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Kraata Kink

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Posts posted by Kraata Kink

  1. I doubt The LEGO Group will ever bring back Bionicle in its traditional form, but I'd like to see a new system of CCBS. The building style is extremely diverse, and could continue on into the future if there are new waves of compatible elements. Like a universe of robots who are, idk, trying to fix the environment on an alien planet kinda thing. You have the good guys who have powers related to nature (water, earth) fighting against the villains with destructive powers (fire, electricity/storms.) There's always a possibility of a new CCBS line, but its not in the cards for the immediate future. We can dream.

    Back to the discussion at hand, we can preserve our collections, and hope tech evolves to the point of recreating and continuing bionicle indefinitely. Plastics are only ~140 years old, the first 3d printer was made in the 80's, they first became economical in the late 2000's, and now they can print things that look much more streamlined then they did even 5 years ago. We are close to a point were people could 3D print LEGO pieces with similar quality to LEGO without the crazy molds. Thats still in the future, but its not too far off. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, ToaDume said:

    Definitely a mismould. I have a few of the elongated ones. One came directly from a rahkshi, 2 I got personally from new sealed kraata tubs. So I can confirm it was a mould issue rather than stress or damage. I dont have any pictures right now, but can take some later.

    I gotta go through all mine and see which are misprints then!

  3. 1 hour ago, ToaDume said:

    I think it's also an issue of people not realizing it is a misprint. I have a stage 4 one that I didnt realize was this camoflauge green tan one until a few years ago.


    Edit: bonus points on mine I think because in addition to the misprint coloration, it is also one of the mismould elongated ones described here 


    I got a few like that, I don't know if they are a mismold however.

    Do you have a picture of your miscolored kraata you could post?

  4. 1 hour ago, Overlord said:

    I'll take a look at what LEGO polybags I might be needing and also get back to you as I (with some luck) fill in a few more of those missing Kraata.

    That would be great, thank you! Let me know when you do.


    Your priority totally should be getting all of the kraata. I wish you luck in that regard. I'll take pictures of my stuff this next week and send em your way :)

  5. 1 hour ago, InconspicuousShark said:

    I've got a very large amount of spare Kraata, I can cross-reference both my dupes with your want list and my want list with your dupes.

    If you have any others that aren't overlord's missing kraata, I'd like to snag em off ya. I'm not going for the whole collection, I'm just trying to get as many as possible.

  6. How much would you sell all your duplicate kraata for, I'm interested in all of em.


    If you like various LEGO polybags (any theme, I got piles and can show you if interested) , i can trade for kraata as well.

  7. I found a misprint Kraata (trans-green to tan instead of the normal bronze to tan) in the Bricks and Minifigs down in Portland. I only learned about them last week too. I'll add photos when I get home and clean the heck out of it.


    Ok here it is. It's supposed to look like the one on the left.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Rama~Swarm said:

    Looks cool, tho I had to explain the leaves to my girl.

    It was hard getting that many Kraata in the right color, I think I have to make a large moc with em. Too bad I can't build terrain for  :lol:

    Im getting a ton more Kraata soon, hopefully I'll be able to have a ton of trees

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