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Lol New Ps Plugins



Yayyyy found a plugin that increases the time in laying down flat colors, like, soooo much.


Of course this means new picture time.


Pfffffff hard cell coloring + Takua = AUGH




I'm pretty proud of the result, although the hair needs some work. :T


Also: Why can't I color commissions this fast?






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Also, fantastic work as always. The shading doesn't look quite as complex as your usual job, but I expect that has to do with the expedient manner in which you drew and coloured this, and the whole 'getting-used-to-a-new-technqiue' dealie. Looks like this will save a lot of time for you and be a great boon! :)

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I don't see what's wrong with the hair...I mean, when you go with cell-shading, things are different. Especially for you since you usually make extremely detailed hair. Cell shading is fun, but so much harder than it looks.

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Ohhh....^^ Now what might that plug-in be, because I'd be interested in that :D


The image looks really cool, it turned out quite nicely! But any sort of cell-shading is hard.

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Ohhh....^^ Now what might that plug-in be, because I'd be interested in that :D


I used the BPelt Plugin for Photoshop - if your lineart is clean, black-and-white, and antialiased (if you run a lineart throung Thershold at 128, it works pretty well) and has no gaps in the lineart between seperate areas of color, this plugin fills in the seperate areas with all sorts of colors (which you can replace with the paint bucket tool).


It's a little more complex overall, but it saves a bucketload of time for me since I usually fill in all colors by hand. :)



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