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Year 08

About zacharyd97

  • Birthday 01/16/1997

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  • Interests
    Bionicle, star wars, transfromers, other nerdy stuff

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  • LEGO.com Account

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  1. I got four at once, Malum, Vorox, Fero and Skirmish, and Tuma. I had no idea those would be my last
  2. I see why they call it CHICK fil a.
  3. This is amazing story, one of the best i have seen. I wish you the best of luck in your contest, and you did a perfect job of describing the evil nightmares karzanhi causes
  4. I like the older zelda games, my favorite is link to the past/four swords, and the four sword adventure. i havent bought a lot of the newer ones.
  5. Transformers revenge of the fallen was highly overated. as a major fan of transformers, i couldnt even make myself pretend to like it. the third one makes up for it though
  6. The woods behind my house are a great spot to have a nerf war.
  7. I love to go into the woods behind my house with my friends.
  8. zacharyd97

    My Waitress

    I dont know, i usaully get waiters who tend to ignore you, which suits me fine.
  9. Your right those are good rules. If only everyone followed them
  10. I am a huge fan of the BOGA. I downloaded all the games, and i really like how you got MNOG to save, cause i could never remember where i was at. I just wish that the battle for mata noui would work on my computer. Does anyone know how to get it going
  11. i love your name republic commando is the best

  12. yeah its in itunes, i subscribed to the whole podcast series. Just search for it and it will be there, ready to download.
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