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Everything posted by Noxryn

  1. IC: - Vwynolyn; Se-man-tics - "Well, whatever you say there. Where I come from, and my experience, it's usually said as one in the same. But, I dunno. Maybe not, though it makes for good conversation while trying to pass time walking to this place." Not to mention calming my own anxieties. "Not gonna lie, though. That guard I argued with the other night was pretty interesting, even in the context of her being a guard." Vwyn's eyes fell more frontwards again, not wanting to be too unaware of where she was walking lest Aranta "accidentally" walk her into a well deserved pole. Vwynolyn considered something for a moment, mulling it around in her head. "I can't really talk to architecture, or sculptures, though. Not saying they're undeserving of their own respect and appreciation, but it's not as if I'm being lead by one of them. And... well, a statue can't really play a harp, can it?" While she wasn't one to say such works of art were undeserving of attention and respect, she wasn't walking down the halls to stare at them. "It's also hard to appreciate the art of things when your stomach is tied in thirty different knots."
  2. IC: - Vwynolyn; Once More Amused - "So, you lied to me," Vwynolyn replied with a light smile, surprised that Aranta chose to be so open on at least basic things after talking. "You are interesting. I won't pry into anything, since passionate lover sounds like your own business. But, being a harpist is certainly interesting. Provided, I can't play any instrument besides for a bow, if you count a weapon as an instrument at that point. And you are probably right," she responded, rubbing the back of her neck in a somewhat sheepish manner, head tilted up again to watch some clouds for a moment, "I don't know what my purpose is. By birth, I'm a Fursic, Imperial Son by their definition and others. By trade, a Sighteye and... well, an archer I suppose is the most apt term. By life... I'm a vagrant, temperamental bar-fighter extraordinaire, a daughter, among much less savory things. Now I'm here, not really sure why." She shrugged her shoulders as she often did when at a slight loss of words. "Sometimes, to again, be honest... I wonder if it was a mistake that I was born, at least, here." She added, a firm enough believer in faith, though any time she thought of everything it was hard for any of it to make sense to her without the thought of "a mistake, accident, fluke" coming to mind more than once. "I didn't intend to sound so dramatic, there." She added a moment later, one prone to speaking her mind a bit more than she ought to.
  3. IC: - Vwynolyn; Order and Person - A light shrug, "I can't really say I can relate on that level. Maybe it's a little idealistic to think... there's room for more. For people to be people, but also loyal and strongly affirmed to whomever they want to be. I didn't mean to question your sense of loyalty, I more meant... well, even the most loyal people can be interesting on their own accord. Then again, maybe I'm a bit out of place thinking 'servitude' isn't something that necessarily should completely define a person." Truly, Vwynolyn could not relate to the thought of doing nothing but purely wanting to serve someone, even at loss to herself; while she could easily respect the concept, the idea, the act, Vwyn always felt as if a servitude where she could not be her own self was a wasted life. Not that she would necessarily say that aloud. "To be honest, I'm not intending to sound combative. I'm trying to get across I respect your position, but... I guess I can't entirely understand it. I don't come from a place where I regarded loyalty to my own clan highly, if at all. I didn't move through places where loyalty were in and of themselves rewards, besides loyalty to yourself. I've been in fights. Been called every insult in the book. Not very many friends, or people I felt I could ever come to trust. All that, just because I... couldn't really stand the thought, or the strange... disassociated feeling of being... well, an 'Imperial Son,'" even as she said the phrase her visage changed to one of disgust, hating to refer to herself as such. "But it was that. Or be punished. Or leave." Vwynolyn mumbled, "I have a hard time giving my loyalty to those who would prefer to treat me like their plaything, than even an illusion of a person."
  4. IC: - Vwynolyn; Honesty is the best Policy - "Antithesis to Order seems a bit much," Vwynolyn responded, although she couldn't argue against it. As far as the virtues were concerned, she likely seemed the least virtuous of the Dasaka on the land to begin with. "And I have no idea, either," she added after a moment, eyes shifting down as she thought. A part of this entire event held a sense of anxiety for her; she didn't truly know whether or not the Empress actually liked her to any level. For all she knew, she was just being brought along to be toyed around with before getting tossed somewhere else. Vwyn preferred to hope that not the case, however. "Well, already we have at least something in common. And maybe this just reinforces your 'antithesis of Order' opinion of me, but... to speak frankly, I hate my clan. I never considered myself to owe loyalty to anyone due to that. My clan and I never saw eye to eye, to put it lightly. So I left, wandered around doing... what I needed to survive. Stabbed a couple times, don't recommend the experience. But..." She paused a moment, thinking over things. "I feel as if I owe the Rora, the Empress, my loyalty. I came to the doors belligerent, drunk, unclean, desperate. Picked a fight with the guards out front, more or less, said some unsavory things to the... I'm assuming Captain of the Guard, or whoever fills that role at night. But yet, through all of that, she spoke with me." Vwynolyn picked her eyes up a bit and let out a sigh. "Me, this... dirty, uncouth, unclean... me," she mumbled softly, still ashamed and embarrassed of that. "Yet she treated me respectably. I could barely stand right, let alone think. She granted my petition when... anyone else would've probably had me executed at that point. She offered me to serve her in some way, and I agreed. I owe her my loyalty now, as... even if it's all an outward act for some other reason, she treated me like... a person. Not like some disgraceful, barbaric animal. Not like some antithesis to what the entire society stands on. Not like some shameful secret that should resign myself to a fate I wouldn't wish upon others." She resisted the urge to stop walking as she said all that. "I'm used to people hating me. If it gives you peace, even if I haven't actually wronged you, so be it." Another shrug and a fairly audible sigh came from her. "At least you hate me more for being a Fursic than wearing a dress and desiring to be referred to as I feel. Unless you resent me for that, too."
