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Fun stuff happens to my family. :rolleyes:


We were on our way out the door to leave for choir, when this strange sound emitted from the shrubs.


The first thought that went through everybody's mind was 'Pft, it's Max.' Max is our neighbor's cat, and he loves to hide in our bushes and chase the spiders on our porch.


But Max doesn't keep meowing like this cat did.


A couple minutes of persuasion found us with a black-and-white adult cat, about 4 or 5 years old, with beautiful green eyes and ribs and hips showing through his fur.




The cat ate a full dish of food in under a minute. We doubt he's feral - He hasn't been declawed or neutered, but he's very friendly towards people and comes when called (to ''kitty'', a mouse-like noise we use for our other cats, and if he's looking your way, just to a turn of the finger). We brought him in the house so we could watch him while we called the shelter, and he didn't act like he hadn't lived in a house before - he tended to stay around the kitchen, which we soon realized meant he was asking for scraps, as he runs around and through your legs and meows at the sound of bags opening or a skillet frying. He also showed submission to the cats of our house rather quickly, which was awfully interesting to watch (it's all body language, the way cats communicate).


He's a very sweet kitty - loves to be held and loves to sit on laps. ^^


So if there isn't a call in for him after a while, we may just keep him.


Which will be awesome, considering we lost a cat last year to lung cancer.






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I'm so jealous :angry:

All our cats have yellow eyes... oh he must be so beautiful!

I love watching cats communicate; I have almost taken on such characteristics in communication myself.


I think you will be keeping him, if he was that starved there is vary little chance that a actual owner is around and if there is, it was abused by him/her.



Whatcha going to name him?





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Cats = Awesome




Yea and verily.


I think you will be keeping him, if he was that starved there is vary little chance that a actual owner is around and if there is, it was abused by him/her.



Whatcha going to name him?


I don't think it was abused - apart from it being startlingly thin, there's no signs of sickness or wounds or things you'd noramlly find on a mistreated animal. No, I think this cat just got lost while wandering outside, and has been without food for at least a week or so. It's a type of Oriental Shorthair or Siamese, which can be rather lanky cats, but this one's seriously been without decent food for a while.


For the moment, he's just 'Kitty'. :P My sister will probably be the one to name him if we keep him, seeing as I already have a cat of my own (who has been quite jealous, BTW. It's rather depressing and somewhat funny, watching him sulk at the windowsill.)



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Awww... kitty


Do you have a pic?


No, not yet.


(who has been quite jealous, BTW. It's rather depressing and somewhat funny, watching him sulk at the windowsill.)



EMO CAT!!!!!!!









Seriously, though, he's always been a very emo cat. It's really funny. :lol:



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Awww...That's so sweet! Green eyes...I've always wanted green eyes...but they are very wonderful for a cat. I hope you can find its owner, or get to keep the darling. =3


That reminds me of what happened to us a year ago I think...We found this cute cat where we are now, called her Jadzia (Star Trek :P) and she had 6 adorable kittens later.


...But we had to get rid of her and the kittens, if we didn't we were going to get evicted where we live(rent house, not supposed to have pets, we really didn't mean to keep them that long...but what were we supposed to do?), so it was a really depressing time for us...


Gaahhh sorry! Didn’t mean to make the situation sad…


But have fun with your kitty! It would be funny if you just named it 'kitty'. XD


Oh yeah, AWESOME ac14 entry, I’ll try to review it asap.

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I had a cat named Kitty once.


She was a calico.


She had a ton of kittens.


Maybe that's why we had over 40 cats when I was little.


Huh. :|



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I had a cat named Kitty once.


She was a calico.


She had a ton of kittens.


Maybe that's why we had over 40 cats when I was little.


Huh. :|




Oh yah been there done that...

and still am in a way...



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That's good. I'm allergic to cats though. I almost had an asthma attack at my friends house (hence it's fulla = you guess it CATS).


Anyway, it's good that you're helping beings that are "on the other side" if you catch my drift.

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One of my best friends is allergic to cats.


He says it gets kinda annoying, especially when you're in a house where the cat has to go and rub on everyone in the house. He tends to steer in the opposite direction when that happens. :\



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Labs are great. I had a lab named Jeb...Oh I love him, he's old now and with my grandparents, but he's so sweet. <3


I really can't decide if I like cats or dogs better...I'm kind of in between.

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I used to ahve a lab/elk hound, but she died a while ago. Cancer, I think.


We have a Retriever/Setter/Chou/Mutt now. He's fiesty, but fun. ^^


My grandpa's dog has got to be hitting 20 sometime soon. It's an OLD DOG.



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Have you noticed that the subject of this topic has completely switched polarity?


Anyway, my family had a cat once, named Kitty. She was old and disagreeable, and hissed at us all the time. She died eventually, though, so we got a dog named Cider. She's some type of poodle mix, and we think she's part terrier. She's really hyper, and has the longest legs for a dog her size! (Note that this isn't a record or anything, I'm using "the longest" here to mean "really, really long.")


Cider is kinda crazy. I'll need to blog about her some time if I want to tell you all of her habits.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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How Cute!


Our Cat: Felix, once our former neighbor's cat. After we moved, Felix missed us so much that he came, too! We also met the neighborhood's cat, AG. The latter went to that great cat paradise in the sky, but Felix is still around.


We don't have a dog, but my cousin has two BIG dogs. I used to be scared of them, but that was when I was their [the dogs'] size.

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