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Coming soon: Terrible Comics!

Akaku: Master of Flight


No, I'm not talking about Legends of Taladi Nui, hopefully... This is something else entirely; Terrible comics, by slightly less terrible people! So far, the ladies and gents' we have onboard on the project are:


- Me!

- ZippyWharrgarbl

- Zahaki

- Itaki (also known elsewhere as Encune)


Potu miiiiight also join in, but she's very busy right now, so we probably wont see her much if she does.


I've also asked a few others if they're interested, ill update the list accordingly if more people join; Basically, its going to be a fun little comic series from me and a bunch of my BZP-artist friends, where its more about the humor then the quality of things. Theres also no deadlines set for anyone to make comics, since people often get quite busy; that being said, the topic may get slow at times, but ill make sure that it never dies completely :)


Also, the way I see it... The more members of the series, the less of the odds there are that we'll all be lazy at the same time, and nothing will get done :P


The name right now im thinking is literally going to be 'Terrible Comics', though that's not set in stone if someone comes up with something better!


(Are you a cool peep' that likes drawing, but doesn't have the time to make your own comic series? Drop on by when things get rolling, chances are we'll accept new artists and fan comics along the way!)


EDIT: By the way, more or less making this post the 'HQ' of the comic until its posted; don't hesitate to say hello, and throw some ideas around if you've got any! :)


(One such idea I talked about with Zippy was having an 'MSPaint Monday', where we must attempt to make something by just using said program; I myself quite like the sounds of this :P)


--Akaku: Master of Flight

Edited by Akaku: Master of Flight

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Super pumped for this. I think we can do better on the name though, maybe. "Terrible Comics Dragged from the Lowest Reaches of the Pit" or "Please Save Me My House Is Plastered In These Horrible Etchings Like It's An Episode of the Twilight Zone".

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XD Sounds like we may need to draw names from a hat at this point; some of those sound like they could be a little long to fit in the topic name though, zippy :P
Ill make the topic on Monday, I think; will start it off with a terrible one of me own, methinks :P

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You are only encouraging me to make even longer ones. >:y


"In The Dark Of Night I Lie Awake And Hear Rats Scratching Inside The Walls, When I Had The Nerve To Finally Investigate I Found Nought But Terrible Bionicle Comics Scritched By The Claws Of Hundreds Of Vermin. I Have Been Too Afraid To Take Action And So I Lie Here Weary And In Dreary Acceptance As The Rodents Scratch More Monstrosities By The Hour"

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I like the "Mspaint Monday" idea!


"From the depths arose a creature most peculiar, and from its jaws a torrential rain of Bionicle comics fell upon us! Devouring our time and sanity"

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If we enter enough Lovecraftian monstrosity names, we'll have an incredibly good chance of Akaku selecting one out of his proverbial hat.


"And lo, I gazed into the beast's shimmering eyes, orbs of cursed blackness that caught the flame from my torch's glow the way slick algae caught the last beams of sunlight from a deserted rockpool upon the coast, and there did I only see terrible Bionicle comics. They plague me still."

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"And So The Idea Took Its Multi Author Form, And Said I am Become Terrible, Destroyer of Comic"


...At this rate I don't think the acronym alone would fit in the title, if we merged them all together :P

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"The Sky Burned A Brilliant Shade Of Red And From The Earth's Core Came Twisted Abominations The Likes Of Which The World Had Never Seen, Twisted And Corrupt To Their Very Cores, Causing A Peculiar Itch To The Backs Of My Eyes As I Looked Upon Them. One Saw Me It Seemed, As It Raised A Clawed, Plated Finger And Traced Shapes In The Air. I Screamed As A Terrible Bionicle Comic Etched Itself Into My Eyelids, But Then I Had The Strangest Urge To Laugh. And So I Did, For The Rest Of My Days."

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"The Sky Burned A Brilliant Shade Of Red And From The Earth's Core Came Twisted Abominations The Likes Of Which The World Had Never Seen, Twisted And Corrupt To Their Very Cores, Causing A Peculiar Itch To The Backs Of My Eyes As I Looked Upon Them. One Saw Me It Seemed, As It Raised A Clawed, Plated Finger And Traced Shapes In The Air. I Screamed As A Terrible Bionicle Comic Etched Itself Into My Eyelids, But Then I Had The Strangest Urge To Laugh. And So I Did, For The Rest Of My Days."