  5. IC: - Vwynolyn; Easily Distracted - She looked with interest at all the statues, the murals, through the windows they walked by. The veritable gauntlet of guards made Vwynolyn a little uneasy, more from her poor history with the law in general. Eventually, as they walked out onto the streets she took in a breath and stretched her arms back slightly. In a moment of surprise, her eyes fell down back onto the servant when she spoke in response to her earlier comment, Vwynolyn finding it a bit strange how she seemed to remember it. Must've been bugging her. "You are people, no?" She stated after a moment, "I'm sure, as living mortal creatures, there are things you find interesting. Things you do that are interesting, things thought and so on and so on. Unless you have a particular passion for ships, in which case, I apologize for making light of it." While she initially meant to annoy this servant, if only to pettily get back at her for the tone and likely unsaid thoughts, Vwynolyn had a tendency to feel rather bothered when people would simply say they are instruments to be used and nothing more. It never seemed quite right, to her. After all, beings were beings, living, breathing, dreaming creatures. "I mean, you aren't an emotionless automaton moving through a series of orders and nothing else. Granted, an automaton wouldn't have the capacity to have a sense of... dislike, correct me if I'm wrong, for say, myself." Vwyn figured she knew why the servant had a distaste for her, likely earlier comments not helping much as they were designed to be more of a nuisance than she needed to be. "Maybe it's different for someone who feels they belong to something." She commented, a bit more to herself as she looked up at the sky with a small sigh, half wondering if it would have been ultimately easier to bottle her feelings and go through the basic traditions and expectations of her family. Rather than, essentially, turn them into her own enemies, albeit a part of her doubted they cared about her too much.
  6. IC: - Vwynolyn; Boats - "Whatever you say, then," Vwynolyn responded with a shrug, her hips swaying a bit more than usual as she rather liked how the dress felt on her. "I always just felt it more prudent to give credit to a ship's performance to its crew, is all," she added after a moment, as giant hunks of machinery might be amazing in their own right of existence, but the employment of them largely relied on those who actually operated it. "But maybe that's a strangely old fashioned thought coming from a woman like me," she added after a moment, bored with her surroundings and just looking ahead for now, and occasionally to the guards and servant. "You fellows aren't terribly interesting people, hm?"
  7. im kinda sad i couldnt go to the one in denver since i was feeling really sick today wasn't confident i could walk very far without falling over x.x;;;
  8. IC: - Vwynolyn; Boats Suck - "Maybe I'm just more of a practical person," Vwynolyn commented with a shrug, "either way it's a boat." Naturally Vwyn felt as if there was some other reason behind it, granted riding around in a warship in friendly waters seemed like something that would stir up some sense of worry. Or perhaps it was all part of some royal display Vwynolyn wasn't privy to, either way the thoughts just made her shrug quietly to herself once more. It wasn't her place to question it, even if she thought it was a tad on the odd side of choices. "Either way, you seem rather interested in boats and ships. Can't really say I ever held the same sentiment," the Fursic mumbled aloud, shifting her eyes over to the side to look along the walls a bit.
  9. IC: - Vwynolyn; Long Strides - "A warship, huh?" Vwynolyn commented offhandedly, her hands currently clasped one in the other behind her back as she walked, taking longer strides in part to try and be annoying. "Can't say I've been on one before, no. Or operated one. Or stood on one, even." Lightly she cocked her head to the side, eyes shifting over to the servant as she was the one speaking. "I'm curious, why is... this cruise, being taken on a warship? Seems a bit much. Unless it's all that's available," a part of her was curious if there was more to this cruise than it seemed, and she did want to have her weapons and armor if that was the likely event.
  10. A basis in a game where there's so many other options to choose from. I rarely joined Dark Hunter-esque organizations in the BZPRPG since it, in my experience, usually ended up becoming tavern RP, basically. Of course stuff likely picked up whenever I got tired of my character(s) back then and dropped them, or went onto something that piqued my interest a bit more (like the whole Valkyr creation and their presence in the prior BZPRPG), but it's not really a good indication since... In the BZPRPG, they don't necessarily have a promise to have a story that evolves and ultimately changes characters therein through development. They're there, and the promise of them doing anything is largely on the players and the one who created the organization within the game itself. It's not really a scene of "this is for a dedicated story we have in place, with Dark Hunter characters at the forefront." Whereas a smaller-scoped RP would be able to focus on that, and people might find themselves interested in it on the basis you're playing these Dark Hunter characters who are a central organization to the central plot of the game (so things develop, or at least should, and players can get in on the events easily and have their own characters grow and develop as a result, which is largely my favorite thing when it comes to roleplay). It's like, comparing a MMO to a smaller scoped multiplayer experience. Since, in the former you can make whatever character you want within the game's determined limitations, and in the latter you're poised to play a character with a more specific set of regulations/rules that help to keep player characters complimenting the overall story and not seem too out of place.
  11. IC: - Vwynolyn; Amused - "I didn't expect an escort," Vwynolyn commented, largely choosing to ignore the servant's tone with her. She had a desire to keep herself well behaved, primarily as she didn't want to be thrown out and everything she achieved within the last few hours to amount to naught. As she stepped out of the room, standing taller and prouder than she had in months, her burning pink eyes looked over to each of the three present. A small smirk crossed her full lips; "I can already tell we're all going to be fast friends," a hint of sarcasm dripped from the words. In her hand, as if a last second pick up from her armor, she had a small, black leather book. To her, it was her diary, and she preferred to keep it close at hand even in this event, where she lacked pockets. The one drawback to her outfit.
