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Inferna Firesword


Apparently the wax in my Metals class likes me so much it wants to stick around.


For the second time in the same week, I've accidentally spilled hot wax on my hands. It's not so bad once you stick it under a cold stream of water (I'm not as heatproof in real life as I am here), but peeling it off left my right hand feeling a bit tender.


>.< I think writing will be out of the question for a bit.


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well, you could always try using your left hand. :P


Actually, I have gotten hot wax from a candle on my hand, and it hardly hurt at all. I take it this was heated higher.



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well, you could always try using your left hand. :P


Actually, I have gotten hot wax from a candle on my hand, and it hardly hurt at all. I take it this was heated higher.



I'm not good with my left hand.


And try a big pot of bubbling wax, with the temperature dial set as high as it can go (which, incidentally, is north of 300 F). That's what I got splashed with. >.<

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ha ha ha, ironnnny


therefore i blame repicheep :P


Also, Left hand'ed ppl FTW 8D


Random fact: its been proven that left handed people have better eye coordination and a better ability to hit moving targets then right handed people :P



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If I wrote with my right hand, my writing would definitely make chicken scratch look readable (As it is, my writing regularly looks like chicken scratch. :P)


Ow, now that is painful sounding.


Yes Aks! Left handed people ftw is right!


*Sigh* sadly, no bystander has ever volunteered to run out in front of my target, so I only have shot at still targets. :(



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Hey Neelh, give the gal a break. Typing's WORSE than writing, cause typing requires both hands and an immense amount of movement between both.


Besides, when we seneca speak of writing, we generally mean on the computer, if not both.

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yeah, what kini said :P


even if she did only type with one hand, that would take forever and eventually make the other hand sore as well =P


so be easy on the firesword, she may be evil and life threatening to others, but theres no need to be so harsh (or at least thats the impression you're leaving by the way you typed that)



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Okay, I want to start quoting Fireproof by Pillar sooo badly right now. :P


Anyways, I have to say that typing is the only thing that keeps my writing looking like English, not chicken scratch. :P



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