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Remember To Set Back Your Clocks





Didn't get to dress up and go out with my brother to get candies this Halloween. Mainly because:


1) My costume does not fit anymore. It is now too big for me. Odd. I will have to come up with a different one for next year...


2) I have been doing poorly all day. Half due to the weather, half due to medicine that keeps making the world spin the wrong way and keeps knocking me out when it's supposed to be waking me up.


*sigh* :(


Ah well. Got to spend the day away from school, at least. :D Watched my brother and his best friend dressed up as a Tusken Raider and a Wookie respectively, sprawled out on lawn chairs in the front driveway, handing little kids candy (a couple ran screaming, I felt kind of bad xD). Got my hair chopped. Had a rather, urrr... uneventful day otherwise. I would've drawn but I do not have my sketchpad with me. =(


Tomorrow after church, I'm going in for a job interview at ToysRUs. This is very important to me, as my current job not only has management that is treating myself and other employees (mainly the females) like dirt, but is also too fast-paced for me to physically keep up with anymore (fast-food joint off a main highway - high-motion actions for up to five hours stretches). I was struggling enough when I left in August, and at the rate I'm doing now, I won't be able to keep that job for more than 10-15 hours a week, if that. ._.


Seeing that ToysRUs is starting to hit their holiday rush, I know it's going to be busy and I know I probably won't get paid as much per hour, but if it isn't as high-demand for physical exertion as McDonalds, then I think it'll be worth it. I can handle dealing with customers that don't like what they purchased more than customers that expect to be in and out of the store with something perfect in less than 90 seconds. =___=


So yeah, wish me luck. The store manager seemed really nice and alive over the phone - hopefully that spirit is around the store as well (something I miss about the old managers of my current job). =)


Oh, also, December 26th shall be the start of a time of awesome. Yup.




Recommended Comments

I just dressed up as Tachi...and ate chocolate...no trick-or-treaters here, it was lonely.


Good luck with the job! I did a application for Target...I'm really hoping for a phone call soon, I hate doing a bazillion applications. To me, ToysRUs seems like a less strenuous job; at least on the outlook you're viewing it as.


...YOU MEAN SANTA RIGHT? I love Christmas! And Vermont! All that snow...


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