  12. IC: -Vwynolyn; Graceless Sleeper - On her stomach, face to the side of the pillow with a large wet spot formed by her mouth: it appeared clear as day she simply fell over onto the bed and was out like a light the night before. When a knock came and her name called she seemed to somehow snap immediately awake, lifting up her torso quickly with her face staring straight past the headboard of the bed. It took her a moment to regain her senses, looking over to the door in a moment of actual confusion. Last night was not a dream. It seemed so fantastical, she hardly believed she was in the black attire from the night before, though became aware of how she was posed and quickly moved to sit down properly on the bed, her haste nearly causing her to fall onto her side. "I..." She paused, rubbing at her head a bit, "was... I was out... this long?" She mumbled, more to herself as her eyes adjusted to the waning light of the sun. By the Goddess she needed the sleep, but she was surprised they allowed her to stay sleeping for so long. She expected to be awoken hours ago. A loud yawn followed and she got up, stretching her limbs a little bit. "I need to dress... but, I... well, I don't know my way around here. Would... it be too much to ask for you to give me guidance on where to go? Either spoken now or anything, since... well, I'm not a regular." Vwynolyn moved towards the clothing bundled nearby, her armor dropped off at some point; cleaned, scratches and marks buffed out for the most part. She almost forgot it had such a sheen to it, especially with the deep coloration that matched her own skin. Without waiting for a reply Vwyn felt it prudent to start putting on the clothes left for her, opting for that since she wasn't too excited to go back into her armor yet and the outfit looked too good not to use at least once. Granted, Vwynolyn had a small weakness when able to wear a dress, and the deep blue of it that almost mirrored her armor piqued her interest. Like a memory almost, taking off the current top she had on without regard for her own modesty, before sliding on this soft, pleasant smelling attire. For the most part she didn't need to put anything else on. It wasn't expected to sleep in stockings, yet she had, and they matched the colors well enough. And since she lacked a new set of undergarments, she didn't think to deal with that, either. There were a pair of flat heeled shoes, color matching the dress, and she slipped those on fairly quickly. Surprisingly she woke up already looking as if she had spent a morning in a shower, just not wet. She appeared surprisingly in order and alert, considering how the prior night she was practically dragged around by the end of it. The entire dressing ordeal took only moments, as what she was provided didn't require much work to wear. "So, which way?" Vwynolyn asked as she walked towards the door, her armor set on the bed in the event she needed to run back for it.
  13. Well, for smaller games that lack a dedicated staff like the BZPRPG that are usually created by one player, you make it a smaller scope. The entire island of Mata-Nui is fine for one person being, essentially, game staff. We've had, in COT way back when; incredibly active, incredibly expansive sandbox-esque TBRPG's that were staffed either by one player (the creator of the game), or with a couple offhand staff (ie: two GM's plus the RP leader). And they lasted for a long time. For one person to run the big, expansive sandbox games, though; it's incredibly time consuming and it's incredibly hard to be on the same page with everyone and it's incredibly hard to keep everything straight in a sense of a timeline to work off of. It's a lot of work, even when you have an actual team for staff to work with. It's doable, but it's usually a lot better to try and keep the scope a bit more narrow so that it's easy to follow, keep things in check, read and sort through. So more of a set in stone plot that develops based on what needs to occur for the plot to actually move, and player interaction with the plot for other things to occur or different events to take place that were influenced by their participation in the game. (And dealing with in game instances that create out of game drama, which is never fun to put up with). I don't really feel there's many qualifications to running a successful TBRPG, except confidence to be able to do it and the time necessary to keep it afloat. Roleplay experience helps, working as staff in other games also helps, as you generally learn a lot of valuable things doing that. But I know a lot of players who are on this site, or are long gone, who would create their own games for their first foray into a TBRPG and, while it doesn't always pan out well, there are definitely games that existed where it did. And getting, or finding, someone willing to help staff and work with you to create it who has that extra experience can also help. (I've been roleplaying for like... 12 years, and I hate running games, but if you have an idea and you want to go with it, starting it up in a planning stage and getting overall input from the community that'd play it would be fine in and of itself to actually make a quality base for the game. Running it just comes down to writing, time you have, your own interest in it, and progressing the events of the game in a natural sense that doesn't make players feel like they have 0 impact on what's happening).
  14. It's a cropped picture from a Mega Shiny Gardevoir card, I can't remember which one actually. I liked how it turned out, and Gardevoir's more or less my favorite pokemon, and when my sig broke I figured it was time to updated it anyhow.
