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~garnira returns~

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Posts posted by ~garnira returns~

  1. If I were to choose 1, perhaps Furno? I never really liked the hotheaded characters, and even before they cancelled individuality, he was kind of frustrating.


    Alot of people complain about the villains being shallow, but honestly it's not the characters themselves, it's that they last for half of a year rather than allowing for enough time to show different aspects of their personalities and abilities.


    Of course the Invasion from Below show left me with a dislike for all the heroes aside from Breez, Stringer, and Nex.(The latter two of which weren't even on the show!) Genocide is not to be celebrated in my book, so the heroes in general are on my least favorite list.

  2. Simply put, because they didn't need to have powers. The creatures of the Matoran universe were not initially designed to be fully sentient, so making them able to fight would have been a waste of time if there was nothing they needed to fight against. There wasn't supposed to be any conflicts among the inhabitants of the MU, it just happened. 

  3. If it were to be a sequel to Bionicle, it would be set around 20 years after the end of the original line. I think I'd have a mixed bag of bad guys, including the Barraki, TSO, Makuta from an alternate dimension, Marendar, and some new characters of known species. The heroes would be The heroes from old Bionicle, but perhaps kind of reintroduced. They would be the same characters, but 20 years later, so there would be some changes. It would be set on Spherus Magna, of course, but I think I'd specifically set it on the Aqua Magna side. It would be centered around exploring and settling unknown continents and following in the footsteps of the Great Beings. I'd want to give it that early Bionicle feel of mystery, but with more contemporary characters and technology. Set wise, I'd try the mask pack thing along with the basic lineup of sets. The mainstream lineup of sets would be released similarly to how the 2008 sets were released, with 3 good guys and 3 bad guys per line of medium sets. The story would progress as it did in old Bionicle, with an overall story progression year by year, but a different subplot of sorts each year. If I reached the climax of the overall story and there was still a large following, I'd just create a new goal or bring back an old villain.


    I'd call it something like Bionicle, Chronicles of Tomorrow or Spherus Magna.

  4. We have Rocka, Stormer, Furno and now Evo as XL (i'm still don't think Evo is a XL)

    So I like to know of who you like to see as a XL next and what do you like to see them have for weapons.


    With me i like to see Stringer or Breez as the next XL, with Stringer i like his weapon to be a upgraded version of his Sonic Boom Weapon (As a Dubstep Cannon(yes a dubstep cannon)) and with Breez i like to see her have a upgraded version of her old Energized Dual Boomerangs.

    Yeah, Breez or Stringer would be who I would make XL. A big sonic cannon for stringer, and perhaps katanas for breez?

  5. I definitely want a Dragon tribe now. Perhaps as a Fire Tribe, or the remnants of an old Dragon tribe, and different dragons have scattered among the other tribes? Cause I want to be a dragon, but I kinda want something cybernetic as well.


    So a chima version of this? :P



    Anyways, I don't think new tribes are the way to go. Too much time and effort for an RPG that I estimate will have 20 people MAX. And hey, there's no rules against being of a normal tribe and wearing dragon-like armor(or masks), and having robotic wings/tail. In many cases, strange and vibrant characters are what give RPGs (and stories, for that matter) life!


    Also, I don't think that fleshing out the governments will do any harm to individuality. If you want to be a certain animal, but don't agree with the tribe's government, you can just be an outcast, an exile, or perhaps just on the rebellious side of things.

  6. As great and as much as I'd love to just world-build these tribes into all something unique, we do have to consider if it's worth doing that with the amount of players this will bring in, likely no more than 4-5 I'd say. Perhaps I'm totally wrong on that, but focusing in on the little things of the tribes shouldn't be a priority, I don't think.

    Changing them slightly to be better? Yes, totally. I mean, the Gorillas can just be more connected to nature like garnira said, and such, perhaps the Rhinos have a more straight-forward way of doing things that's not too complex, but that doesn't make either tribe dumb. They just have their own way of doing things.


    One thing that I think should really be decided on now is the setting, completely and totally. We can have it way before LoC, an alternate LoC, or something else, the main thing is just finding a time and saying that's what we're doing. From there the world can build itself up, but we've got to start from one place or another.



    If there's one thing that Chima has done well from the start(even in the show), it would be the world building. I think they've done a really good job with the world, so we probably don't need to tamper with it all that much.


    Also, now that you mention players, I'm a little concerned about the number of people that will actually play this. Honestly, Chima isn't the most popular line among folks on BZP, so I'm not sure if there will really be all that many people playing...

