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Everything posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Lunefeld By reputation? Of course, this Sylus was likely involved in the criminal world. Small wonder he knew of Lunefeld. As it should be. Lunefeld gripped Sylus' hand. "Then no introductions are needed on my part.
  2. IC: Glass "Yeah, about that: what have you all been doing? And has there been anyone coming after you?"
  3. IC: Hassan "Well, sorry to break it to ya, but with all this going on, you'd be lucky to sneak off the base for R&R."
  4. IC: Lunefeld - Outside warehouse Lunefeld grit his teeth. Every fibre of his being told him to run away from the fight, and his survival instincts had served him well for a long time. And yet, the thought of sitting this one out, this once-in-a-lifetime battle, and all it would entail for the future of the island, stoked a fire in him to know, to be in on it- No. Lunefeld gripped his staff and swallowed his pride. It wouldn't do. Best to observe from the sidelines. It wouldn't do them good to run in and squeeze into the entrance with several heavily-armed killers, and with karz knows how many Toa Maru in there. If they needed assistance, they would help. But not by joining in. "Don't forget why we are being paid by Hakann. If we can help without becoming needless casualties, we will take the opportunity."
  5. IC: Glass "Well, we could start with... are you hurt?" IC: Floor "Alright, with that done, how are we going to take out the other VIPs?"
  6. IC: Greisk(Toros)/Cyrena - Warehouse Oh ###### we are so screwed Calm down, Cyrena. We're in the rear, and if we keep our heads cool, we can get out alive- -and minus a few Nightfall members? We'll see.
  7. IC: Greisk(Toros)/Cyrena - Warehouse w/Nightfall Greisk pulled out his weapons as soon as he heard Stannis. The booming echoes began to pound at his head, and he gripped his weapons tightly. The hum that Agrona's insects made was not helping things either. He looked around, trying to calm his nerves by keeping watch of the group's rear. Cyrena activated her abilities, and through the darkness of the warehouse and through the stone, they saw Stannis, stoic and unmoving, a bulwark against the dark, a gun in hand. IC: Lunefeld "Agreed. Seems to be coming from that warehouse." The pair rushed over to it, and spotted none other than the Nightfall themselves at its entrance. "Speaking of Echelon's lackeys..."
  8. IC: Floor Oh goodness me... Of all the Rahks to be the VIP, it was the one who had demanded to be lugged around like a dead weight. He decided that he had seen enough. "Crate, you have no authority over us, but we will be watching your back as requested, only as a matter of your role. And Tear, try not to hurt our... VIP more than absolutely needed. I'm sure we can agree on that. "Now that we've settled that, let's work on our next plan of action." IC: Glass Glass cracked a smile at the sight of Sand and Xara reunited. She did look better with a smile. Not in that sense! Heh, I'm not judging. "I've missed you, both of you." "Same here, Xara. Just you, I mean. Sand's been here the whole time."
  9. IC: Hassan "Oh, you mean... Like, leaving the Federation?" Hassan couldn't explain why, but he felt a pang of sadness at the realisation. He didn't get to know Gwen for very long, but the prospect of the hangar bereft of the hyperactive mechanical pixie and accompanying banter made him sad. "Are you planning on doing that? I mean, assuming we survive this war."
  10. IC: Glass It was a short walk to his room, but I felt like an eternity. So many questions! And here Xara was acting like her return was nothing big, although she was technically right. He wondered if it was an act, after all, making a big ruckus about her return from the resistance wasn't exactly a good idea. A nagging voice(not the usual ones) put forth another possibility: could it be that all the work he'd put into helping Xara open up and be more sociable was undone during her stay Outside? Before he could continue down that road, they'd reached his door. As he opened it, a blur of sand-brown shot out from the room and latched onto Xara. "Sand!" IC: Sand "Meow." The taciturn Shallows Kitten said. Despite his muted words, his snuggling against Xara made it clear he was glad she was back. IC: Floor Normally I have to put people against each other to see what sticks and what breaks apart. How... Fortunate to see my work done for me. Floor watched the ongoing argument, silently appraising his new teammates. Crate was certainly affected with a sense of self-entitlement, unwilling or unable to excel in the most basic of Rahkshi activities- combat- but expecting g everyone else to put up with that in return for his 'distraction' skills, which, if Floor was being honest, were far from impressive thus far. Tear was different, but his like was common here: a Rahk with a clear sense of hierarchy based on "strength" and assertiveness, which, considering their occupation, was not unfounded. Door was watching the proceedings with an open smile, and that worried Floor. Was it innocent amusement or a deeper, more troubling love for conflict? This is going to be... Interesting.
  11. IC: Lunefeld "No, I'm afraid not," he replied without skipping a beat. The Ba-Toa led the way past the throng of Legacy soldiers, their bloodlust whipped up by the klaxons and Eisen's declaration but with no real idea of the Maru's location. "Any ideas where they may be?" He asked, scanning his surroundings for clues.
  12. IC: Hassan "It was difficult with the communications blackout, but I managed to get out of base to use one of the civvy toll phones before the blackout extended there, maybe a few days ago? They've moved since I joined the Federation, but I got hold of my uncle's mobile. Hopefully he's managed to tell the rest of the family. And as far as I know, Cairo hadn't been hit by the Union ground forces yet." Hassan looked down directly at Gwen, watching her. She seemed a little on edge, but this height it was hard to tell. What had happened that he'd missed? "How about you? Your family know you're safe?"