  15. IC: - Vwynolyn; Will Eventually Be Presentable - When the Empress left her midst, the tall and dark armored Dasaka slowly slid down onto the floor. Lightheaded-ness, and the hunger, and the soreness and weakness throughout her took their toll on her form and mind after so long; especially after speaking with the Empress on her petition, of which, she hadn't thought would be heard, much less accepted. "This... isn't just some dream, right?" She mumbled to herself, panting heavily with her head back against the chair behind her, eyes closing for a moment to keep the room from spinning around her. "Nnn... I look like utter garbage. Don't even want to know what I smell like, much less," she continued as she thought over the last hours, feeling a deep sense of embarrassment for herself. She could care less how her actions, presentation, words and so forth affected her family, though. To the depths with them. For what felt like an eternity she waited for the guards to come pick her up, and they did. Quietly and professionally, they came into the room and Vwynolyn only made a motion to stand; receiving assistance. An apology was mumbled from her as she leaned a bit heavily on one of the four sent for her, though it seemed as if the particular one she leaned on had little problem assisting her in standing and moving out of the room and down towards where she would go to bathe. After all, putting on clothes while unclean was largely a backwards way to do something, and Vwynolyn didn't care much about the clothes right at that moment: a hot bath, and time to let her muscles and body relax and heal sounded much better a use of her current time. The walk itself was slow and methodical, likely for Vwyloyn's benefit as it was clear she wasn't in a position to rush or hurry along; her feet practically dragged across the floor at this point, nearly tripping a few times but luckily, the guard she was leaning on kept her standing. Whether or not there was an air of distaste for her, she couldn't tell. Part of her figured if there was, these guards would make this trip more troublesome. Fursic, a name she never felt proud to own. Not ever since her Sighteye training, when she first discovered her own self while trying to practice the art. Eventually they all came to a stop outside a door. How long they spent walking, which ways they went, the gradual change of the layout of the building, Vwyn didn't know. She hadn't paid much attention besides her common utterances of apologies, her arm using all its strength to keep her attached to the guard she was using for assistance. None of them ever seemed to say anything in return: quiet, likely tired themselves on some level given the hour. Or, perhaps, they were attempting to be respectful of any sleeping individuals in chambers elsewhere. The door opened slowly and three of the four remained outside, as if waiting as their comrade helped Vwyloyn into the room, to sit down on the edge of the tub so she would not fall over. With how she sat and the look on her face, there was a request made: a servant, or an aide, or someone, was to oversee her from this point. Likely to make sure she didn't pass out while bathing and drown. No one wanted to carry a corpse out of a bathroom first thing in the morning. "I... thanks," Vwynolyn mumbled out as the guard left the room, closing the door behind her with only a light nod. At least, in the end, it wasn't the captain of the guard as Vwyn felt that woman would have simply tossed her into the room like a sack of potatoes. While waiting, she slowly turned herself with a bit of a whine; joints hurt, muscles burned, and the smaller, less aired room felt stuffy to be in when the door shut. But slowly and carefully she reached forward; one hand resting on the tub's edge next to her thigh to keep herself steady as she started the water. For a moment she watched it, tilting her head lightly and letting her hand rest under it as the hot water steamed over her fingers. It felt comfortable, calming. It also made her thirsty. Looking back towards the door and shifting a little, Vwyn found herself filling her hands with a small puddle of water and just drinking it thirstily. Her motions were a bit quick and harried, not wanting to be caught doing such a strange, embarrassing thing, but her throat was parched. Her stomach hurt and head swam with the desire for water. She didn't care where it came from, what it tasted like, just so long as it was water, that's all that mattered. After a while she stopped, kneeling on the floor outside the tub now, her breast pressed down where she'd been sitting and her mouth wet and hands hanging limply over the tub's edge as her eyes watched the water fill up slowly. Luckily, right as she stopped drinking from the faucet the door opened again with a small knock beforehand to warn of it. Vwynolyn wasn't so surprised to see what she figured was a servant, or again some aide of some kind, standing there and watching her a moment. Likely someone told this woman of her own state, since nothing seemed to appear on her countenance as a sense of surprise and she merely walked over. "The water's fairly hot," she commented when she felt it, eyes shifting to Vwynolyn who could only offer up a shrug. "I... kinda like it that way, is... should it not be so much?" She asked, trying not to sound sarcastic or rude, but for all she knew there may have been some kind of water-temperature policy around. The smaller woman seemed to think a moment, "if you were on your own, I'd say yes. With what I was told, you sound like you've been on the verge of fainting for the better half of the hour. All the heat, in this space, might mess with you more than you think. Especially if you haven't hydrated yourself first." Slowly Vwynolyn looked to the water, then back over to the woman in the room with her. "I... mean... well, I drank water, so..." she started, blushing as she essentially admitted she'd been drinking from the faucet, though the woman next to her seemed to have deduced that much with how Vwynloyn was kneeling, water dripping from the bottom half of her face. "I suppose I can't blame you, but there's enough water in there now. Undress and get in, if you need help, ask." She moved to sit down on the sink counter, waiting for this awkward, strange Dasaka to do as asked. "I'm going to be in here the entire time. Mostly to make sure you don't hurt yourself in your condition, since... no one wants to drag a body out of here in the morning." Vwynolyn knew there was a blush on her countenance, eyes shifting from the water filled tub, to the woman, and back again a few times. "This is gonna be more awkward for me than for you," she stated before pushing herself up. *** Lying in the hot water, head rested back against the spot where it met the wall, Vwynloyn let out a long, content sigh. All the dirt, grime and uncleaniness felt like it was being burned off her