Game of Thrones fans calling themselves "Thronies". At least, I presume they don't. I haven't taken part in the community there.

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I'll never understand the super-fanatical people, and I'll never care too much for the whole "brony" thing, but as a whole I always saw it as a rather lighthearted show with neat artwork and some quality. Plus it triggers my nostalgia, as I used to play with My Little Ponies when I was... like 10 and under. Though I don't follow it that much, it's still a neat little show. :>


On the relatability thing... well I play video games, am about to take on my first year in a University, I'm quite a bit introverted, I enjoy drawing (badly) and writing (poorly) and am terrible at writing things where I might end up relating to someone. :B

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I see the attraction to it because it's kind of a mindless, enjoyable show - but honestly, the non-BZP fandom scares me in its level of obsession. The bronies have done more to hurt the show than help, in my mind.

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First of all, I want to say thank you for all these amazing replies. You guys are awesome! :D Sorry I couldn't reply to them earlier. I had to take a day-long car trip.


I also don't get MLP. It has neat artwork, but I was able to appreciate that in the first few minutes. I attempted to watch it because a friend wanted us to at Brickfair a few years back, but eh. Just not doing it for me. I mean, I also have plenty of reasons the Brony phenomenon really bothers me (like the cultural appropriation of males taking something designed for a minority, under-represented group (females) and making it about themselves and for themselves [when you're a boy, it's okay to like girl things if a lot of boys do it, but it's not cool for girls to like boy things in most cultural circles, so the MLP thing just strikes me as cultural appropriation]). Sorry, tangent.

Do you relate to me, though? I'm a 26 year old dude paying bills and working full-time, who lives with his girlfriend he met through a LEGO hobby at a convention, who builds MOCs, takes photos, goes to college online to continue his degree finances kept him from completing years back, who likes Star Wars, music (classic rock AND modern music), movies, etc. Man, adulthood is weird.


Wow, you make an interesting point about cultural problems coming from MLP. I had never thought of it that way before.


Dude, I wish I had my life as together as you do. I'm still at that awkward stage where I have no idea what to do or where to go. It's frustrating. And rock music is what fuels me, from classic to metal, punk to pop-rock. I do it all! :P And yes, adulthood is weird and awkward, especially for me. Too bad you can't always be 16.


I don't get MLP either, but that's mostly because my roommate first semester was into it in a weird way. Kinda put me off the fandom as a whole. Sorry guys.


But hey. I was living on a ship when I joined BZP; back then what made it so cool was "hey, look! Other people who like the same stuff I do!" Used to be my main social thing. Then I left the ship, facebook became a thing, and moved a bunch, and eventually actually made friends in real life. Became less dependent on the site. Less time to put in, less you get out I suppose.


That's exactly what I thought when I first saw BZP. I just couldn't believe so many people love Bionicle like I did. And I'm not really dependent on this site anymore, but only because most of my friends left... and then Bionicle died, so there's that.


Yeah, not into MLP either, though to be honest I simply don't care about it. I watched an episode once and it wasn't horrible, though, just not my thing.

To clarify, I am not 'I', but 'we'. Gatanui is an account shared by two brothers, though on BZPower you'll mostly find me (on other places like Flickr my brother is more active). We are 19 and 18 years old and in our second semester (third in October) studying physics and math, respectively. I guess that makes us pretty boring. :P

-Gata signoff.png


Yeah, right when everyone started going crazy over MLP, I gave it a try. Not for me, no sir. While I don't prescribe to gender-specific identities, it still me a weird feeling to know so many guys adore this show.


And dude, physics and math make you guys more interesting, especially since I can't understand either of them. But I'm sure you guys are more than just physics and math. You're people. Complicated, like all people. Which is the way I should view Bronies.


I live with a rabid fan of that show. (My sister).

Thing is, she's not a fan of the show by itself so much as all the strange fanfics and such out there...

It's been enough to put me off that forever.


Sisters, man, can't live with 'em... can't live with 'em.


Egh, people can like what they like, even if it is to some weird and creepy degree. I appreciate it for a few reasons including its innocence and charm and liking it has resulted in me meeting a lot of fantastic people who I can now call very good friends. Of course the one thing I don't get is why this huge cult spawned around it. I can understand a fandom but I feel that once you start calling yourself "bronies" and adopting other weird terms for various habits then you've just crossed the line into scarily obsessed. I don't see Game of Thrones fans calling themselves "Thronies". At least, I presume they don't. I haven't taken part in the community there.


Yeah, when you start to define yourself by a TV show, that may be too far. Maybe. I'm no expert. But I get your point.


I'll never understand the super-fanatical people, and I'll never care too much for the whole "brony" thing, but as a whole I always saw it as a rather lighthearted show with neat artwork and some quality. Plus it triggers my nostalgia, as I used to play with My Little Ponies when I was... like 10 and under. Though I don't follow it that much, it's still a neat little show. :>


On the relatability thing... well I play video games, am about to take on my first year in a University, I'm quite a bit introverted, I enjoy drawing (badly) and writing (poorly) and am terrible at writing things where I might end up relating to someone. :B


Wow, you sound just like me. I'm quite an introvert, as I imagine a lot of people on this site are. I play video games, but I probably watch more movies (my favorite story-telling medium). And I love writing, I'm just such a perfectionist that I never get anything done.


I'm waist-deep in the fandom myself. :P


Different strokes for different folks I guess. :)


Yeah, it seems so. No judgment here, just don't get it.


I see the attraction to it because it's kind of a mindless, enjoyable show - but honestly, the non-BZP fandom scares me in its level of obsession. The bronies have done more to hurt the show than help, in my mind.


Yeah, at times I thought that the super fandom of BZP to Bionicle hurt Bionicle. Sometimes fans just need to let the creators do their jobs. :P

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I wish I had a long, well-thought-out post like everybody above, but I just like MLP for the pretty ponies. :mellow:






Well, that is a fairly good reason. :P

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I've watched My Little Pony since its original '80s iteration back when I was a wee lass, and I think Friendship is Magic is probably the strongest show in the franchise thus far. It's got a nice art style, enthusiastic creators, and good characters. It's not "great art," but it's a good and fun cartoon. By right there should be no shame in liking it and no shame in disliking it!


Unfortunately the whole brony phenomenon is a major turnoff and honestly I haven't even watched the show since the second season because the association is so toxic. Pat covered some of the major issues in his comment; needless to say it bothers me significantly and unfortunately it's majorly dampened the enjoyment I get out of a franchise I've loved all my life and used to share with my older sister. And that's terrible.

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Nope, no shame at all. I just don't get it, that's all.


I get what you're saying. Sometimes I wish I didn't have any outside affiliation with a show or band or movie, etc. But when you are interested and inspired by something, you just want to find out everything about it and tell everyone about it. Unfortunately, sometimes there are some idiot fans out there. One example that immediately comes to is is Metallica fans vs. Megadeth fans. It's so idiotic how much they can hate each other. I just wanna say, "Just listen to the music and have fun! You can like both bands and no be abused over it."


Meh, rant.


Also, I'm sorta intrigued at the direction that these comments went it. I was expecting comments about relatability to BZPers, not MLP. But whatevz. :P

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