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A Fistful Of Krana



Sunday morning and hard at work on Bionicle Legends #7, which is due in a few weeks. Vezon just slammed Matoro headfirst into a wall (bet he will regret that before he gets much older).


Writing to the absolute best music ever invented for writing -- the music of Ennio Morricone, who did the soundtracks for all those old Clint Eastwood "spaghetti Westerns" like A Fistful of Dollars and The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Boy, if you can't write a good action scene with that playing, you might as well pack up your keyboard. I wrote my first novel -- The River of God -- 100,000 words -- in six weeks playing that and the music from Hang 'Em High. (Since most sci-fi is just Westerns in space, it worked well.)


For those of you who are BIONICLE nostalgia lovers, look for appearances by the Toa Nuva and the Bahrag in Book 7. It is looking right now like the Nuva might have a larger role in 2007-2008 than I had at first thought they would (originally, I did not think they would be in the story at all next year). We have another story meeting in September in Denmark, at which time we should be making firm decision about exactly where we're going and what we're doing in the story for the next three years.


Anyway, here is the question for the day -- as I have already indicated on this board, the mystery of where krana come from will be answered next year. Of the other story "loose ends," which ones would you most like to see resolved? (Obviously, the answer is "all of them," but I am trying to find out which ones are MOST important to your story satisfaction.




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Definetly the connection between the Nuva and the Bohrok. That one is a biggie!


I'd also like to know what the fate of Krahka is. That one has been bugging me ever since she got sucked up into the realm of shadows.


Last but not least I'd like to meet the persons who made the MoL.




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Well...BL7 is certainly going to be awesome.


As for what mystery that I would like solved...............um............I guess I'd like to know just how and with what the Bohrok-Kal were created/mutated.

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Definetly the connection between the Nuva and the Bohrok. That one is a biggie!

That one was answered a while ago. The connection is that their duties are tied to Mata Nui. ;)


It's good to see Vezon's in 2007, which brings me to believe that the Toa don't get the Ignika until at least next year. :sly: As for which mystery to be answered, I'd like all the secrets about the Toa Mata revealed. Amazing how we're barely halfway through this year and 2007 is already popping up on this forum. Thanks for the info on Bionicle Legends #7. :)


IPB ImageKopakaKurahkIPB Image

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Morricone for the win. Listened to it for ages while reading Stephen King's Dark Tower (seventh and last installment of the Dark Tower series). Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo matched the book's finale perfectly.
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I would like to know how the mask of life was made.

The Great Beings made the Ignika.


As for mysteries, I would like to see what the Toa Mata did before they arrived on Mata Nui, or at least offer some clue.

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Guys, I think we are all forgeting a mystery that has been thrust upon us recently this year. What exactly is the red star? I mean, it can turn matoran into toa. Who doesn't want to know what it is?


-Gatorade, is it in you?

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Hey, GregF, to answer your question:


I'd like to know just where the Nuva Cube and the Nuva Symbols came from; how long they've been around; and, if applicable, just what their original purpose was.


And, if possible, how Bionicle beings begin their existence.

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Yeah, I have to agree with the music thing. Well, I have to say for me it seems funny that a Fistful of Dollars would be mentioned, I thought it was good, but wasn't a huge thing of discussion. Oh, well...

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Mysteries eh? I actually came up with a few. (To hard to pick one! >.<)


*How the Toa Mata came into being

*More Great Being info would be cool. We know so little about them.

*The matoran's origin (Even though I always thought the GB's made them, I'd like confirmation)

*What were the first masks, and where did they come from?

*What exactly IS the Red Star?


That would be all.

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Wow, so Vezon is still alive? Can't wait to see what happens...


Anyway, for mysteries, I would like to see more about the Bohrok, like where Bohrok Va come from, and where the Bahrag cam from. You know, you could probably answer alot of our questions and then raise a whole lot more...


Then we would have more to figure out.

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Great info on 2007- it's interesting how you just slip info into there like that.


And as for more mysteries to be solved? I'd have to say the other Hagah's mask powers and tools. That'd be neat.



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Well I don't know how many people would like to see the whole Hagah team, but I personally would like to see that "loose end" wrapped up after or during the three year story.

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Well I don't know how many people would like to see the whole Hagah team, but I personally would like to see that "loose end" wrapped up after or during the three year story.

I agree with Client of Makuta, eventhough I don't know if the Hagah are a "loose end" but it would certainly be nice to have tangible Hagah masks and weapons other than Iruini and Norik. Although any loose end would make me much-happy to see tied up.

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Guest Ultimategamemaster


Any nformation on:

  • The red star
  • Nuva Symbols
  • Kal
  • Kraahkan
  • Avohkii
Would be nice.
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Matoro gets his face slammed against the wall by Vezon, sounds intense!!! I am definitely looking forward to reading the books!


As for the question, I haven't really gotten to reading the books so I don't have any good questions, but I was wondering, do the Inika go through a transformation at that pool of protodermis shown on the map on freetheband.com that says it would help the Inika, or somethin' like that?

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I'd like to find out who, or what, createdthe tunnels under Mata-Nui. You know, the ones which the Toa Metru took in Maze of Shadows. :pirate:



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Good to know that it's coming along, and that the Toa Nuva are in the story more. :) What I want to know are the purpose of the Bohrok Swarm, how the Bohrok-Kal were created, and why they were matched to the Toa powers. Dunno about the last one. Just came up with it. :P



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