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Brunswick, Georgia



Before you read this entry, if you weren't around the last time I did this trip and have no idea what in the world World Changers is, I suggest you read at least this first section of this blog entry, please and thank you.


Well, hi again, all. Sorry I scared you, TMD. The South was so much fun. :P


Georgia went very well. The drive last Friday/Saturday was really, really long and hot and humid, but it was awesome to look out the window when we drove through South Carolina and Georgia and see alligators in the rivers. =D


Lots and lots o'kids showed up at World Changers this year - I think about 350 or so. The highschool we were at was pretty packed with people all week.


So yeah, Brunswick was mainly a roof project city. This year wasn't as insanely exciting as last year - not as many people tried to die or stuff like that. :P We did have several people fall through their roofs because of rotting boards, one girl who passed out from partial dehydration, one girl who had a heat stroke and had to be brought to the hospital, and myself and a diabetic friend both had sugar crashes on the same exact day and were totally exhausted and stuff when we came home. Go figure.


BTW, a sugar crash happens to mainly diabetics, hyperglycemics, or hypoglycemics, which occurs when said person's insulin eats up their blood sugar too fast - in this case, I had been given one of those nummy ice popsicles in the plastic sleeves, and stupid me, I forgot to eat some sort of protien with it, as protien would help keep me from crashing. Yeah... got dizzy up on the roof, started seeing weird colors, then my head hurt really, really bad...


It was weird.


Then I had to sit for five hours, cause my chief wouldn't let me get back on the roof, so I doodled Bionicle stuff with a Sharpie on a styrofoam lunch tray and my work jeans.




*cough* ANYWAYS.


The roofing itself was pretty hectic all week, cause it rained so much, so we always had to make sure our major-giganto tarps were nearby so we could cover the roof if it started to drizzle. Luckily, my crew was farther south than anybody else, so we only got rained on, like, once at our site.


Georgia Heat + Georgia Humidity + 3 in the afternoon + on the roof = DEATH WITHOUT DYING. ARG. D8


But hey, we got it done. We got all 26 houses done. And we got in the newspaper. It was amazingly awesome. :fonz:


And I made friends. New friends. You can't beat new friends. :P


And I got cool Bionicle-Sharpied pants. Muahahahaha.






And I drew stuff. (Duh.) Stuff = Mahri Sketches. And more that is in my art topic.


If anyone from here in Ohio knows where to find those Toa, I'd really, really like to know. ;;




SC = Carowinds = Awesome Blue Roller Coaster Whose Name Escapes Me. Yayz. :happydance:




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Heh. Heh heh heh. Death without dying. That was really funny for some reason.


Anyway, sounds like it was fun! At least no one died. Though it sounds like it was pretty hectic with people passing out. Don't think you can fix roofs when you're unconscious...


Feh, Maxilos & Spinax are way cooler than any of those silly ol' Mahri. And if you like green, extremely decorative armored people, Karzahni's worth the forty bucks with Sarda and Idris (and that conTRAPtion -- heh, I made a funny!).

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Death without dying, eh? I like that. Just sounds cool.


And as for the art, I love it. I would go into a decent review, but I have nothing to say besides that. :P

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Heh. Heh heh heh. Death without dying. That was really funny for some reason.


Anyway, sounds like it was fun! At least no one died. Though it sounds like it was pretty hectic with people passing out. Don't think you can fix roofs when you're unconscious...


Feh, Maxilos & Spinax are way cooler than any of those silly ol' Mahri. And if you like green, extremely decorative armored people, Karzahni's worth the forty bucks with Sarda and Idris (and that conTRAPtion -- heh, I made a funny!).


That's what it was, though: Death without dying. It stunk. D=


Yeah, that'd be kinda hard.


I don't have anything in my stores right now. Which also stinks. D=



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Hurray for Bionicle sharpie pants!!! You simply must take a picture of those and sell them on eBay for millions of dollars!

Or keep them it doesn't matter BUT YOU MUST SHOW THEM TO ME!!!!!



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It's nothing real fancy or anything, but I'll see what I can do. I've still got some fresh exposures left in my camera. :)



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Don't you just love that hot, humid south heat? Well, for one thing I'm glad everything went according to plan and like, no one died or anything, right? Sorry about that suger crash for you, that musta stunk. Though Bionicle decorated pants seems like an awesome thing. :P

So I'm glad your back. =D


Ooooh, I love your new art pieces, so I'll try to review 'em sometime. And aye, I really hope I can find one of those new sets to buy sometime >< My last one was Takadox around January I think.

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Nifty sketches.


Sounds like you had fun. I love going out to do construction projects. A few years ago I went with a team from the ship to help hurricane relief in Grenada. It was a lot of fun hammering in boards and the roof. And my overalls were COVERED in mud. XD



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Oh my gosh. Did NOT know you were one state away from me, who lives like, five mins away from the border.


And now you know.


Yay, Ohio. *random Buckeye gear is thrown*



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