skin and, for her, it felt incredible. The heat helped relax her muscles as she laid there, one leg pressed over the other in some desire to remain somewhat modest with the servant woman sitting on the sink counter, occasionally looking up to make sure she was still breathing. A small bathtub toy seemed to find its way into the water, Vwynolyn not having noticed it as it bumped into her legs and floated about. By choice, neither chose to speak to the other during this time; Vwynolyn relaxing and starting to clean herself with what was provided, shifting her form this way and that for what she felt was plain decency. Even with her physiology, she felt incredibly self conscious about her chest and kept an arm over it even if it may have seemed like an odd thing to do to anyone who didn't know much about her. Over time, Vwynolyn took to using the small bath toy as a convenient form of physical censoring, trying to mask moving it around as if she was actually interested in it, though in the end she likely looked as ridiculous as she felt either way. *** After finishing and drying herself off she had only sighed, and she felt grateful enough the servant with her made no comments about her body and, at least, Vwynolyn did clean up quite well. With her armor needing its own cleaning regimen, the servant present made sure to help get the Dasaka wrapped up in a towel, finding it a bit funny how the hem of it barely made it to her upper thighs, given she'd noticed how conscious Vwyn was of her chest and had it moved to cover herself there as well. "Probably needed a longer one," she commented after a moment, trying to determine whether it would be fine enough to take her out of the room to find clothes to wear before sleeping. "Stay here, sit down if you need to. I'm just going to bring something back for you since... well, I doubt you really want our guards to... get more of an eyeful of your backside than you probably want." "Well... I suppose you're the expert just... uh, something... feminine to wear?" Vwynolyn asked, perhaps a bit shyly as she felt unused to making such requests without some kind of backlash or cruel remark. But to her surprise the woman simply nodded. "No, I know. I was informed at least a little. The guards just knew to make sure I knew to use female pronouns with you, which... I can't say I've met someone quite in your position before. But with how you were acting it made a bit of sense. I had something in mind, anyhow." *** A little later the woman returned, name still unknown to Vwynolyn, though she felt odd requesting it as she hadn't given her own name at this point, either. Similar knock on the door, and when it opened Vwyn felt a small bit of relief as the outside cool air wafted in, the bathroom itself still hot and a bit steamy with the hot water she'd run for her bath not too long ago. The woman carried a bundle in her arms, right now it simply looked like a large enough outfit for Vwynolyn to wear: pajamas. Slowly Vwynolyn walked forward, looking at them with interest and curiosity. A deep blue in color, almost black like her armor, she picked up the thin, soft fabric into her hands, looking over it curiously. "It's... you can kinda... see through it, no?" She asked after a moment, holding it up to the light a little and finding herself blushing a bit as the pattern seemed more lace-like to her, despite how it didn't quite feel that way in her hands. "Well, yes. But that's what this, and... this, and this are for. It's soft so you can... you know, sleep. Anything too stiff, too thick, too large, too small, ornamentation, et cetera, would just keep you awake. Maybe not grade-A walking the halls clothing, but it's comfortable, looks nice and serves its function well. Besides, wearing all that for as long as I imagine you were," she gestured to the armor that was largely still in need of its own cleaning, "I figured you'd like something lighter and softer." "I... well, I mean, it's pretty." It took some time for Vwynolyn to dress herself; the set of clothes were different than in the past: a bit tighter around parts of her, meaning it took some effort to initially get it on for the first time, though after she finished she took a moment looking herself over in the mirror. She looked like someone dressed to sleep; the lightweight clothes breathed wonderfully, and the colors in conjunction with her own blended well together and created more of a solid illusion as if her skin underneath the dark cloth was ultimately just part of the shirt. In some ways it felt a little odd for it to look as it did in the mirror, granted Vwyn came to reminding herself that her stomach was more or less visible. The top flowed down to almost her knees, legs covered up with stockings so as to give the illusion of pants, which worked quite well as everything seemed to work together to a point where anyone she'd walk by would likely think the top purely solid in design and coloration, and the top of her stockings vanished up to her upper thighs, covered by the parts of the nightshirt that flowed down a bit more. The outfit alone made Vwynolyn feel a strange sense of comfort as she looked at herself in the mirror. It accentuated her more feminine curves, the dark colors helped make her shoulders appear a bit less broad, and with one of the undergarments provided her chest seemed to puff out a little bit. With her cleaned up countenance, her hot pink eyes looked over her own reflection. Even scars she had on her back and chest weren't visible, the bra covering up the healed and scarred knife wound she received in a tavern, while the back of the night shirt was actually opaque. "I'd hit on me," she mumbled looking into the mirror for a bit longer, stepping away from it a moment and back up close. Then, after a time she seemed to stop, though she still watched herself until the mirror no longer reflected herself back, looking down at the shorter servant who grabbed all this for her. "Technically you should probably wear a robe out of here, but... couldn't really find one in your length, but..." She took a moment, "it looks more modest than I thought it would. Guess your darker complexion helps with it, even if I can see your stomach... maybe too well. And the stockings and undergarments cover your legs and everything else well enough, so... just put these on," She handed over what looked like some basic slippers, "More so you don't tear a hole over your feet. Or step on something sharp." Vwyn nodded, sliding her feet into them easily enough, though using the servant woman as an assistant so she did not lose her footing and end up falling over in the process. "And with that all done, you all cleaned, hydrated, dressed... I'll just take you to where you'll be sleeping. I can't guarantee you'll get the full eight hours, considering the time, but maybe they won't wake you up too early. And I'll leave the rest of this clothing with you, so you