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The End



To all the great friends that I've met here, you've made my time on BZPower unforgettable and I will always cherish that.  But, most of you have long since left this website and will likely never read this message... and I feel it might be time for me to finally move on as well.

I had always trusted BZPower to be a safe haven of my childhood.  No matter what, even if I didn't post in years, I could always come back here and remember the good old days.  But now, I fear that might no longer be the case.  If the appalling recent allegations are true, then I don't think I can rightfully think of BZPower as a haven anymore.  I may be a cisgendered heterosexual man, but if women and LGBTQ+ people cannot feel safe here, then no one can.

Currently, I am posting the Dino Attack RPG: Director's Cut on BZPower, and I had started doing so "for old time's sake", since this website is where the RPG began fifteen years ago, it has been my most cherished memory of BZPower, and I wanted to bring it full circle.  Despite it all, I still want to leave BZPower on a positive note, so I shall continue to post the Director's Cut until it is complete.  I've made my commitment, and I won't stop until my mission is accomplished.  But aside from that, I doubt that I will be posting much else or continuing to engage with this community.  There is a very real chance that the Director's Cut shall be my BZPower swan song. 

There is other unfinished business that I had wished to attend to, such as posting The Story of Rosamu (a rewrite of an old BIONICLE fanfic from my early days on BZPower, which I had previously been hyping up on the Blaaahhhg whenever I remembered that I had a Blaaahhhg) whenever it was finished.  When the time comes, I will decide whether I shall do so on BZPower, again "for old time's sake"... but what I had once treated as a certainty is now merely a possibility.  To be honest, with the once-thriving library forums now silent as a graveyard, there may be no one left to share my stories with.

I have my notification settings set so that I am emailed when I receive a personal message, so I can still check and read any PMs sent to me in the future if needed.  That way, you can still reach me through BZPower even after I am gone.

I can only hope that one day, BZPower can prove that it can change for the better. Maybe there's a chance that we'll see a thriving, healthy, welcoming community whenever BIONICLE Gen 3 comes around. But until then...

"It's all right, children. Life is made up of meetings and partings. That is the way of it."

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