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Year 17


About emily

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    somewhere where there are legos
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  1. I don't, sorry! Or if I do I'm not sure where they're stowed away.
  2. Hi! I've been wanting to work on my 2001 mask collection lately, but as some of you may have noticed, masks have gotten really Really expensive in the past couple of years. So i figure, hey, maybe I can get a better deal and help someone else out at the same time, by trading some of my spares for someone else's. Here is what I have to be able to trade to you (pardon the blurry image): Uncommons (trading 1 of these for 1 of my wants each): Lime Huna x1 claimed Dark Grey Huna x1 White Miru x1 Black Miru x1 (not available, i realized this actually isnt a duplicate, lmao) Brown Akaku x1 claimed Red Kakama x2 Green Akaku x2 Tan Mahiki x1 claimed Teal Kakama x1 (same thing) Commons (I can throw some of these in to sweeten a deal from my side if you happen to be looking for any): Silver Akaku x1 Trans Blue Ruru x5 Blue Huna x2 Dark Orange Kakama x4 Sand Blue Akaku x4 Green Miru x1 White Akaku x1 Red Hau x2 Light Grey Matatu x1 Dark Grey Matatu x3 Brown Kakama x1 Trans Blue Kaukau x4 Orange Huna x1 Black Pakari x3 Tan Komau x1 Orange Pakari x2 Lime Mahiki x2 Below are my wants - masks I would like to trade for: Black Kakama Blue Kakama Blue Miru Dark Grey Rau Green Hau Green Kakama Light Grey Huna Light Grey Mahiki Light Grey Rau Light Grey Ruru Lime Matatu Lime Rau Lime Ruru Light Blue Komau Orange Komau Red Miru Trans Black Kaukau Trans White Kaukau And I'm interested in extra of these common masks, if it factors into a trade: Black Huna Teal Miru Yellow Hau Silver Kakama I'm also on the hunt for most misprints, so if you have specific ones you're selling let me know and I'd be interested in potentially paying money for them. But hey, you didn't come to someone else's B/S/T topic to sell things, did you? Thanks for your interest, and good luck on your quest to Find the Power.
  3. i actually scraped the slizer/roborider images when i got the bionicle ones for bmp. unfortunately a lot of them suck, but a few are comparable to the bionicle images. here's a download: https://mega.nz/file/No5gUZhQ#97S6yenoIq0ufd5AGs_PisKS3VSu0N9y9KqdvBxC8As i'd love to get a look at what you have on your CDs if its ever possible! i had to manually recreate a lot of the graphics in my recreation of the 2001 site, but having some reference like this might help with accuracy.
  4. thank you!! im happy for anyone to get some use out of it. it's got listed all the scans i'm aware of for Adventures, too - probably the same ones you've seen on brickipedia, though. those two comics were contributed to bmp by PANGOLIN_2, who only scanned them specifically. iirc he didnt have a setup ideal for scanning, but wanted to contribute those since theyre fairly significant from a bionicle perspective.
  5. good thing i decided to poke back in on the site today. this archive is still on bmp's server, just not linked on the site presently. i have a directory of lego mag scans (mine and other's) that ive found online, here on my site: https://emilyinternet.zone/realm/scans.html. you can find everything there. enjoy!
  6. I didn't want to revive the thread since it's been a few years now, and it's closed to comments on YouTube; but I just watched your Water Pressure animation a couple of days ago, and I hope you don't mind me dropping by to say I thought it was absolutely FANTASTIC!

    I love that you gave Kotu a chance to shine - her being a prankster was never shown in canon, despite being part of her official bio, so it's great to see that trait brought to the focus - and her dynamic with Maku was just perfect; Gali was super-relatable; and that animation, wow! It was like being back in classic MNOG, but even better. It felt like such a fresh look at the characters, while at the same time feeling perfectly in-tune with the nature of early story material; really, really fantastic work!

    On a minor note, also loved that my favourite minor Matoran, Marka, got her moments of screentime, too :D

    1. emily


      Thanks for your kind words, and for taking the time to track down a way you could get in touch! I'm always really happy to hear when people like how i interpreted these characters, i really tried to take what was there in the source material and take it in a new direction. cheers!

  7. we've got most of the guides on bmp! https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/story/books/guides/
  8. He was found by somebody in Vahkiti's discord server via this video he narrates and is credited in (https://youtu.be/Yy8YThhaAxg). Not sure who exactly it was that made the discovery, since I myself learned about it second-hand! Just a couple months later I came across a documentary on Netflix he narrates - though unfortunately I can't remember now what it was about.
  9. https://voicemedia.tv/en/audios/audio-download/
  10. Your grasshopper profile picture is so adorable!

    1. emily


      Thank you!

  11. cute site! reminds me of some sites folks would make back in the day. yours is very expansive!
  12. Hey folks, just a heads up, bmp already has a working archive of these going. they keep adding more for sale so ive been maintaining it, this whole thing goes back several years at this point. bmp's download isnt very up-to-date atm, but i'll upload all the most recent boards soon since there's some active interest.
  13. minor but important distinction; greg said those are kraata, not rahkshi. which didnt make much sense to me either, until just recently when these mask of light storyboards came up (https://www.ebay.com/itm/LEGO-Bionicle-Storyboard-Copies-by-MIKE-VOSBURG-133-Pages-2002-Domes-of-Doom/114279737078) that establish the kraata were envisioned as being formed from protodermis after all. that doesnt totally address your concerns with the time jump, but i think the bionicle team wasn't envisioning such a gap between the nuva and mask of light, considering the kal were such a last-minute addition.
  14. to clarify on the end of there being a planned makuta fight for Rebuilt: thats something that the Litestone folks are planning to add into it, since Rebuilt is their mod. Its less obvious and more difficult to get to but there are also releases that are pure bugfixes of the two leaked lomn builds, and those'll naturally never have a makuta fight.
  15. For what it's worth, I believe this had nothing to do with the actual lomn script - instead, it would've been a faux 'script' describing a scene related to that pic, created just for this purpose.
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