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ToM Dracone


:: 2396269065_bb2abd682b_o.jpg ::


Kind of like Knives.


Knives Chau, that is.


Except his name's actually just Matau. Not Sawblades.




There's also this one if you want an alternate view. He's still a WIP because his back needs filling in and I'm not 100% satisfied with the torso, but I wanted to post something before I'm separated from my pieces for six weeks...


Apparently this is what happens when I finally acquire the Turaga's Kanohi. I don't remember how exactly the idea for his weapons came to be, but it involved the concept of the Toa versions of the Turaga having tools that resembled their staffs. And somehow that turned into giant buzz saw nunchucks of doom. Not that I'm complaining.


Also, it should be pretty obvious that we're ignoring Metru Nui right now. This is a Toa Matau strictly from the jungles of Mata Nui.


Also also, I go back to college tomorrow. Aaaaahh!!

~ ToM


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I can dig all the foliage and sawblade nunchucks and such.


Actually, I can dig all of this except for the back as it's not finished etc.

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Woah! That looks super amazing, especially since it's a WIP! This is a lot more like what I would have liked to see back in 2004.

If I may make a suggestion, though, I would maybe bulk up the thighs, just a little... They seem just a tad too skinny to me.

I love the lower legs and torso though, the jungle elements are nice!



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I really really like this. With your permission, I might be interested in incorporating some aspects of this MOC in a roleplaying character or two. Yes?



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Something about his head-torso connection looks a little awkward, and his upper arms seem a little sparse.


Other than that though, I love it! It needs to come to a LEGO con!

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This is so beautiful. I wish more people would realize how wonderfully artistic MoCing is.


Only thing that disturbs me is that the design's personality expresses slight litheness, yet how the shoulders/head comparison looks a bit too bulky. But that may just because of taste, and it's not done anyhow.

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Whoa, that's cool. The leaves, the sawblades...very nice.


Only thing I notice at this moment is the upper arm. For some reason, Bohrok arm does not agree with me, though the front view does a good job of hiding it.

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The only things I don't really like about it are the arms. Very "buff" lower arms with the Piraka armor, but right above that it suddenly gets very thing with the Bohrok leg/arm. If you could make it look more . . . streamlined, I guess you could say, I think it'd look better. Then also the black, as Bunda suggested. There just seems to be too many big "chunks" of black scattered about, where I think more green would look better [specifically the upper legs and wrists].


Other than that, though, this is pure loveliness. I am always awed by your work, ToM. The foliage makes it even more amazing -- nice touch!



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