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CM Kornbluth


Over the course of the last very few days, I have begun reading A Series Of Unfortunate Events again, and have quite enjoyed it. As a writer, I appreciate the themes and motifs, a phrase which here means "the various artistic devices the author uses to create a masterpiece," and have used the series as a baseboard for one of my own series, which uses A Series Of Unfortunate Events as a sort of inspiration. That, however, is quite another story. I just thought I should mention this, and if anyone knows how to easily come in regular contact with Aanchir, I would like to discuss the series with him and put our past transgressions, a word which here means "all of the troubles and narmtastic drama that has gone on between us," in the past where they belong.


The End ?


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Have you read The Beatrice Letters?

It's a great series.

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VFD is Very Fast Delivery.
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I started reading it once but I never finished it and I soon lost it so now I can't read it. What little I read of it was good, though. I've also read Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorised Autobiography, which was confusing and answered nothing.
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I don't do much IMing with people anymore, if that's what you mean by "regular contact". College is kinda time-consuming and I seem to have lost the knack for managing too many windows on my computer at the same time. :P When I do IM, it's mostly still through Yahoo! Messenger, but it's been a while since I've done that with anyone.


Glad to know you're enjoying ASOUE!

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Ah, makes sense, makes sense. Well, alright then.


Also, thanks. I forgot how good it was, both for plot reasons and artistic reasons. I've lost The Vile Village, though, so I'm missing a large chunk of it.

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