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Zzzzzz...huh, What?



Oh, hey everyone, just letting you know I'm still around...and not dead. :D

I just realized that if I were to enter BBC #45 I only have two days to do so. I'd like to, sure, but sadly I haven't read one bit of Chaos In The Deep. Could someone give me, like, a list of characters and what they're described to be? Thanks. :)


Oh, and I hate my new name, so on September 23rd I'll change it again. :P



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I never read it either, to be honest. It's the staff RPG, so that can get you started. You have to dig a bit deeper, though, to find out who is/isn't mutated, what staffies look like in the Bionicle world, or if there's anything else you might like to build from the RPG.

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Yeah! SZ's coming back! I'm not a big fan of Carbonite either.


I confess, I've read very little of CitD. I'm not sure I'll even vote in this BBC contest, I'm bound to be such a bad judge of what works and doesn't work according to the story line.


But you know, SZ, if you're looking for something to build, Dalek is running an contest in his blog for members of the Chinchilla club, and I really need an entry. Maybe you could do me the favor of building a...


What do you mean I can't do that? Cheating? What? Me, cheat?


Never mind. I guess it's back to my "Duplos with the Gadunka head" idea. :P



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