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A Fistful Of Krana



Sunday morning and hard at work on Bionicle Legends #7, which is due in a few weeks. Vezon just slammed Matoro headfirst into a wall (bet he will regret that before he gets much older).


Writing to the absolute best music ever invented for writing -- the music of Ennio Morricone, who did the soundtracks for all those old Clint Eastwood "spaghetti Westerns" like A Fistful of Dollars and The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Boy, if you can't write a good action scene with that playing, you might as well pack up your keyboard. I wrote my first novel -- The River of God -- 100,000 words -- in six weeks playing that and the music from Hang 'Em High. (Since most sci-fi is just Westerns in space, it worked well.)


For those of you who are BIONICLE nostalgia lovers, look for appearances by the Toa Nuva and the Bahrag in Book 7. It is looking right now like the Nuva might have a larger role in 2007-2008 than I had at first thought they would (originally, I did not think they would be in the story at all next year). We have another story meeting in September in Denmark, at which time we should be making firm decision about exactly where we're going and what we're doing in the story for the next three years.


Anyway, here is the question for the day -- as I have already indicated on this board, the mystery of where krana come from will be answered next year. Of the other story "loose ends," which ones would you most like to see resolved? (Obviously, the answer is "all of them," but I am trying to find out which ones are MOST important to your story satisfaction.




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Yay! Krana! Though I wasn't particularly concerned with where they came from, but interesting to know.


Hmm. You know, when I lie awake at night I could list all the loose ends I know in order of importance and amount of speculation, but right now, nothing. Let me think...it'd be nice to know more about the Dark Hunters, I was very excited when we got to hear about them. More about the Order of Mata Nui, that would be good. More about Voya Nui probably, I was really jolted when islands besides Mata-Nui were actually introduced (Metru-Nui), and now there are actually a number of other actual islands, it would be good to hear more about that.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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Anyway, here is the question for the day -- as I have already indicated on this board, the mystery of where krana come from will be answered next year. Of the other story "loose ends," which ones would you most like to see resolved? (Obviously, the answer is "all of them," but I am trying to find out which ones are MOST important to your story satisfaction.

I'd like to learn more about these:

1) Who created the Bohrok, Bahrag, etc. and WHY?

2) Which ones of the remaining Bohrok Kal powers are elements and where do Toa who don't control one of the six regular elements come from?

3) What is the Red Star?

4) How does/did life in the Bioniverse come into being?

5) Who are the other BoM members?


Point 2 is most important to me and 1+4 are at the second rank.


I'd be very glad if at least one of these mysteries was solved! :begging:

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yea and just a couple days ago we learned there might not BE a BL7 :OMG: . i mean COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt have a worse 2007!!!!!! i hope this revolt will work :evilgrin:

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So Vezon and Matoro are both in 2007... which means the other Toa Inika are as well, and maybe even the other Piraka!


I can't wait to see the Toa Nuva and the Bahrag reappear. That'll be awesome!


As for the question, well, who held Matoro's hand in BL2 (although I think that is already going to be revealed), and maybe what happened to the Visorak after Metru Nui?



Remember though, Vezok will get merged with Reidak, Hakann might be melted by Irnakk, The other three I don't know but it sounds good that Vezon's going to come back!

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loose ends?

euhm...Who and What is (the) Makuta?

or euhm....

but that's more of something you'll keep a secret for another few years

...Are there other OoMN members we allready know(but kept their membership hidden)

what does the OoMN do?

and those stuff,you know

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what is the relation between bohrok and toa?


can you elaborate on the "primordial soup" thing for krana?


Where do the Bahrag come from?


just a few.

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