  13. IC: Hassan "Me? Well... Always wanted to travel the world, and go to space. Family never had the means for it. Our kebabs are good, but not that good, you know?" Hassan took the chance to relax for a while, leaning against the railing. From up here, he felt like an ant, scrambling among the titanic Walkers, stoic and unmoving. He decided he liked that feeling. "So I decided to sign up, learn new kebab recipes, serve humanity and all that, and I did believe in that, you know? If it wasn't for the Federation, where I come from would still be..." Hassan paused for a moment, his earliest memories coming back to mind. Of smoke and fire, heat and screaming. The unification of the Middle East had ended by then, but decades, centuries of sectarian hate still bubbled under the surface, and Hassan had experienced an outburst of that violence. Once. "Let's just say it wouldn't be a safe place to sell kebabs on the street. And I still believe in the Federation. Mostly, anyway. Years of service will do that to ya, chip away at your sense of moral superiority. And in any case, I never thought the danger outweighed the benefits at the time. Until now, anyway."
  14. IC: Xara. "I know, sorry. I just... I guess I'm a little paranoid right now." IC: Glass - Dorms "Well, I..." Oh, don't tell me you're going to invite her to your room!? Hey, there's nothing weird about that! SHe'd been in there before, I... think? Great, senile, too. "How about my room? I still haven't reintroduced you to Sand," he added quickly, glad that he was a slug in powered armour and thus incapable of physically displaying his embarrassment. IC: Floor - Gym with Crate, Door and Tear "So... anyone have anything to share that we should all know about before we get the assignment?
  15. IC: "If we're gonna be in a fight with the Maru," Sylus said, looking out over the crowds making their way to the source of the alarum, "I don't reckon that Echelon's goons'll be paying much attention to us, know what I mean? Even two men as fine as us tend to get a little outshone by that bunch. I figure, we go in, we take a few swings at Stan-Man and his Merry Band, and we'll still just be another two sellswords in the fray." IC: Lunefeld "Well, you have convinced me. Let's get going then." Lunefeld made his way down from the roof without waiting for Sylus to follow, nor Hakann's word, pulling his hood up to keep the snow from blinding him.
  16. IC: Xara - Hallways. "Not out here. We'd be better off discussing this somewhere that others can't overhear." IC: Glass "And to think I chose this place because it was secluded... Do you have anywhere in mind?" IC: Floor "Pleased to meet you, Crate and Tear." By Karz, how many of them share my lack of naming vocabulary!? "Let's hope so. The assignments haven't gotten any easier, and if this is to be a group effort, one can only begin to guess at what they'll throw at us."
  17. IC: Floor "Heh, that's interesting." Floor offered his hand. "I'm Floor." IC: Xara - Hallways. "Well, I've been tired, crabby, hungry, but now I'm just happy to be back," I replied quietly, "It's... a long story." IC: Glass "Well, we have some time on our hands. I'd be happy to listen to you."
  18. IC: Floor "Gah!" Floor stepped back in surprise as Crate appeared seemingly out if nowhere. "Sorry, didn't see you there... Yeah, I am here for the assignment." He paused for a secind. "If I'm not mistaken, we need to form teams, yes?"
  19. IC: Glass Xara gave a small smile and shrugged. "I guess that's resolved then... So, uh, how have you been, Xara?" Glass asked in a small voice. OOC: Forgot to make it explicit; Floor will be participating.
  20. IC: Xara - Hallway. "That all depends on him." IC: Glass "Yeah. Hey, uh, Danger, huh? Let's put that thing away, huh?" IC: Floor - Gym An assignment? Well, about time I got back to work... Floor entered the gym, already full of other students. This is gonna be great.
  21. IC: Lunefeld Now that he thought about it, he wasn't exactly sure why he was hired. Yes, Lunefeld had a significant amount of influence in the criminal underworld, he was wealthy, and he was a killer, but if he read the Piraka's motives right, he was either too small and insignificant(if they were really were the chosen of the Dark God) or too inconvenient and a potential rival (if they were 'merely' a particularly industrious and skilled group of killers and criminals). Part of him wondered if it was some sort of long con on the part of the loquacious Skakdi to lure the Ba-Toa into a trap and- You were asked to do a task and prove your loyalty, which you did to the letter. No more, no less. Don't overthink it. "I assume that is part of the requirements of our continued employment. Then again, I am not wholly certain that the Piraka would wish to appear as Echelon's... lackeys. Hence my question to our employer."
  22. IC: Glass "Woah, easy there, Xara, let's not come to blows juuuuust yet."
  23. IC: Hassan "Uhh... "I'm not sure. It seems way shorter than it feels, like time's been stretched since the attack."
  24. IC: Hassan "Fair enough. You've been nothing but a gracious host, so far. "Honestly though, thanks for this. I'm really enjoying this," Hassan added, turning aback to the switches and flipping the correct switch.
  25. IC: Glass Glass hopped back half a step when Danger activated his wrist blade. "Woah, no need to get all touchy about this. I didn't mean to assume, that is, I mean I did, but if you're not okay with that that's fine, y'know?" What in the ###### was that supposed to mean!? I'm trying!
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