can get up, change into something a bit more formal for the day, and your armor will... be cleaned and ready sooner than later." The woman spoke as they walked through the cool halls, Vwynolyn watching her from time to time. "Question, I know I think I look quite pretty in all this, but... I sort of wanted a second opinion." Vwynolyn asked after a moment, finding her question perhaps a little strange. The other woman seemed to stop walking a moment, looking her over and shifting to see some of the outfit's back. "In my not-so-expert opinion, your own assessment is solid. You look like a woman, which was the intent with what I picked out. Since it helps make your shoulders a bit less pronounced, the bra helps stick out your flatter chest a bit, and the outfit squeezes in around your hips and flares out slightly, which just gives you... I guess the illusion of wider hips?" The woman shrugged, "clothes alone don't really determine that, well, beauty. They just help with certain things; accentuating, or diminishing. Sort of like makeup does... but more makeup for the body. If you think of it that way. Out of 'em you're still tall, more lithe than I thought, I expected more muscle mass of a warrior. There's probably ways to alter that, I mean, some aspects of your own body type, but where I'd think to start is... no idea. Either way, in your... armor, which I noticed had some alterations, I presume you or someone you paid a lot did, and in this outfit and the one I picked out, people should be more inclined to immediately refer to you as a woman, either way. And, to be fair, speaking of traditional viewpoints for lack of a better frame of reference; you have more of a... feminine look, than a masculine one. Y'know. Softer features, still a fairly square jaw but that's not uncommon, your general movements and mannerisms. Well, not the pounding on the door. But the way you're walking right now, for instance. So... yes, I'd say you look pretty." Listening to the assessment Vwynolyn stopped walking a moment with the second-to-last comment. "How... I'm walking... ?" She asked aloud, taking a few steps, her walking had her hips moving in tiny figure-eight motions a lot of the time, "I... hm, never noticed I did this, guess it's 'cuz I watched a lot of... well, women, walking in formal wear and it's always how... well, they seemed to move. I kinda assumed because of the shoes, really." "If you had these habits earlier on, particularly the one where you try to talk a bit higher in pitch, I'm surprised your family didn't catch onto how you felt earlier than they did. Unless they did, and chose to ignore it. I suppose that'd be the most common reaction, especially if you were young at the time." The servant shrugged, passing the long, dull walk with the conversation. "Well... I did, earlier I mean. One of the... first things I accomplished with my own training, which is the Sighteye discipline... er, it's kind of embarrassing," Vwynolyn shyly rubbed the back of her neck with a hand, "but I... sort of created a false appearance for myself, where I just... looked like... I guess a much smaller, younger version of my mother, in retrospect. Wasn't really... taken as something worthy of praise." To Vwyn's own surprise the servant woman seemed to laugh at the short story, finding it rather amusing in the way that played out as she hadn't anticipated to hear of an accidental illusion conjuring. With the smile on her lips, the servant stopped before a door. "Alright, Miss Vwynolyn, here's your stop. There'll be a bed in there you can fall asleep on, and these clothes should be put on the table so they don't wrinkle. Dunno how they plan to wake you up, but I'd suggest falling asleep sooner than later. Get rid of... those rings under your eyes," and before Vwynolyn could reply the woman was off; walking back down the hall with a brusque step, as if she might have been late for something she just remembered to do. With a shrug, Vwynolyn walked into the room. Setting the clothes on the table she crawled onto the bed, and before her head could hit the soft pillow she was out; not even bothering to have the blankets over herself. She snored.
  16. A full body image of a rahkshi, which I think is Kurahk if I have my names correct? Something like that, at least.
  17. IC: - Vwynolyn; Tantrums: the Key to Happiness - "I... yes, o-okay and thank you," Vwynolyn replied, standing up out of respect, though gripping the table again to steady her swaying self; getting up so fast made her feel a bit lightheaded given her condition, but she felt it was disrespectful to remain seated as the Empress walked out. "A-and I won't, I... I-I promise, I don't... u-usually, I just... with everything," realizing she was starting to ramble a little she bit her lip to stem her words, nodding her head and leaning against the table a little bit. The idea of being washed, clothed and resting already made her feel happier. She'd wanted those things for a long while, and after this, they would feel all the much sweeter when she received them. Ideally, she hoped she wouldn't end up passing out bathing, fainting or otherwise.
  18. IC: - Vwynolyn; Probably Thinks She's Gonna Wake Up in a Gutter - "I... um...." Clearly Vwynolyn was caught off guard by the offer, sitting there, not expecting the Empress to want to employ her for much of anything. It took her a moment to parse the request of sorts, almost unsure she heard it correctly, but the gesture in front of her was befitting of it. Not one who ever was the most graceful with standard expectations of manners, it took her a moment before she nodded her head initially. "I... y-yes, and... um," feeling a little awkward with the elite guards likely watching her; this malnourished, malprepared, sleep deprived Dasaka with the oddest of requests, lean forward over the table, perhaps a bit awkwardly due to needing to support her own weight on her arms which were weak with weariness, she lightly kissed the top of the signet ring. "I... p-pardon how... I um... am... kinda... ratty looking," she mumbled after, her face red with a newfound sense of embarrassment in present company with how she physically appeared in the moment. Not to mention the fact she'd more or less been trying to tackle her way through two guards not too much earlier. "But... I... I-I'll do... a-anything you request of me, it's... it's the least I can... offer," she added, rather hoping it wouldn't be cleaning the streets with a broom, but at least it would be something. Unlike others, she felt she owed no loyalty to her family. And after this request was granted, she did feel as if she owed the Empress in return. Not to mention banging on the door, or fighting with the guards, or dragging herself in such an non-presentable manner to the Empress herself. "I just... th-thank you," she finished quietly, biting her lip and trying not to let herself cry from a sense of relief.
