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*slumps into armchair*


Hi guys. I am back from my travel fun. I miss a certain Moderator very much, but I'm sooosooso glad he let me bug him for two weeks. Now I feel a little more relaxed and ready for work.


Er, after I get a little sleep, that is. XD I've been in and out of cars nonstop since 8:30 this morning (I got home at around 10pm my time).


Looking forward very much to Brickfair in a couple months, but I've got a boatload of work to do between now and then, oi. ]: Work means food money, though, so work hard we shall. I don't want to starve to death. Yep.


Anyways, errrrr hi guys, how ya doing? :]


Also, am I the only one experiencing a teeny tiny itty bitty bit of art contest withdrawal?




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What is this work you're talking about? ^^


Sorry, couldn't resist.

Glad to see you had a good time. Good to see you're back. Looking forward to seeing ya at BFair ;)

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Bah, I wouldn't let you starve. Next time you're lacking in food, tell me and I'll send you a pile of yummies via mail.


But dat money can be good and all that; take care though, don't overwork yourself.

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I miss a certain Moderator very much, but I'm sooosooso glad he let me bug him for two weeks.

He would like to "be bugged by you," anytime, and forever! ^^;

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What is this work you're talking about? ^^


Sorry, couldn't resist.


Pah. XP


Mainly commission work - can't hold a job ATM for various reasons, but I can get my butt in gear with my artwork.


Bah, I wouldn't let you starve. Next time you're lacking in food, tell me and I'll send you a pile of yummies via mail.


Ahaha, ok. Dun worry, I won't starve, my parents love me very much. :)


Niki B)


D-Gen. Sup. B)


He would like to "be bugged by you," anytime, and forever! ^^;




Not the next few weeks, though - we've got work to do! :P



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Oh menah, there hasn't been an art contest is forever, has there? I was thinking about it the other day. :(


Anyway, welcome back (again)! Can't wait for BF when we can all be happy together! :D

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He would like to "be bugged by you," anytime, and forever! ^^;




Not the next few weeks, though - we've got work to do! :P




This just made me go 'D'awww'.


Well, glad you're back...


You left?

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