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Pig Flu

Vezok's Friend


To put a famous quote here:


It is far from being a Pandemic. The reported cases are people who have been in Mexico and are already in hospitals for it and they are conducting checks in airports.

Just remember when your mommies all told you: Wash your hands, don't sneeze without putting your hand up and don't touch everything around.
You'll all be just fine ^^

The media needed something else to get hyped over besides the financial crisis.

Peace out.


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This "Swine Flu" thing is so dumb.


Doesn't anyone remember that just a few years ago we were all terrified of "Avian Flu"?


"Swine Flu" is actually still just the flu- it isn't transmitted through eating pork or such. It's named "Swine Flu" 'cause in 1939, the first case was discovered on- gasp- a pig.


Not a danger. Nice try, media.



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There have been two confirmed cases here in Britain. Just two. Apparently they're recovering. Yet from reading the papers you get the impression it's two-thousand

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It's pathetic, is what it is. Nothing more than fearmongering, pure and simple. Also, a convenient distraction from what's going on financially.


You're more likely to be struck by lightning while being mauled by a polar bear in Antarctica than to die from this so-called "swine flu." (Actually a three-way hybrid between porcine, avian, and human strains. How's that for unlikely? I smell foul play.)


Jon Stewart has done some good segments on this lately. ^_^



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It's pathetic, is what it is. Nothing more than fearmongering, pure and simple. Also, a convenient distraction from what's going on financially.


You're more likely to be struck by lightning while being mauled by a polar bear in Antarctica than to die from this so-called "swine flu." (Actually a three-way hybrid between porcine, avian, and human strains. How's that for unlikely? I smell foul play.)


Jon Stewart has done some good segments on this lately. ^_^




It's not really something they use as an excuse because it comes in handy to distract from the financial crisis. I mean the media always does that. You get an earthquake somewhere? Awesome for foreign news. If it's not that, you can always report on soldiers killed in the middle east. Britains got mad cow? Holy cow lets report that!

No news in summer? Hey, look, a shark bit someone on floridas coast. We got news for the summerweeks! It's always like that.


And it's likely for the Influenza virus to mix like that. It's one of the most adaptable diseases out there.


I agree though, the odds of getting it here are next to nothing.

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"Swine Flu" is actually still just the flu- it isn't transmitted through eating pork or such. It's named "Swine Flu" 'cause in 1939, the first case was discovered on- gasp- a pig.

Yeah, tell my dad that.....he thought it was so darn hilarious when he sent me a picture of a little kid hugging/kissing a pig and was all "This is how not to get swine flu!"


Really, Dad, really? This is why it's getting so blown out of proportion with ridiculous stuff like that.

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