I nominate this as the 'official' title. It won't fit in the topic name, but we can put this on the page itself, with 'Terrible Comics' being the shorthand. =P

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XDD either way, the full name is inevitably going to be extremely long :P
In any case, here here, my artist friends! I have an Idea, should you all be so willing; Im making a title page header thing for the topic, but im thinking that instead of me drawing all of us, we don't we all draw our own characters for it? Heres what I have so far:


...Aaaaaand heres a dropbox link to the .psd version:

ta-da again!

If you guys think its a good idea, then pick a spot and put your character there! :)
(oh, and I should note it would probably look the best if everyone drew there character terrified/utterly confused; at what exactly, is hard to say :P)

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I'll get started on that ASAP. Issue is, my drawing tablet does not agree with my computer at the moment, so my drawing is limited to paper and MSPaint. I'll figure it out.

EDIT: I got my tablet to arguably work on my laptop (it looks like I'm drawing on an Etch-a-Sketch) so I am reserving #1 because THAT'S WHAT I AM

EDIT #2: An attempt was made


(I have the photoshop file too, can send that along if needed)


You may notice that digital art is not my strong suite. I might have to redo it- the lines are pretty zig-zaggy. Also the thick lines I originally chose look a little weird. Digital art is HARD


I couldn't decide between 'horrified' and 'disgusted' and instead went with both.

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XDD that's marvelous, Zippy; it looks great! :D And you indeed look rather disgusted and horrified  :P

If you ever want to update it at any point, that's up to you; even after I create the topic, I always keep the PSD files around for my finished pictures, juuuust in case if I need them again at any point; in any case, I'll take the PSD of your current picture, please :P

The lines do look a little jagged, but that's alright; its not super noticeable, and will probably be even less so when the picture gets sized down a bit to fit the first page of the topic. :)

--Akaku: Master of Flight

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I think I kind of know what the issue was. My art program was doing this weird thing where if I tried to draw a line it would, instead of just having a curved line, Etch-A-Sketch it with a really jagged line. I have an inkling of how to resolve it, but for now I'll leave it as is. Thank you, though! :D


I'll send the PSD along when I'm on a device that can transfer the file. c:

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ooooh... whoops; I forgot to mention in my PM to you that everyone is supposed to be looking at the camera utterly terrified and such; my bad ^^;;

that's hilarious, though XD definitely works! got a nice laugh out of that when I saw it :P
--Akaku: Master of Flight

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I love it, it's beautiful. :'u But now the raised leg makes it look like Zippy's about to deliver a side-kick to Itaki the Startler. Which may be why Itaki is crouched- ready for incoming attacks. It already tells a story. It's incredible.


All these really good perfect drawings and there's my MSPaint-looking abomination on the end there. If it's all right, Akaku, I'll hit you up for the .psd once I emerge victorious in my War on Art Programs, and then I'll fix it up. It'll still be the same pose and junk, just... smaller lines and cleaned up a lot. Maybe some extra details. Details are another thing I'm not good at.


And I'll even add my name because apparently I forgot to do that. Until then I'm the MASKED STRANGER

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Oh! Haha! Okay yeah, I can easily go change that I mean the pose would work for startled too.


Zip! Yours is adorable! But I wish you good luck in you war against the Art Programs! *waves flag*





She was just too zippy to dodge.

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Ah hah, that's great! I like how you gave zippy praying-mantis positioned arms in that bonus image XD
Well, time to hunt down Zahaki now! I don't think he's been here yet, even though I sent him a link; apparently he's just too cool for us, ill pop him another message down at DA :P
May need that PSD version though Itaki, to help merge everything together in the end :)
--Akaku: Master of Flight

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That bonus drawing is incredible, I love it! Toa Zippy has better reflexes than Real Zippy could ever dream of ;a;


And the updated one works really well too! This is really starting to remind me of that spooky house attraction that takes photos of people walking through the place and getting spooked. Which is perfect, really.


Now for Zahaki. That guy is an enigma. He appears and fades like mist. He may actually be mist, we just don't know.

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I'll post my edit of the 'Title Card' Sunday night, its currently 12am annnnnnnd I gotta get up for work in 4 hours 0.o


I'm liking how it turned out so far though ^^

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