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What Have I Been Up To?



It's been nearly a month since my last blog update and I'd like to say that it was because I was busy, but quite frankly, I'm just lazy. :P


Since I last updated, I was promoted to Reference Keeper, finished that sound project that I had been promising you, ripped off an idea from Exo, filmed my first staff set review, and wrote a new chapter for Wildfire (which no one has reviewed yet :o). From there, I finished the script for my next PSA (a script that I started writing back around AC#12 and never finished :rolleyes:) and so I just need to give it to the cast members as soon as they sign on to AIM/MSN. For my PSAs, I've been doing a bit of thinking and depending on the quality of Rayg's 2.5 kit, I MIGHT turn them into an actual series, but I will need someone who is willing to draw human sprites for me as well (if you're interested, drop me a PM with a sample of your work). Other than that, I've done another 0.5 of a chapter for Wildfire, but it needs quite a bit of cleaning up.


Lastly, I was fiddling around with Flash and came out with something that you Harry Potter fans might find very useful:





In case you're wondering, it's only 11 KB and I would very much appreciate credit if you use it.


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Spi! =D


Glad to hear from you again; sure seems like you've been keeping busy. Haven't seen you online in a while.


I'm definitely gonna be using that banner later. :P


-Chicken Little-

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I think your banner done gone dead.

:uhuh: Silly Freewebs. Well, I've put it on Photobucket now, so hopefully I'll have better luck.

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May I use that? I like Harry Potter.

Sure, just make sure to give me credit. ;)


Make a PSA sequel to How To Make A Zamor launcher! Call it How to Use a Zamor Launcher!

I considered that, but since I already have a script written at the moment, it will have to wait.

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