  19. IC: - Vwynolyn; Internal Whining- "I... I... w-well, I'll... th-that's fine then. Sorry for... asking, I guess," Vwynolyn mumbled, feeling her cheeks grow hot from a sense of embarrassment. She didn't wish to try to push that matter in the event it might get her primary request withdrawn. "And... um... when... you say the.. seeing a Priestess part, I..." Vwynolyn had a hard time figuring out the words, but in that event she did want to be presentable. It was already a bit rough on her to appear how she was, and already she was trying to think of someplace to stay until that appointment, but there weren't too many around she felt would want to take someone like her in to begin with. The fact she wasn't presentable to begin with, or had formal attire anymore, lead her to feel a bit self-conscious of such a potential meeting anyway. Moreso than this, if only she had not expected to be talking with the Empress on this issue. Perhaps some representative, but not the actual being. "I... um, I feel like... I should be presentable I... mean, I'm not... now, clearly. I didn't... expect you'd be the one to be hearing me on this account, and I hadn't... entirely expected to be let in to begin with. But as things... sort of stand, I don't... have a means to, uh... well, make myself presentable, I suppose. Since I don't... live out here and... I doubt many would be willing to offer me any services how I appear, and... I... sort of spent... what money I had," she continued, not really wanting to inadvertently insult someone who was designated to "look at her" at some point. Granted, with whatever words would likely come from that, would likely be some kind of review. She found herself chewing on her lip a little. The comment of having a "target on her back" from earlier kept popping up into her mind, though she was unsure why it actually made her feel a modicum of fear now, when earlier she was at the point of not really caring if someone killed her in the streets. But, while she chose to try and find some manner to, perhaps, be safer with a return of labor of whatever sort asked, since that seemed like a notion not about to be entertained she had to consider what options there were. And the more she dwelt on them, the less she realized she actually had. At the very least, if she could find somewhere to sleep and somewhere to bathe, that would be enough at this point. The desire for actual clothes over her scarred and scuffed armor came from more of a personal want than a necessity. "I... I apologize again for... for that request. I... suppose I felt that maybe I could pay it back in some kind. But I... I suppose I can... figure the rest out on my own, then. I... don't want to come across as needy, or... anything like that." She added, only having said what she wanted to ask since the Empress more or less inquired if there was more on her mind related to her petition, which they were. The thought of crawling back home after all this, with the official designation or not, caused a small shiver to move through the Dasaka, her fingers still on the table at this point.
  20. IC: - Vwynolyn; Finger Drummer Extraordinaire - "I... w-well kind of, I mean... I didn't... mean to... to be uh, ah... um, presumptuous. I'm not... going to lie, I figured I'd end up denied and then kicked back out on the streets. I'm... I'm sort of... surprised, by... this is all and... um. Well, even with the bare minimum I expected I would've taken it. If I was killed as a result, at least I'd get to be remembered as an angry woman than an angry... guy." She continued, fingers lightly drumming on the table, the repetitive action giving her some sense of grounding for the moment. It was fairly apparent she had not expected to get this far, not that she was complaining by any stretch of imagination. "But... y-yes, that's... that's... that's basically... what I... I'm kinda... asking for." She mumbled, suddenly wishing she'd been a bit more put together so she'd seem a bit less ragged, desperate, and otherwise in disrepair. "I can't... really go home, even with official stamp of approval. I mean, I guess... I guess I could, but... I doubt... any of this would be taken seriously there, to be frank. And then it's sort of... square one, or square box."
  21. IC: - Vwynolyn; Surprised - "I... more?" Vywnolyn bit onto her lip, not expecting an offer of "more" or anything of that sort. She came in with the initial bare minimum expectations, if even that, so she was taken aback a bit and it showed on her countenance. There were so many things that came to mind, but she felt uncertain what she could actually say within this vague list of "more." So, she felt to begin with basics. "Well... I... if there could be... some... some official acknowledgement, I... I would be grateful. A-As an announcement... or just... a piece of paper," Vwynolyn paused, fingers playing with each other on the table. "I... I mean this is probably... more my responsibility, but... since... the offer and... I mean," she didn't want to flat out say she was broke and she wasn't about to ask for money, but she seemed to try to sit up a little straighter; "I... burned my old... clothes. Well, the finery. Selling them would... maybe have been wiser but, I was never praised for wisdom," she paused and bit her lip. "I... it'd be tremendous help if... I could... somehow get... that replaced, but... but women's... attire, I... I mean... maybe that's a bit much to ask." Her hand shifted over to her arm, holding onto her bicep in a sheepish manner, "and... and maybe... just... if there's any... opportunities... for someone like me, I mean... I kinda... need one," she continued quietly. Even with official word, proclamation and everything, the thought of returning to her family caused a sense of unease in Vwynolyn, even fear to a degree. But she didn't want to be stuck wandering without anything to put her skills to use for, or some way to at least find a means to make a livable wage doing something out there. "Granted I... kinda don't, uh... have a place of my own and... well, looking as... I do, I don't really... I mean I clean up better than I look, just... haven't had... y'know, a chance to. Or a way." Vwynolyn mumbled out the last words, not making eye contact and feeling her hand tighten on her bicep a fair bit.
  22. IC: - Vwynolyn; Trying her Best - "I... what they'd do?" Vwynolyn thought for a moment, sitting back a little in her seat as her pink colored eyes roamed around the table and off towards the wall a moment, fingers tapping. "I... I can't really say, I... doubt anything pleasant for me. I... I mean, I wouldn't entirely know. All I know is... well, they don't like me. Pretty sure they still don't like me. Never really cared what I had to say or input on... on this type of a thing, and... I fought with them a lot. Honestly if any of them have some positive memory of me and wanted to reconnect on that basis, that'd be about as likely as... well, uh... my usual comparison is sorta... out the window," half a thought crossed her mind to say "about as likely as me complaining to the Empress," but given present circumstances, that felt a little off. "What they'd do... though, I guess the least they might do is lecture me. But, probably punishment in some form. What exactly I... dunno. Maybe they'd just have me killed at this point," Vwynolyn shrugged, doubting she was a terribly wanted piece of legacy to her clan, despite the fact her biology was rare. "That or use me as some political toy. Knowing I'd probably hate it, but at that point it'd probably be more of a... well, I wouldn't be surprised if they offered a 'do what we want, if you don't, we'll dispose of you' type of thing. I don't really make them proud, and... my existence would probably be less of a headache to them if I, y'know, didn't exist." She shrugged again, that one thought she had often that came to mind, one quite a few of her nightmares tended to focus on during the nights. "For certain I can't say. Like I said I haven't... seen them in a long, long time. Just kinda... basing what I figure from like, well... how much they liked me when I was around."
