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Project Update



Progress is still going. Don't you worry.


The first of two animation textbooks came in yesterday. Lack of any animation skills whatsoever has been a huge setback for me and Power Lies Beneath. With it being an action game, good animations really are a core part of the experience.


I'm sure some animators out there a familiar with The Illusion of Life, the book by OIllie Johnson about Walt Disney's studio? That's the first book that came in and it's quite inspirational. Not enough to quit my day job, but man, I'm liking it so far.


As far as actual game mechanics go, it's typical Unity shenanigans. You can't code a system from scratch so you hope that an asset out there can at least get you going in the right direction. But, many of the assets I buy (or even free ones), aren't as well documented or well-developed as they should be. "You get what you pay for" also doesn't apply as much as you would think (probably the most dangerous part about dealing with the asset store).


Of course, Unity's core audience doesn't seem to know how to code, so many of them love these bad or buggy code snippets anyway and it gets them one step closer to their dream.


Ah well. What can you do?


Well, nothing has really changed visually in my game, but here's a screenshot anyway of a Hoto bug getting its AI rigged up. Those blue rings are basically its "affect field". If you're within those rings, the Hoto bug shoots goo at you. The black lines are part of a second field that depicts the Hoto bug's field of vision. And of course, there's the golden waypoint route in the grass.


I'm really tired (as per usual on Fridays unfortunately), so I'm about to read some more of the Disney book and head to bed. Hope y'all have a great night!


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