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What defines G2 for you?

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I know it's still pretty soon, and we're all still adjusting to the news, but a question popped into my head a minute ago, and I thought I'd bring it here:


"What defines G2 for you?"


I'd seen topics like this about G1, where people would describe or name one thing that really sums up the best of BIONICLE for you. To some, it might be one year (like 2004 or 2007), one wave (like the Toa Metru or the Barraki), one set (Brutaka or Icarax), a mask, or some key point in the story. For G1, my thoughts always go back to Brutaka as my defining set and 2007 as my defining year.


For me, when I think of G2, the story doesn't stand out to me as spectacular, and the sets aren't great, either. But for all I hated about G2 when it first came to us in 2015, I have to say the Mask Maker vs Skull Grinder set jumps out as what defines G2 for me. It gave us the ultimate good guy and the second-in-command bad guy. It had some good contrast and great appeal, and the new Mask of Creation, to boot.


So, your turn. When you think of G2, what is the main thing you jump to?

~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow



~Credit for Avatar and Banner goes to


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I guess Tahu and Ikir combined together. I think that's an amazing combo, seriously one of Bionicle's best, and an iconic image to define the 2015-16 story arc. 

OR the Mask of Creation. That was the main keyart for the reveal of the reboot. 



Edited by Nidhiki of the Shadows


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I see the story of 2 real brothers and the struggle that Ekimu has of remembering his past how he saved the world, how he awoke the comets and helped on making 6 heroes arrive to the island and awake the dormant leader.

I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the Matoran Universe

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As far as something from it goes? The Mask of Creation. It's what led us into the reboot, and it played a symbolic role throughout.


As far as overall stuff goes, I basically just see a lot of wasted potential. They could have done so much more with it. Just like they could have done so much more with G1 (like actually GIVE IT A PROPER ENDING), but like, even more so.


I don't know, it just seems like every franchise I see nowadays never actually lives up to its potential. Not just Bionicle, but in general. I just associate that wasted potential with G2 a lot because of how ridiculously much they wasted.

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"Whether that is right or not...I also...as a Rider...have a wish that I want to fulfill."

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The potential.


Even though it may not have been the best method of storytelling, focusing on delivering the story in a way that could be easily accessed by a phone or tablet was genius. That's exactly how to get the attention of a kid in 2015. That could have built an audience as dedicated as us old gen1ers. And there was the potential for depth and richness...as someone mentioned, that heartwarming moment where two-kua stared at awe at the story of the toa was a moment we never had in gen1. This had the potential to become something special. And, with an entire wave consisting of skeletons, therefore confronting the topic of death head-on...the potential for more mature themes to be present. One of the best parts of gen1 is that Greg and the writers knew that we would be able to handle heavy and complex ideas, and it made me excited that G2 seemed ready to do the same.


No matter what you think about g2 as a whole, you cannot deny the potential future it had.

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If you remember me from when I was most active on BZP, from 2009-2011...

I know I was cringy. But please keep in mind I was literally 12.


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I hate to admit it, but when I thing G2... I think that cartoony style that the web animations had last year.  I really liked a lot of things about G2, but the artstyle is something I still dislike to this day.

It is not for us to decide the fate of angels.

Dominus Temporis, if you're out there, hit me up through one of my contacts.  I've been hoping to get back in touch for a long time now.  (Don't worry, I'm not gonna beg you to bring back MLWTB or something.  :P )

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The Masks. Gen 2 gave us some really cool masks in its run IMO, especially with the Mask of Creation. The majority of the 2015 masks were actually really cool as well. 


I also liked the sets, particularly the 2015 Toa. They had some great builds between them, and they gave us some cool Lego pieces to boot.

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.



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the masks, however I would love to have mask packs and do the whole find the masks thing again but the masks were still really cool. too bad we never got to see the mask of ultimate power

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check out my imgur gallery for bionicle photography: https://mahatparthiban.imgur.com/all/

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Four things come to mind when I think of G2;


  • It's Bionicle. The line I grew up with, but remixed. It brought back really positive memories from my youth, along with that sense of wonderment I got from Bionicle sets back then - Something Hero Factory and Chima didn't really provide.
  • The CCBS. G2 really felt like the first proper outing for the system since 2012. It made building within this new version of a classic world easier and more enjoyable, and made modifying the sets to my standards a snap. 
  • Gears. As a kid, I was really sad when I got Hakann and found that he didn't have a gear function. G2 bringing gear functions back really made me happy, and I'm glad to see that the Star Wars figures are taking up the mantle on that. Maybe gears will be a mainstay for constraction in future?
  • This video.
Edited by Logan McOwen
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Four things come to mind when I think of G2;


  • It's Bionicle. The line I grew up with, but remixed. It brought back really positive memories from my youth, along with that sense of wonderment I got from Bionicle sets back then - Something Hero Factory and Chima didn't really provide.
  • The CCBS. G2 really felt like the first proper outing for the system since 2012. It made building within this new version of a classic world easier and more enjoyable, and made modifying the sets to my standards a snap.
  • Gears. As a kid, I was really sad when I got Hakann and found that he didn't have a gear function. G2 bringing gear functions back really made me happy, and I'm glad to see that the Star Wars figures are taking up the mantle on that. Maybe gears will be a mainstay for constraction in future?
100% agree with you.

Including the most famous song of all.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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