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That Is The Correct Word, Horrendous, That Is.

Ace Rimmer

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Yes, i'm digging myself out of the pits of uselessness. ==>Start"What? no, I dont want to use this format. and also can i be more highlighted as an introducer? because really this is a degrading job, I need more respect, and i demand more respect." Screeched the voice of an unknown animal, presumably a rat.'I take offense to that! I am a Hamster, not a rat!"The voice rambles on, until the start of this predetermined train wreck begins.

Reign of the cool dudes"Kopaka, did you get the camera working?" Said Lewa."It is working, and has been, the problem is that its in my stomach and the battery acid in the camera is hurting my stomach." Rumbles Kopaka, obiously not feeling well."or if we're lucky its the camera's jagged edges breaking your stomach so you'd be dissolved alive" Lectures Matoro."Shut up, Greg Farshtley killed you off once, he can do it again!" Screams kopaka, unknowing of the pompous ##### he just unleashed. and as if on cue, a wormhole opens up in space and time, and as with any story written by an cool dude, the author steps out, and with a voice like a thousand deus ex machinas, speaks. "My voice and words, while wise and all knowing, along with myself of course, are not fans of your ideas of breaking the fourth wall prematurely. we don't want any more narrators bursting in through the walls. Remember last time?" And of course, the obligatory flashback: Kopaka and lewa are in front of a computer screen, marveling at their brilliance, as they had constructed a plan, of dastardly intent. They had found the Pesterchum client and decided to save one of their favorite characters from the webcomic, Vriska, from death. the attempted chating with her, and here is the result. totallySpieswaitnototallynoobs [TS] Began pestering arachnidsGriff [AG] TS: OMG WE have TO SAV U!AG: Sorry?TS: You GONAN DIESAG: I still have no idea what you are talking about, please elaborate.TS: VRIS YOU DIEAG: I have no idea who "Vris" is, Please leave me alone.TS: BU BUAG: Goodbye. arachnidsGriff [AG] Blocked totallySpieswaitnototallynoobs [TS] At this point they knew there was only one option. build a hilariously overcomplicated piece of electronics and save her. End of Act -31337 part one chapter one segment one. "Don't you think that's overdoing it? I mean negative act thirty one thousand three hundred and thirty seven? that's pushing it just an ounce to far alone." Comments a Small rodent. "VERY FUNNY, HA HA HA. My mom always said i was a guinea pig among gerbils, and I say No more! I Quit! That's it! Finale! Try doing this without me!" There. I feel like i have some contributions. expect updates once a week.

Yes i'm back.


Maybe i'll find my camera charger and make myself of use again.

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