  23. IC: - Vwynolyn; Somewhat Reasonable - When she was granted permission to sit down, Vwynolyn quickly pulled out the chair and all but collapsed into the seat. Panting a little, she pressed her hands up into her face, trying to keep herself focused before letting them fall onto the table. Leaning down a bit, the Dasaka was tired, slouching forward, using one hand to hold up her head after a moment. It was lucky she parsed the question, maybe a little slower than normal, but nodded her head after a time. "No. They don't. For... emphasis on that, I... haven't heard from them, nor they me, in... in a long while now," she lifted her head a little after a moment, hand falling forward onto the table without her head keeping it locked in the upright position. "I... I admit I don't try to, uh... make myself available for them and... I actively avoid... them, since... well if they were ever looking for me, I doubt it's for a nice dinner." Her eyes shifted down towards the table again, trying to reign in any impatience or any desire to rant, taking a few deeper breaths to keep her nerves a bit on the calmer side.
  24. IC: - Vwynolyn; A Mess - "I..." Vwynolyn paused, the silence a little uncomfortable for her, though after a moment she felt as if it might be important to explain what her petition was. Initially she half expected it to have been read at this point, though she supposed with her sudden appearance and belligerent attitude that, perhaps, it had not. "My... um, my petition... is, it's um..." Vwynolyn found herself pausing often to find the next word to say, fingers resting now on the chair as she stood in the room, eyes shifting down to look at the table to make it a little easier, "it's about... I uh, w-well, see I... I mean, you... can probably tell since, you know, while... I'm not really in good shape or... trying much with my voice since... since I sorta hurt my throat, and well, I lack a lot of..." Her hand waved in the air for a moment as she thought of a delicate way to put it, "y'know... some... things people would see to assume immediately... my, er... gender?" Vwynolyn paused, knowing that wasn't the most artistic approach to her words had she would have liked. And saying it aloud, at least in such a manner to explain her position, was a fairly new thing for her to do. "It's... I was, I was born as... er, as a boy and... I uh, but I'm not... I mean... it's... it's difficult to really explain," Vwynolyn mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck shyly. "But... but I wanted... to... to have my gender -- a woman -- legally... recognized at least. At least insofar as... well, I mean... I figured... it might help gain credence with... it and everything, and while it probably won't stop... er, well, people being rude, but... I felt... it might help to... well if it's recognized, at least, maybe... I could actually go forward. Like, find opportunities... and such rather than, uh... well... kinda... eventually hitting rock bottom. Which I mean... I'm probably at, since getting stabbed in a tavern wasn't exactly an alien concept to me. And I kinda... wailed on your door, and... everything." Her tone was a bit quieter, the Dasaka starting to actually feel some sense of shame for her earlier behavior, while also trying to find the language she wanted and settling for less than perfect statements. "I... c... c-can I sit down?" She asked after a moment, hands still gripping onto the back of a chair left at the table, though it was pretty clear she was feeling a bit lightheaded and anxious.
  25. IC: - Vwynolyn; Realizing She Smells - When admitted by the four guards, the walk felt a lot longer than it ought to for someone like Vwyn. Namely, with how sore she felt and how out of it she'd been, the tall Dasaka nearly tripped and fell over a couple times due to a lack of paying attention to the floor and her own feet. Part of her lack of attention rested with her thoughts; trying to still comprehend what seemed so surreal. They let her in? She had not, honestly, expected it. Vwynolyn also did not expect it to be the current Rora to see her on a matter such as this, and while she moved and attempted to keep pace, she began to realize how bad of shape she looked. Her armor was scuffed and dirtied, with many chips and scratches along it from various fights over the time it took her to eventually get here. Most of the time she had her own inability to hold her temper to blame; people found it entertaining to work her up until she eventually lunged at someone. Most of her physical scars, under the armor, came from such exchanges and she did not always walk away from them as a victor. The tired, dark rings under her eyes bespoke a practically nonexistent sleeping schedule. Out of the last week, since she sent in her petition and even a few days before, she could barely rest. Dreams were fraught with nightmares, or too much excitement over the petition she sent in, or dread over it. Granted, before she appeared in front of the doors she'd been quite far along on the "probably drunk" scale, after so much wasted energy and shouting, and the hours that passed, she seemed to be more level headed on that front. Of course, dehydrated and not having eaten for the last two days took their own tolls on her mind and thoughts, but at least she did have the presence of mind to be quite aware of how bad her outward condition was, not to mention her mind. All she could hope was that she wouldn't botch speaking and that the woman she was to talk with would be too far away from her to take any offense to her presentation. It wasn't like she carried around a nicer set of clothes, granted the ones she had in the past were for males and she tossed them into a fire sometime ago. As she was admitted into the drawing room, Vwynolyn had to squint initially and shield her eyes a bit from the light. Outside it'd been quite dark, so inside with the light and the pungent aroma came off a bit disorienting for the Dasaka who needed to hold onto something in front of her to simply remain standing at this point. Eventually she made out the Empress, sitting across the way and Vwynolyn's hand dropped and she blinked a few times to try and get her eyes to adjust. "I... Y-Yes, I have... lodged a petition and, er... well, yes... kinda... there was a door, you see," Vwynloyn felt her cheeks flare up in a moment of embarrassment, one hand gesturing to the door of the room as if it were an example. That had quickly shot back to the chair as the quick movement almost knocked her off balance, the room swimming a bit for her though she was trying to keep herself lucid and aware. Normally she'd take a seat, but given present company, she felt it might be an offense to do so.
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