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Day #1 at LEGO

Vezok's Friend




...no, no, not going there ^^ Though I have seen my fair share of spaceships and hundreds of other designs today. The day started relatively early compared to my old job and got interesting immediately as I met my colleague who got hired through the same workshop I attended. We had a camera team at the workshop filming some of us for a documentary on Channel 4 on UK television and apparently they hadn't had enough yet since they accompanied us all the way to the front door at which point they were not allowed to follow anymore. Our respective mentors welcomed us and while I spent half a day with a visitor pass, I now have that little thingy saying I'm an employee. Way cool! =D


I got taken on a tour of the department and saw pretty much everything from City (which is where I work) to Ninjago to Bionicle. Oh the things I have seen and can not talk about. It will keep the frontpage busy for a looooong time ^^ The Bionicle guys heard I was a fan though, so they were super nice and gave me Kopaka, who is now master of ice and my desk until I return tomorrow, along with somebody else I might get to talk about in the future.


I didn't do much designing today yet, it was mostly learning where everything is and getting used to the work environment. I did get to put together some new sets though, which was pretty sweet.


Stayed well after work was over and got to do some free building and hung out with some of the other designers.


Let's do it again tomorrow! =D

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That is the dream of a lifetime for a LEGO fan! You are so lucky!


Any chance you'd be able to tell me how someone could get a job where you're at?

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That is the dream of a lifetime for a LEGO fan! You are so lucky!


Any chance you'd be able to tell me how someone could get a job where you're at?


Why, it's very easy. All you have to do is... wait... Is that a black helicopter over my house? I wonder why it's flying overh


There is no way to get a job at Lego, period. That is a fact. Do not believe anything else. This is not a message from Mega Bloks trying to starve LEGO of good designers. That is a fact. We... er... I am not lying.

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That is the dream of a lifetime for a LEGO fan! You are so lucky!


Any chance you'd be able to tell me how someone could get a job where you're at?


Why, it's very easy. All you have to do is... wait... Is that a black helicopter over my house? I wonder why it's flying overh


There is no way to get a job at Lego, period. That is a fact. Do not believe anything else. This is not a message from Mega Bloks trying to starve LEGO of good designers. That is a fact. We... er... I am not lying.


Time to declare war.

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tell us all the sekrits


Wow... something like this gives me hope that dreams can be made into reality after all! Congratulations, and all the best at your new job!

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Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! I've always dreamed of becoming a Lego designer (always meaning since age 10), and I hope you have a wonderful time at your new job! (And lots of fun getting to see all those set prototypes before us, too!)

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I know I've said it probably several times on Skype already, but congrats to you.


In the future, tell us which sets you had a hand in designing so we'll buy them.

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That is the dream of a lifetime for a LEGO fan! You are so lucky!


Any chance you'd be able to tell me how someone could get a job where you're at?


Well, it might differ a bit from person to person. I applied through the job website and sent in my application, then got interviewed and then got invited to a workshop. I know other people got hired on after the successfully landed and internship with the company. It differs, but the initial step is like any other place: Send in an application.



Man, this sounds super fun. What made you want to choose City as the department to work in?


I didn't chose the City life, the City life chose me. Which is actually true, I was assigned to city. I suspect since my model portfolio features a lot of jets/planes/trucks. 


Glad you're having a fantastic time already! Did you hit it off with your co-workers in the LEGO City department?


Can honestly say I have not met a single person here where I think I couldn't get along with them, they are all super nice =)

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That is the dream of a lifetime for a LEGO fan! You are so lucky!


Any chance you'd be able to tell me how someone could get a job where you're at?


Well, it might differ a bit from person to person. I applied through the job website and sent in my application, then got interviewed and then got invited to a workshop. I know other people got hired on after the successfully landed and internship with the company. It differs, but the initial step is like any other place: Send in an application.

Ah, okay. And we all know an application is necessary. :P


Thanks a bunch for taking the time to answer my question!

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congrats man, you totally deserved the job,


can i ask how long does it take for TLG to contact you for the first interview ?


wish you all the best

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