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Surel Contest



I dislike making entries telling people specifically to vote one way or another-- while I sometimes ask people to vote for my entries, I think it's unfair for anyone to vote for anything without at least looking at the other options. However, the Surel contest final polls are making me anxious, and so I feel it may be appropriate to break from tradition.


Let me express that I am very much in support of Entry 2. It actually looks like a BIONICLE character who has been injured badly and forced to struggle for survival. His face looks like he is in pain merely by hobbling on his one good leg. His staff is improvised, possibly from old weaponry or equipment salvaged in the mountains where he dwells.


Entry 1 has gained a lot of favor for looking decrepit and dark. However, it stands straight without difficulty, and scarcely seems to support itself with its staff, as Surel was said to do. Moreover, it evokes a mysterious, powerful look with its scepterlike staff and crownlike helmet. Rather than a warrior, he looks like a king, wizard, or shaman. It defies descriptions of Surel like his limp and withered right hand. And it does not look the slightest bit like its injuries make it undergo struggling or pain-- it looks more old than injured, when in truth we do not know Surel to be any older than the other Glatorian we know. The "encrusted in ice" look is also inexplicable, since those Glatorian we know with icy armor have it as just that-- armor-- and not as some sort of unnatural crusty growth.


I encourage people to vote entry 2 before polls close tomorrow, and wish the best of luck to it and its creator!


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But #2 looks like some sort of creepy elf mushroom thing.


Don't ask me why I think that.



Wait, what? Where are you getting mushrooms from? :blink:


Oh, wait, you told me not to ask. :lookaround:

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