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Lewa >>> Tahu


continued quote chain


It would've been something to see the return of Mata green, plus a revamp of Lewa's classic axe and a Miru made of the stronger plastic used for todays masks and helmets.


also vezok is fail imo, needs moar bohrok or barraki


But other than that I don't have a problem with the selection.

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Tahu is easily the best of them


but Lewa would have been better


also a Bohrok would have been nice but it would have been ruined because I can't see at all how a Bohrok would fit with the Av-Matoran design

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I can't see at all how a Bohrok would fit with the Av-Matoran design

How do I new designed? ¯\(°_O)/¯


I guess they'd figure out some way - they got a Rahkshi back on there by fusing it to the head, so... dunno.

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The point of these sets seems to be to appeal to nostalgia. Seeing as Tahu was more popular in the first place (due to the target market's preference of red sets in general), it's to be expected that Tahu was their representative for the Toa Mata. Meanwhile, they have a Rahkshi (which were surprisingly popular), Takanuva (again, a popular character and a popular set), Gresh, Skrall, and a Piraka (these last three aren't such obvious choices but I doubt they were chosen randomly).


The selection of sets seems very logical to me, even if it doesn't reel in all of the fan favorites. There's only so much LEGO can afford to do.

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I agree with Tahu, Takanuva, and the Rahkshi, but Gresh and Skrall came out just this year, and why in the world did they pick Vezok?


I think Lewa instead of Gresh, Takadox/Gahlok instead of Vezok, and Chirox instead of Skrall.


But if they were actually Bionicle Stars, they would have Lhikan...



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selection needs lhikan


otherwise cool sets


-rahkshi's feet

-skrall's sword

-tahu's masks (plus-rod peg probably yessss)

-gresh's swords and recolored helmettttt

-takanuva's mask and white nuva armor


i didn't find anything appealing about vezok tbh


but remember this is for winter 2010, and even still we're now only in october


who knows what else is out there :o

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