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Like a turd in the wind

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Let me be clear. No, I will not watch Venom. No interest. Zero. None. He's a pretty cool villain, but I want his origins done right. I want him to show up in a storyline with Peter Parker. Peter Parker must be a well-developed character who has gone through multiple character arcs. The symbiote should be the stimulus that takes him to a new level. After all, it messes with his personality. It's a cool way to take a character that's normally light-hearted and make him a little more serious. I couldn't care less about Eddie Brock.


Also, the only appropriate way to introduce the symbiote is to have a storyline where Spider-Man visits another planet. Which would naturally be quite a ways into his mythology. Unless you're in the MCU. See, this is one of those characters that I want the MCU to have. I know that I've said that Disney has a pretty big monopoly and I want too fight out against that, but I Venom works better in the MCU than in a small pocket universe that Sony cooked up in a side project.


As such, no desire to see it. Plus, the trailers looked pretty bad.


Tempted to photoshop SPIRIT's avatar over Venom's face, though...



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I saw it because I like Tom Hardy and Venom (even though I'm not a big comic book reader). 


I thought the movie itself was fine.

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One hundred percent with you about this. Well, maybe Spiderman doesn't need to go to a another planet to get the symbiote - because he just did that in the new Avengers movie - but everything else you've said is right on point. More importantly, since you didn't go see the movie, you are not partially responsible for ensuring the sequel, which the producers have already indicated is going be doing a *gags* PG-13 sympathetic take on Carnage. You know, the symbiote wearer whose sole gimmick is that he's such a bad dude that he makes Venom look lawful good in comparison, and pushes Spiderman to the point that he's willing to team up with Venom (who previously tried to ruin his entire life) just to take down the ******.

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:kaukau: I was thinking that if Disney got the right to use Venom, and if they brought back Spider-Man (because he's likely not permanently dead), then perhaps he'll do a few more alien planet runs in the MCU.  Who knows.  But you're right, it isnt absolutely essential.



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