  7. I've had to do a coverage with the guys over at The Three Virtues of nearly every episode of Chima so far, so something I'd like to make mention of is that the first season does not really deliver. There's a bunch of lore that works, but the television show's execution was kind of less than stellar for various reasons. So maybe a kind of alternate history for the first season could also work? Keep some of the stuff that works, but rework it into something that's much more fleshed out and makes more sense from a plotline perspective. We could keep the "Forgotten Tales" thing, of course, but maybe have ramifications that carry over into the "main story"?


    One of my main complaints is that there's way too many dumb races. There's the hippie-dumb race (Gorrilas), the sleepy-dumb race (Bears), and just the dumb-dumb race (Rhinos). I don't think we need to wipe everything about them entirely, but maybe stop having them be cool dudes for idiocy's sake. The Bears, for instance, could perhaps function as one of the strongest/ferocious races, but their strength and ferocity is directly proportionate to the time they spend sleeping, hence why using too much of it has them drop off into sleep. Or maybe something along those lines, something that makes sense rather than just be used as a brunt of a joke all the time.


    Also, one thing I'd like to get into is how individual tribe's government/society works based on their values. For instance, I've felt that the Lions would function more like a democratic-based constitutional monarchy, with a lot of things being put to vote by majority rule and emphasis on following on what the votes come out on. The Eagles, on the other hand, would be a debate based system and function more like a courtroom (with open forums being their national pastime). Ravens, of course, would be strict capitalists. And so on.


    Not any of these ideas need to be directly applied, of course, but the idea for expansion should remain about the same.


    I certainly like the idea of fleshing out the tribes' governments. Could be interesting. Also, for play ability's sake, we had better make the "dumb" tribes less dumb, or nobody will want to play them. Perhaps the rhinos should stay on the "dimmer" end of things, but instead of being dumb in the cartoony way that they are on the show, they could be sort of tough and thugish, but not educated. Not incompetent, just not well informed.


    For the gorillas, we could keep their "close to nature" motif, but instead of hippies, they could be more like "savages". Not savage as in vicious, but savage as in a less developed society. I imagine that they would use a barter and trade system(to the ravens' delight). For leadership, they have a sort of faith in nature where they would wait for a chosen one(the chosen one would be the silverback).


    The crocs would probably have more of a classical monarchy than the lions, having a ruling family that intermarries or marries aristocrats of the tribe. It would just be up to chance whether the leader is good or not. I assume they would have a capitalist economy for trade with other tribes, if nothing else(The only big tribe with boats. Crocodile shipping companies would have quite the monopoly on the shipping industry).

  8. True, true. Thing is, yes, we could flip the RPG into being more directly based of the current Chima series, and that's fine, just the initial draft, at the moment, is based in the deep past from the TV series. What's going on then doesn't need to have any relation to the current conflict and visa versa.

    Eh, perhaps, but I feel that the Lions would really be the ones pushing to end the war, not have it balance out. One of the plot points that I was going to have occur were earthquakes and other natural disasters hitting Chima, showing how the fighting and Chi misbalancing was causing disruption in nature.

    Of course, this is totally out of my singular hands at this point and so everything's up for discussion. :)


    Well, when I'm talking about secret order, I wasn't thinking lions, I was thinking more of a multi-species organization.


    Also, what about a sort of anarchy setting where instead of there being the current tribes(grouped by animal), creatures of different species have to get together and form their own "tribes"?

  9. I suppose I'll open things up by stating, at the least, that this from Chima's first 6 months, which means much of it is out of date. The main thing that struck me was that at the least, the Gorillas could be separated into their own, true Tribe, away from the Minority Alliance. The rest of that group, however, is probably better off staying as one.

    Secondly, as I admit I don't keep up with the story as much as I should, perhaps this conflict could be based off when the upcoming Ice n' Fire Tribes were first sealed? Add them to the mix, while doing some other things as well?

    I think the biggest question is that of scope: Just how large are we willing to make this? How many factions, people, can really be made before things begin to dissolve?

    While it would be a large change, it would be possible to focus things down into 3 main groups of sorts: "Good" Guys, Lions, Eagles, Gorillas, some others, "Bad" Guys, Ice Tribes? Outcast Tribes? Crocs, Ravens, Wolves? and then a third group, maybe built off the Minority Alliance?

    I'm just tossing ideas out there, so *shrugs*



    Well, I'm pretty sure that lego's pushing the first six month's bad guys as good guys now, and it would only make sense to use them as such seeing as we have both outland and ice tribes for baddies. :P


    I think it would be kind of interesting for the third group to be a "secret order" type group that fights for the balance of nature in chima.(or something like that) They could be a multi species group that attacks one side or the other, depending on who has more power. (in the interest of keeping the war balanced, if we make that their motive.)

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