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Dontcha Hate It When...

Nuju Metru


Dontcha hate it when you happen to be in head-over-heels-in-love for the first time in your life, then you decide to let that person know how you really feel about them, and they reply that they're already sorta in a relationship, want to be "just friends," and tell you it'd never work out? And that they already pretty much knew the way you felt, so you've just humiliated yourself for nothing? And don't you hate it when, even after this, you still love them, just now with that terrible overbearing presence of their gentle rejection?


Yeah, I hate that.


-Nuju Metru


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Guest kopakanuva13


Aw, I feel your pain, Nuju. And yes, I hate it when that happens >.<

I'd like to offer advice but I'm terrible at it. A really similar thing happened to me though and I think the best thing to do is, if you really really like her, don't give up yet. Stay good friends as well as possible and see what happens. It could turn out well, but what do I know? =P





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You have no idea how much I relate to that--or er, how many guys have fallen for that with me. It's terrible. Sorry about that, just something we all have to go through. Hang in there! If you ever need advice how us weird girls ask, give me a PM.

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Happened once, then I realized I didn't really "love" her all that much anyway.


Then I came up with that "I don't want to bother with anything" stuff to make up for my pitiful existence.


Then everything changed. Woot!

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I actually hate it when you don't take it well, curse them out, make up one year later, and have to deal with an extremely awkward "just friends" relationship.



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