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Everything posted by WhispersAngels

  1. Mr. Sagan got nothing on me, Mr. Trite. Then, prove it Trite! Show me the evidence! -Slams his fist on the desk- And why don't we go for the unlimited penalty?

  2. *grabs mic* Sagan, I love you man and I am very happy for you, but Galileo is the astronomer of all time....of all time!

    (I came here to do battle with you)

  3. But you do not know. WE SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU AS YOU WERE. (Google! Actually no, I was wearing my tinfoil hat, my boy.)

  4. A hundred years I might speak and still you would not know us. You with five senses. Us with six. The one we kept from you. To be safe. Now, you can never know. Only try. Grasp. You can SEE. SMELL. TASTE. TOUCH. HEAR. Knowledge has been blocked away. After, when the world became undone, we tried to pass it through the blood. Tried to join you with us. You see the blue shimmer. You hear the words.

  5. image. We built you to survive. And so you did. Few were our numbers.

    (Sorry but my Emkay senses were tingling...and you missed me?)

  6. Listen. When we were still flesh, and our homes still whole, your kind betrayed us. We who made you. We who gave you life! We were strong. But you were many. And both of us craved war. So busy were we with earthly concerns, we failed to notice the heavens. And by the time we did... the world burned and naught remained but ash. It should have ended then and there. But we built you in our own im

  7. Edgeworth is an amazing character, I love how he turns out to be a valuable ally for Phoenix down the road. And his spin off game is amazing, I just love his passion for discovering the truth.

  8. Such a classy lady! I wish there were more ladies like here, amiga.

  9. Audrey Hepburn, amiga?

  10. Hey Trite! How do you do?

  11. Hey, Trite! Know your role, and shut your mouth. I can’t stand women like you. (In other words, how have you been? And I was in character. Forgive me.)

  12. I've returned from the depths of *insert fire place here*...to do battle with you.

  13. I've returned from the depths of ######...to do battle with you.

  14. Sorry but I am leaving from home...

  15. I just downloaded the game and I am so far trying to defeat Von Karma though she keeps bringing more witnesses and deceive evidence! D=

  16. Cannot wait to object the witnesses and make Von Karma lose her perfection! :D

  17. No, no, I said I want it because of this new deadly prosecutor. I heard she objects a lot. D:

  18. Now I want Justice for All, the sequel and you get to meet Franziska von Karma, a deadly prosecutor with a whip! D:

  19. Haha, ever since then I have been screaming Objection! Amazing game for the DS/Itouch.

  20. Thanks! I stop playing that game a long time ago because I lost my DS! Though, I have been playing Ace Attorney, the only best lawyer game ever!

  21. Wonderful! I am waiting for the 26th the day, I go to college. :D

  22. I still want my cake!

  23. I already got the drugs, mi amigo! -mexican music plays- D:

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