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Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It was serious and tense, but it knows when to crack a joke. The cast is great and all of the characters get focus; there's no Hawkeye or Wonder Woman situation here. The action was great, with smaller and more practical action than most other Marvel movies. The writers did a great job with the character of Cap by not focusing on the fish-out-of-water 'what's technology durr hurr', but on the fish-out-of-water 'this is a completely different world that the one I left'. Plus it actually felt like it was important to the MCU at large, something the post-Avengers movies have struggled with (plus it made Agents of SHIELD really good).

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Hmm...  Prolly one of the Detective Conan movies because I'm not into Superhero stuffs.


Wait, Manga counts right?

To be honest, I wasn't thinking of Manga when I thought of the question. But I don't see it wouldn't count here. So I say it counts. :)

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The Incredibles doesn't count (it's not based on a comic), but I'm making it count. It's a movie with superheroes, but it's not about the superheroes. It's about a slightly disfunctional family who learn to trust and see the potential in each other.


And if that weren't enough, the movie embraces spy tropes rather than superhero tropes, and because of that it doesn't feel like any other movie ever made with super heroes.


It's an incredibly refreshing movie. Why more comic book movies aren't using it as a model is beyond me.

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