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Special Island-themed Tuesday Five On A Wednesday



And by island-themed I mean Christmas. B)What is your favorite gift that you're giving to someone?What's your favorite part of Christmas?What gift do you hope to receive?Who, what, when, where, why?If so, how?


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-A wireless GameCube controller.

-It's a tie between the mood and the presents.

-I already received it.

-Me, my grandmother, and my mother; a laptop; Best Buy; because it was on sale.

-Lots of saving up and waiting.

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What is your favorite gift that you're giving to someone?

Giving my brother an epic dragon thingymibob.


What's your favorite part of Christmas?

Family and friends and food.


What gift do you hope to receive?

Jules Verne books


Who, what, when, where, why?

Him, that, then, there, because


If so, how?

I told it to.





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What is your favorite gift that you're giving to someone?

I'm getting my dad a 3-pack of Star Trek movies. Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock, and The Voyage Home.


What's your favorite part of Christmas?

My dad's side is filled with Italians and Greeks so I'm gonna have to say the food.


What gift do you hope to receive?

District 9 Special Edition DVD


Who, what, when, where, why?

You, me, my place, now.


If so, how?


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What is your favorite gift that you're giving to someone?

The one with the wrapping paper.

What's your favorite part of Christmas?

The songs and the spirit.

What gift do you hope to receive?

A Wii. I've been wanting one FOR YEARS. YEARS!

Who, what, when, where, why?


If so, how?

Chuck Norris.

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1: What is your favorite gift that you're giving to someone?

"Give"? I do not understand the meaning of that word.


2: What's your favorite part of Christmas?

Getting presents, of course!


3: What gift do you hope to receive?

A Visa Gift Card so I can get Garry's M-o-d.


4: Who, what, when, where, why?

All of these are BULL HONKEY.


5: If so, how?


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What's your favorite part of Christmas?

My dad's side is filled with Italians and Greeks so I'm gonna have to say the food.


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What's your favorite part of Christmas?

My dad's side is filled with Italians and Greeks so I'm gonna have to say the food.



But my mom's side has a bunch of silly yuppies. :P

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Two CD's for my Grandma, filled with Polish and Russian and German and other awesome music.

Family, family, food, and family. And family.

Don't care, really.



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