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I chose the name "Bfahome" in a desperate fit of non-creativity as I was signing up for the Kanoka Club on bionicle.com in 2004.  Maybe I should've thought about it a bit more, because in the following 16 years it remained my primary handle on pretty much any site or service that anyone here would find relevant.

(It stands for "BIONICLE fan at home", loosely inspired by the "Adam@Home" comic strip I remembered seeing in the newspaper.  I was told not to use the @ symbol because it tended to not play well with systems, and "Bfathome" might be interpreted as using the word "fat" derisively.  So I went with "Bfahome".  I don't think I've ever mentioned the handle's full origin story but now seemed as good a time as ever.)

So if you're wondering what becomes of me, you can find me on Twitter, YouTube, Steam, Twitch, Discord, Battle.net, and a slew of others I've forgotten about because I stopped using them or something.  Follow me if you want; occasionally I share cool things I've made, though most of the time it's just weird thoughts that pop into my head that I used to use this blog as an outlet for.

With that, I'll be "officially" logging off of BZPower for probably the first time in the twelve and a half years I've been a member.  Right now I consider it a hiatus, however extended it may be, because I still want to believe that there'll be a site for me to come back to that I can feel good about associating with, promoting, and contributing to.  As it stands now, though, there isn't.  And maybe there won't ever be.  Can't tell, and it won't be just my judgement on the matter.

I've certainly had my own shortcomings and I'm sure there have been things I've done that have contributed to the general climate of negativity that I've been ignorant of, and for those things I am sorry.  I've tried to become a better person over the years, and still have a long way to go in that regard.

Anyway, it's been fun, mostly.  I definitely got my 35 dollars' worth at least.  But this is it, I guess.

See you all on the other side.

- Gabe

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